
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Icing Hot Pants

I really do not recommend wearing the real hot pants out in public. It's definitely not the most appropriate attire and probably doesn't attract positive attention! However, Icing Hot Pants I definitely recommend wearing out in public. Before I started this blog I was convinced blues and greens do not work on me no matter the shade or the finish. I was so very wrong and I'm glad. Blues have become one of my favorite colors to wear!

Hot Pants is I'd say an almost periwinkle blue shimmer. It definitely leads more to the blue side than purple. This one is gorgeous! I actually don't think I'm aware of any colors like this out there currently. There are plenty of cremes and glitters, but this shade with shimmer I haven't seen. This one is definitely more amazing on the nails in the bottle. I actually bought this on a whim. Icing was having their BOGO 50% cosmetics sale. I bought something I wanted and was looking for something else for the 50% off. I've become so much more picky since collecting nail polish that when I'm just looking for something in general it takes me forever versus when I know what I'm looking for. I really didn't care for this color much but it was the only one I felt I didn't already have something similar of. I was pleasantly surprised when I put this on at how beautiful and shimmery this color was.

Hmm this has me thinking...

When you go shopping just to find some polishes for fun (nothing specific in mind) does it take you awhile to find something you like? Are you picky about what you buy? or Is it easy for you find something?

Happy Tuesday!


  1. LOvely color on you. I'm glad you branched into more blues and purples. :) When I go to just look for lacquer...if its inexpensive...I select a variety and always try to grab one out of my color range to try. If its expensive, I'm very selective and I have to really want it and be able to tell myself why. :)

  2. That's a beautiful blue on you. I can find colors pretty easy but I have a hard time remembering if I have similar colors or not. I was gonna get a light purple today but couldn't remember if I had something similar.

  3. I usually find lots of colours I like, but when it comes to narrowing it down to buying just a couple it gets tough. I'll either have something similar or I'll think I can find a similar colour that's a bit better. That blue is gorgeous.

  4. That is pretty. I don't have a shimmery blue like that in my collection.

    Its pretty easy for me to find a polish I like. The problem for me is deciding which one..I try not to spend too much money on polish.

  5. Steph! The color looks AWESOME! I wish there was an Icing near me so I could pick up their bottles :(. How much do they retail per bottle anyways, just curious.

  6. I can't believe how great that color looks on you! You really have great taste!!!!

  7. Very pretty on you! Since I started getting into polishes a few months back and my eyes have been opened about what's out there I've become extremely picky!!! Even if the polish is cheap I won't buy it unless I love it. I guess I don't want my stash to be full of polishes I don't love.

  8. Lacquerware- I'm so picky when it's inexpensive stuff. I think it's because I have so many and with some of drugstore brands you run the risk of selecting a color you already have.

    Enamel Girl- Yes! This is my problem too. I hate ending up with a color that is similar to one I already have.

    Michelle- I understand. I've been in that situation too. It can be frustrating!

    Serena- I'm like you, I don't want to spend much either so it makes it more challenging to shop. If you're going to spend money you want to make sure it's on something good!

    necessary nails- I believe they are around $4.25-$4.50 something around that range. They usually always have some BOGO 50% off though.

    Anonymous- Thank you!

    Millie- Exactly! When I first got into polish I was buying anything and everything, now I'm so picky. Like you, I won't reach for a polish just because it's cheap. I prefer buying cheaper polish, but I'm not going to get some ordinary color just because of it. :P


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