
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Reds!!!

I think reds sometimes get a bad rap in the nail polish world. I can understand why, there are many reds created that are not that interesting or unique. However, there are also plenty of amazing reds out there that are staples in many peoples nail stashes (i.e. China Glaze Ruby Pumps). Reds to me never screamed out to be a summer color, but there are many reds out there that are perfect for summer. I'm going just post a few I think would look hot this season.

Wet n' Wild Red Tape

This definitely the most "red" polish I'll be posting today. It is a bright warm red creme. It is definitely a stand out color.

Rimmel Hot Rock

This is a red-orange jelly-like color with gold glass fleck glitter throughout. This is a very shimmery red.

China Glaze Mediterranean Charm

This is a bright pink-toned red creme. This is probably my go-to polish. It isn't my favorite, but it is that color I go to when I'm not sure what I want to wear. I think it goes great with anything.

Zoya Elke

-Drools- Elke is a pink-toned red with gold shimmer throughout. This is probably my favorite nail polish of all time tied with China Glaze Strawberry Fields. I can see why this looks like a red version of Strawberry Fields. This color is stunning! I wish Zoya would rename this color Stephanie instead of their current Stephanie which is pale sheer color :P.

Off topic side note: Have you all noticed there are A LOT of nail bloggers named Stephanie? I've come across a ton since blogging!

That's all for today. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. I see the name Brooke often too.

    The Rimmel one is my favorite. But I'm having a love-fest with sparkles lately. Wait...who am I kidding? I've ALWAYS loved sparkles!

    Great review, Steph.

  2. Thanks for the compliment! I don't think there will ever be a time where I will not be having a love-fest with sparkles either!

  3. bleh, zoya danielle is a light boring color as well D: oh well.

  4. the first one is totally look like a red chilli!! sooooo hot!! hehehe


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