Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm a Barbie Girl!- China Glaze Rich & Famous

No, just no. I am definitely not a Barbie girl in any sense. I won't continue that song that plagued my youth. However, today's color definitely reminds me of that perfect Barbie Pink. I actually don't have many issues with Barbie, just that ridiculous song!

China Glaze- Rich & Famous

Rich & Famous is a cool toned pink creme. As you can see my bottle is in rough shape. This polish has gotten a lot of use out of it that I was completely not conciously aware of. I really like this color, but I guess I like it more than I thought because compared to other bottles this is about 1/3 empty. It's a great creme color. I think it is just one of those staple creme colors that can work with anything.

This color reminds me exactly of the color of those Barbie clothes cases from the late 80's early 90's and Barbie cars. I never had those cases and cars, but my best friend did. I was SO jealous of my friend. She had storage boxes full of Barbie clothes. She had multiple cases, Barbies, and she even had that awesome Barbie McDonalds set that came with the drive-thru window. I spent a lot of time playing at my friends house! She also had cool nail polish too, this was before I was into it, but I remember she had a nice stash!!

I don't really have any nail polish related question for you today, but how about a Barbie one?

Did you like Barbies growing up or other dolls? Were you a girly girl?

I liked Barbies growing up, but I hated other dolls especially baby dolls. I wouldn't say I was a girly girl but I wasn't a tomboy either. I was in the middle!

Have a great Friday!