
Monday, July 5, 2010

Chanel Paradoxal Rant!

Last week my poll question was "How much are you willing to spend on a bottle of nail polish?"

Here were the results...
under $5: 20%
$5-$10: 61%
$10-$20: 19%
20+: 0%

If you're new to my blog you may not know, but on this blog I won't review anything over $10. That's just my nail polish philosophy. The reason I love nail polish so much as a hobby is because you don't need to spend a lot to enjoy great nail polish. As we all know there are star polishes from even the cheapest of brands. One reason I started this blog was to show others who want to save money how they can find or create affordable nail products.

I'd have to say the most I'm willing to spend on a nail polish is exactly $10, but that is a rarity. I may do that few times a year. I have 3 BB Couture polishes I spent around $9 on. That's the most I personally spent. On average I usually won't spend more than $4 on nail polish. If it's more than $4 I usually cringe and will only buy if I have some sort of coupon.

I have to admit I had a bit of a reason for posting that poll question this week. I wanted to test the waters before I made a bit of rant over the hype of Chanel Paradoxal. Since no one voted they'd spend more than 20+ I feel a bit more comfortable about being a little more opinionated.

Note: These are purely my opinions. If you want to buy something go for it! I just want to throw out there how I feel about something. I don't want to cause division or conflict in the nail community, but when I have a strong opinion on something I feel I should share.

I don't get the hype around Chanel Paradoxal (Photos from All Lacquered Up). This nail polish is $23! There are some great polishes out there that really speak to me that are over $10. I love many Nfu-Oh flakies and Lippmann heavily packed crazy shaped glitters. I can justify people wanting to spend the extra $$$ for those.

My main complaint with Paradoxal is that sure it looks like unique color with some shimmer, but that does not look like something that you couldn't easily franken or find a similar color of for cheaper. Nfu-Oh flakies or the glitter Lippmanns would be impossible to find dupes of and very difficult to franken with those unique glitters.

$23 is a lot of money especially to me as college student, but even if I had that to spare I'd want to spend on more than 1 bottle of polish especially in Paradoxal's case. It makes me wonder if Paradoxal being the same exact color that it is would have the same amount of hype if it were a Wet n Wild polish or Revlon polish? I wonder if the hype is around the brand name "Chanel" itself. I've heard a few nail blogger comment that quality of the polish isn't that great either? I just don't know if the hype about it is clouded some peoples judgment where they feel the NEED this polish rather than it being some they genuinely want and like.

I honestly don't get it. If this polish speaks to you and you want to spend money on it go for it. I don't want anyone to think I think badly of you because of that or anything. Like, I said I am also tempted by some more expensive brands. I really just don't understand it with Paradoxal. It's like when you're around a group of people and everyone is in on some inside joke and you're the one sitting outside really confused. That's how I feel is there something I'm completely missing that everyone else is getting? I just hope I'm not the only one out there who feels this way! :P

So, in exchange for my whining about this I'm going to take on mission. I don't think it's fair for me to complain and rant about this with out actually testing out my theory. I'm going take on the mission to make a franken as close to Chanel Paradoxal as possible for under $10 OR find a near dupe alternative. It may not be an exact dupe, but I will try to make it so it would be equally as appealing as this Chanel. I will have this mission completed in the next few weeks. Be on the look out for it!

How much is the most you'd spend on a bottle of nail polish? What are your thoughts on Chanel Paradoxal?

All opinions are welcome just because I don't care for something shouldn't make you feel like you can't express your opinions. I want to hear all sides of the story! I also want to make known that I'm not saying polishes that are at a higher cost are not worth purchasing. I just personally don't think Paradoxal is one of those in my opinion.

Sorry I didn't have any pretty pictures today :(

Happy Monday!


  1. I just got a polish for £16.50. That's $24.95. It was a present yesterday from my OH. I wouldn't spend that much myself. And not on Paradoxal.

    MOSTLY because this kind of hype sends me into reverse and so I wouldn't buy it for a tenth of the price because I don't want to feel like I'm a sheep. I'm not going to buy it just because everyone else is. I'd rather buy something more unusual that not everyone is wearing. I hate feeling I'm just another idiot who got sucked in - so I don't.

    Paradoxal isn't that great and there will be dupes. I wouldn't know Particuliere if it knocked on my door. Why did anyone ever bother to buy THAT? There are so many dupes.

    Mints and greiges and taupes did have a certain novelty but Paradoxal is just so-so. Not interested.

    I pay happily for BB Couture because they are unusual polishes and I like to think I'm supporting a women-friendly small business.

  2. You go girl. I could never justify spending that amount on a polish for myself. I would feel really bad about it.
    The most I have ever spent on a polish is 12 euro. (I think around $14) It was an O.P.I and I love it, but I do think the price is ridiculous. It's my only O.P.I and the price of the polishes here keeps me from buying more.
    I usually spend around 3 euro ($5) for a polish. I am on a fixed income and I can't just spend alot on nail polish. Thanks for the great rant.

  3. Honestly, I totally agree. I really can't see what's so special about Paradoxal. I mean, sure, it's pretty, but there have been prettier polishes. I have to admit, I do have one Chanel, Jade Rose, but it's pretty underwhelming. It's a lovely color, yes, but the formula sucks. I can't imagine spending that much on a polish ever again.

    And you know drugstore polish brands are going to release something almost identical to Paradoxal soon, since they all did the same thing when Jade was so popular. They know people want the color, and they know people will pay money for it, so they're going to try to dupe it. It's kind of funny, really.

  4. I agree with your view about the "overhyping" polishes or generally things...
    to me personaly, paradoxal is a "poopy" color. I've expected more because the promotion pictures were really promising and more purple than brown-taupe. also the reviews say that the purple shimmer is mostly just visible when the sun directly shines on it. oh well, money saved for other well deserved brands.

    I have to say, the most i've spent on varnish is ~23€ (~28$) for diors rose boreal and its worth every cent. layering with it is probably the most fun ^^

  5. I thought this over, and here is what I think:

    When I first started buying nail polish, I would have agreed with you. But lately I have been so bored with what has come out. For example, I could buy 12 of those confetti polishes from cvs for what o spent on Paradoxal. But I won't! Because when I went to CVS I honestly didn't want any of them. All the ones that I liked I seem to already have dupes for. I am honestly getting overwhelmed by my untrieds anyways, so I am slowing down on accumulating more.

    Also, if I spend double digits on a polish and I don't like it, o het my money back or send it to someone else who really wants it but doesn't have access to it. For example, everyone went crazy over Nars purple rain. I waited and waited, finally caved when sephora got it in stock, swatched on one nail, and returned it. Nouvelle Vogue I thought I just had to have, but was disappointmented by how similar it was to For Audrey & Gumdrop. So I sold it to an mua'er in Canada. I didn't make a single penny of it but I did make someone else happy.

  6. If the color is exceptional I don't mind spending that much I guess.

    The most I've spent on a polish was probably $25 for OPI Creme de Menthe. I haven't regretted it at all though cause I really really wanted it and thought about buying it for ages.

    Sometimes I get sucked into the hype of a new polish but I think I'm being more picky now cause I know there will be cheaper dupes available. Paradoxal is pretty color but I'm not going crazy about it.

  7. Thanks for speaking up...I've seen the swatches and I just don't get it (I didn't get Particuliere, either). It's not just the price, it's the color, too - it just does not appeal.

    The most I've spent on a bottle of polish is $9, and believe me, I'm still feeling guilty about that. And the only reason I did that is that the colors (yeah, I did it twice!) were unique and specific and grabbed me like no other.

    I won't say I'll never spend over $10 on a bottle, but it's going to have to be something exceptional and amazing and grab my imagination and not let go. So far, nothing has.

  8. I definitely understand where you are coming from. I didn't understand the high prices for some polishes either.

    But I think different brands have different qualities. I don't *like* spending double digits for a polish, but I don't mind if it's something unique. I didn't mind dishing out $18 for RBL Scrangie or Paradoxal.

    The thing is - you have to really love the color. Look at tons of swatches before you make the purchase. If it's a color you really really want, then it's okay, sort of. I absolutely adore Paradoxal, and it's probably my 2nd fav polish right now. But Chanel is inconsistent. Nouvelle Vague was horrible.

    That said, I think some inexpensive brands have great color ranges and are great polishes. China Glaze is a fantastic brand that is affordable. I was very displeased with CVS' Confetti though. So its really just up to the individual.

  9. jaljen- I'm like you anything there is a lot of hype over I have the opposite effect. I could understand if this color didn't seem so average to me, but it doesn't seem that special. I totally agree with BB Couture polishes too they're very unique and special totally worth it!

    Steffie- I agree. I personally can't justify spending more than $10 on a polish with my budget, but buying something special once in while seems fine to me. I know eventually I may treat myself to one of those Lippmanns or Nfu-Oh's I really want.

    Jean- That's my main issue with Paradoxal I just don't see it has special enough to justify that price. I'd find it understandable if it was one of those colors that was truly unique and very hard to dupe. I think the hype has people a bit blinded :P.

    amused- Yeah that's my issue with it too. In my eyes it doesn't look special enough to warrant that price tag. That's cool with the Dior if it's something special to you and you love it go for it!

    Jbrobeck- I totally agree with you. I definitely don't think you should just buy a bunch of polish because it's cheaper. If you don't see anything you like and Paradoxal is what you want that's cool. My worry is that the hype has clouded peoples judgment on if it's something they really want or it's something they feel they need b/c of all the talk.

    Tropical- I agree it's the price & the color, everything about it doesn't make sense to me at least for all the hype it is getting. I have the same sentiment I probably wouldn't review an over $10 nail polish on here, but if there was ever one that really caught my eye I may spend the extra money on as a special treat, but like you nothing has excited me enough to do that.

    Emily- Right, I agree. I think if you're someone who doesn't like spending a lot and wants to maybe go out and purchase a more expensive polish you should definitely do your research first! Like I said above to Jbrobeck. My worry with the Paradoxal is that some people are getting caught up in the hype of it rather than it being something genuinely want.

  10. I rarely spend more than $10... the last "expnesive" n.p I picked up was $9.99 on sale from $11.99 (it was one of the colour changing ones from Del Sol)I will only splurge if it is a really rare colour or I think I REALLY need it.

    Annd... you have been awarded the Sunshine Award! Congrats :D

  11. $23 for a bottle of polish is pretty hard to swallow. I recently bought Hidden Treasure for $22 including shipping and cringed but I also know it's near impossible to find and very unique. I'm interested to see what your dupe looks like!

  12. Bailey- Ooh those Del-Sol's are worth the extra money how can you go wrong with color changing polish!! I feel the same I really have to be set on color and have had to put thought into before I purchase if it's something more expensive

    Freshie- Oh my goodness! I really wish you didn't do that or I had known you before I have an extra bottle around I would of glady swapped with you. That stinks! :(

  13. You are paying for the brand name as much as the color. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Personally I buy polish for the ingredients. I don't buy cheap ones with formaldehyde. I'd rather spend more, have less, and have better quality.

    With Chanel, I bought my mom their perfume every year for Christmas because of the name. She gets to brag a bit. I'm sure there is just as good perfume in other brands but it wouldn't be the same.

    I think it's cool you make your own polish. That's something I wouldn't want to do. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  14. If a colour were exceptionally beautiful and spoke to me on a deep level, (Illamasqua Propaganda *swoon!!*) were available in my area and I had the funds, sure, I would buy it. But I won't buy a polish just because it has a designer name.

    I have seen a lot of swatches of this shade on the blogs and while it is pretty, it doesn't strike me as exceptional. I could be very wrong, here, since I haven't personally used it. There are a lot of lovely, very similar colours out there for far more affordable prices so I will pass on it.

  15. The most I've ever spent on a single polish was...$11-something. They were Nfu-Oh, and I bought them during that month-long sale fabolous street was having. And even then, I was cringing, because I feel like anything above $10 is too much for me to be spending on nail polish. I'm very comfortable buying anything under $3, $5 makes me start to fidget, and anything above that makes me grumble. I can't imagine buying Chanel. And I thank the good Lord that I've never experienced a lemming for anything Chanel, including Illusion D'or and Paradoxal.

    Although I heard that Nars Zulu is being re-released this fall, and I already know I'm going to buy the stupid thing. I've loved Zulu from the first moment I laid eyes upon it. :(

  16. I would probably spend $25 on a rare lacquer or one that totally wowed me and I knew there wouldn't/couldn't be a dupe of it.

    I'm not ever one to get caught up in hype. As a matter of fact, I always wait for the hoopla to blow over and then I decide if I'm genuinely interested in something. That has been a signature of mine since I was young.

    As for this lacquer, I think its subjective as some people are to die for it while I simply say "meh". Now, for me, I genuinely adore Chanel Illusion D'Or and would pop for it if the timing and finances were right. So its all in the eye of the beholder. :P

  17. Take two, lol. First, its always been my M.O. to wait until all the hoopla for anything has blown over, then I methodically decide if I want it or not. Second, I think this whole Chanel Pardoxal is subjective. Some people love the line or love purchasing something not because of the price but because they find it special to them. I get that. For me, its just a 'meh' lacquer that I won't be spending $$ on. For three (or if I was ina Chevy Chase movie I'd say) C: I still love going to all the blogs and hearing what others have to say about it and I still love seeing ALL lacquers out there, even if they aren't for me. I just tend to view everything with a grain of salt cuz what totally rocks one person's world probably won't rock mine, and thats very okay with me.

  18. My most expensive? Hidden Treasure for $8.00, and it hurt! I'm so glad I love it though, or I would have been really upset. I don't get the hype either - over any of the recent Chanels (especially the gold sparkle topcoat - can't remember what it's called, but totally dupe-able). I think you said what many of us are thinking! Looking forward to seeing your franken-dupe. Maybe we should all take this challenge - make a dupe. Wait, that won't work if we don't even like the color in the first place!
    I'm like ChaosButterfly - $3.00 and below is okay. Past that and the color better be great!

  19. After looking at various swatches of Paradoxal to help make up my mind, I have to say, that colour is amazing! So interesting and unique! And purple. I can't resist purples. But for $40+ AUD, I definitely will not be buying it. I won't even look at it in real life. I'll just admire it from a distance on blogs. :(

    My mum and I are very big fans of cheap, small brand nail polishes. We have a similar motto to you and just can't justify buying colours that are over $5 unless they're really really really pretty. We love to scout everywhere for unknown Aussie brands that won't burn holes in our pockets. In fact, I think from our combined haul, there are only a few colours over $2-3 dollars. Especially since nail polish prices seem to completely explode on route to Australia. :(

  20. :( Stardust, I definitely should of put a call out but I start to get all antsy and don't always do my research when I want something! I'm definitely on a polish HOLD until the next paycheck between my Zoya's & Hidden Treasure.

  21. I'm pretty new to your blog but I felt I had to chime in on this.
    In the nail polish department I'm about the same way. I feel there are so many really good colors that are inexpensive that paying more than even $6 for a color, unless you absolutely have to have it, is a bit much. And I'm pretty sure that if you look enough you can find a good, inexpensive nail polish that can be a stand in.
    I definitely understand how names can make a person biased, but there should be a time when people stand back a little and realize maybe it's not that fantastic just because some line says it is.
    Your rant is completely justified. I feel the same way whenever I see a nail polish everyone must have that costs more than $15.

  22. I've spent double and triple digits on polish before. Sometimes I get lucky at dustys and find what I really want, but if the only way to get something I desperately want is to go to ebay, well then, I'm not too proud to pay through the nose lol. Its entirely subjective, and to each his own. I know plenty of people who balk at drugstore prices of 5$ for polish, and I know women who don't bat an eye at paying 60+ $ for la boheme on ebay. I'm the kind of person, if a color really appeals to me, and I can't get it without paying a godawful amount, then I'll just scrimp and save the money and get it.

  23. I generally won't pay more than $5 a bottle. The only exception is for colours that are really unique and gorgeous. (SH Hidden Treasure and CG Dorothy Who? have been my two "splurges"). I could never spend $20+ for one bottle, especially when I can get elf nail polish for a buck.

  24. "There are some great polishes out there that really speak to me that are over $10. I love many Nfu-Oh flakies and Lippmann heavily packed crazy shaped glitters. I can justify people wanting to spend the extra $$$ for those."

    Your words sum it up nicely. I have paid for a couple of unique Lippmanns, Nfu-Ohs, RBL Scrangie and even a Illamasqua polish. I don't own any Chanel. Not worth the $$ to me.

  25. Quite frankly, I get upset when I see nail polish over $10...I just don't get it.

  26. I'm on the same mission to create a paradoxal dupe. I think it can be done starting with Models Own, Purple Gray (Check out online swatches) but I can only buy that online and with shipping and handling it would be around ten dollars. It might be worth it if I was buying other polishes from the site but I'm not really interested in them for the price other than Purple Gray. I hope you find success!

    And let me tell you I recently sprung for Lippmann Across the Universe and it is worth every penny.

  27. I had to come along and read this post too, since I hadn't - I'm seriously behind in my dashboard. I don't think you come across unreasonable here. I know there are a lot of folks who LOVE Paradoxal but I've also heard that it had really crap application - I don't love it; and no way I'd drop that much money on something with meh application. That's why I don't buy MAC polishes, I've heard WAY too many complaints about their application and haven't seen any that really appeal to me.
    Now, I have to say that if it's an old school UD polish I might would splurge on that on the bay of evil - I've got three now and they're all superb.
    By the way, I don't know if you follow Nathalie's blog - Jelly Nat - but she's got a really neat blue/grey version of Paradoxal she made by LAYERING. You should see it! I actually like it better than the Chanel.

  28. gotta say Steph, I totally agree with you. I mean, I spend too much on polish, but I'd never shell out that much for one bottle- let alone a mediocre bottle!!!

    So yea, completely agree. Good for you for saying so!


  29. "There are some great polishes out there that really speak to me that are over $10. I love many Nfu-Oh flakies and Lippmann heavily packed crazy shaped glitters. I can justify people wanting to spend the extra $$$ for those."

    Your words sum it up nicely. I have paid for a couple of unique Lippmanns, Nfu-Ohs, RBL Scrangie and even a Illamasqua polish. I don't own any Chanel. Not worth the $$ to me.

  30. Quite frankly, I get upset when I see nail polish over $10...I just don't get it.

  31. I'm pretty new to your blog but I felt I had to chime in on this.
    In the nail polish department I'm about the same way. I feel there are so many really good colors that are inexpensive that paying more than even $6 for a color, unless you absolutely have to have it, is a bit much. And I'm pretty sure that if you look enough you can find a good, inexpensive nail polish that can be a stand in.
    I definitely understand how names can make a person biased, but there should be a time when people stand back a little and realize maybe it's not that fantastic just because some line says it is.
    Your rant is completely justified. I feel the same way whenever I see a nail polish everyone must have that costs more than $15.

  32. jaljen- I'm like you anything there is a lot of hype over I have the opposite effect. I could understand if this color didn't seem so average to me, but it doesn't seem that special. I totally agree with BB Couture polishes too they're very unique and special totally worth it!

    Steffie- I agree. I personally can't justify spending more than $10 on a polish with my budget, but buying something special once in while seems fine to me. I know eventually I may treat myself to one of those Lippmanns or Nfu-Oh's I really want.

    Jean- That's my main issue with Paradoxal I just don't see it has special enough to justify that price. I'd find it understandable if it was one of those colors that was truly unique and very hard to dupe. I think the hype has people a bit blinded :P.

    amused- Yeah that's my issue with it too. In my eyes it doesn't look special enough to warrant that price tag. That's cool with the Dior if it's something special to you and you love it go for it!

    Jbrobeck- I totally agree with you. I definitely don't think you should just buy a bunch of polish because it's cheaper. If you don't see anything you like and Paradoxal is what you want that's cool. My worry is that the hype has clouded peoples judgment on if it's something they really want or it's something they feel they need b/c of all the talk.

    Tropical- I agree it's the price & the color, everything about it doesn't make sense to me at least for all the hype it is getting. I have the same sentiment I probably wouldn't review an over $10 nail polish on here, but if there was ever one that really caught my eye I may spend the extra money on as a special treat, but like you nothing has excited me enough to do that.

    Emily- Right, I agree. I think if you're someone who doesn't like spending a lot and wants to maybe go out and purchase a more expensive polish you should definitely do your research first! Like I said above to Jbrobeck. My worry with the Paradoxal is that some people are getting caught up in the hype of it rather than it being something genuinely want.


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.