
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Milani Fresh Teal & Blog Award

Today I want to show you Milani Neon Fresh Teal!

This is a true bright teal creme. I love this color. I have to tell you I've been re-discovering my love for cooler colors. Before blogging I had convinced myself these colors do not look good on me. I have so many in my collection but I allowed a few failed colors to change my view on similar colors. Shame on me, I was missing out big time. I really like this color on me. I think teals and turquoises are flattering on most skintones. I'll be giving away a bottle of this color in my summer giveaway!

This is the only Milani Neon I've tried and I'm impressed so far? Anyone have this color or recommend some others in the neon line?

Yesterday I was tagged by both Lacquerware for Tips and Toes,polish insomniac, & The Phalanges Files for the sweet blog award!! Wow! Thank you so much!

Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.

visions in color
Gold Dusk
Frazzle and Aniploish
Libby's Pink Vanity
War Paint
Bec's Beauty Buzz
Art: my way

It's very hard to pick just 10!!! :(

Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.

Put the award on your blog.

Let your nominated 10 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment.


  1. Aw, thanks for the award. I need to finish my afternoon work project before I can do an entry about it--yes, work interferes with my blogging but it does give me money to buy nail polish. :)

    The only Milani neon I have is Rad Purple--which isn't very neon but is a lovely plummy jelly. I might have to pick up the Fresh Teal the next time Milanis go on sale.

  2. i looooooooove this color.. sadly i dont have a color like this, i am on a hunt for this color... unfortunately there aren't many brands imported to my country :(

  3. Thanks for the award! I'm honored. :)
    Can I tell you that teal looks good on you? Yes, it does.

  4. wow thanks so much for the award! and that teal looks great on you! I have Dude Blue from the neon collection, but I haven't tried it yet. It looks like a fun blue though

  5. Glad you all like this color too!

    Kimberly & Tanya- You're welcome for the blog award :)

  6. haha i had to return the favor...please accept another sweet blog award! i'm new to blogger but from the beginning i've really enjoyed your blog and you have been so nice to me :)

    i mentioned you and your giveaway here

  7. i went a little crazy and bought ALL the milani neons on the last bogo sale at kmart! the purple one is the best. skip the yellow!

  8. Great color on you! You are correct to be trying all of those colors youthought yo couldn't wear - because you can wear them. :)


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