
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pure Ice French Kiss

My last Pure Ice post seemed to draw a lot of attention, so I figured I'd share another with you. I like Pure Ice for the most part. I think they have a unique range of colors and for a great price $2. However, some of their polishes are hit and miss formula wise. This color though is definitely a winner!

French Kiss

French Kiss is a royal blue creme.

This a beautiful shade. The formula is excellent on this polish. You could get away with one coat if you wanted to, but I always do two. I don't think of blue when I think of "French Kiss", but who cares the color is great. I'm noticing a lot of brands releasing blue cremes, but for over $5. I think this a great alternative to those pricier shades. It's a great blue not too bright nor is it not too dark. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think this would be a universal flattering shade.

The downside is you can only find these at Walmart. I have to admit Walmart is far from my favorite place shop. I have no problem with the store itself, it is just the Walmarts near me are always crowded and it takes ages to get through the checkout lanes. I always feel rushed to shop there for some reason. I like to have some peace and quiet when shopping for nail polish. Regardless, I think it's worth the insanity and long checkout lines for a good cheap nail polish!

Do you have some Pure Ice favorites? Do you have similar shopping experiences at Walmart or is it just me?

Have a nice Sunday!


  1. i admit i buy pure ice but only for other people!

  2. I have only one Pure Ice that I blogged about some days back. I like the brand. As far as Walmart, sigh...I go. It's a place that's easy on the budget. And I always fear I'll end up on ;p

  3. You know, I've never owned any Pure Ice. I kind of tend to avoid Walmart like the plague, haha.

  4. I feel the exact same way as you in walmart..I also feel that way in all big box stores. I guess big store + lots of people. I get really overwhelmed.

  5. I have been searching (in vain might I add) for a killer blue creme for ages. There is no blue creme love with the Aussie Brands. That makes me sad. So maybe I will have to order up on the US polishes again. Any excuse will do me.
    BTW - the colour is stunning on you Steph. An your nail shape is really awesome at the mo.



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