
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Maybelline Tutu Tango....?

 Reminder: You have one more week to enter my giveaway!

There are many things in this world I cannot do, but one of them that I really wish I could do is dance. I really can't dance to save my life. I think I look like a dying turkey dancing. I actually think a dying turkey would be a better dancer. :P It's not that I don't have rhythm it's I just don't know how to dance!

 Whenever I see dancers I'm always so impressed. They make everything seem so effortless, but I know it's definitely not. You have to be on the right count etc. I love Latin inspired dances! I've always thought dancing would be fun and a great way to exercise. I get very bored with the standard ways to exercise. I have to change things up or have some new scenery or else I'd never do anything. Maybe I should find some dance exercise DVDs and try them out?  It would be in the privacy of my own home and I wouldn't have to worry about people thinking I look like a dying turkey! :P Gobble gobbllleeeeeeeeeebleeeeeeeee -splat-

Anyways in honor of dancing here is Maybelline Tutu Tango
Tutu Tango is a warm cotton candy pink with gold shimmer throughout. My favorite 2 words there gold shimmer! This color definitely is way more appealing on the nail than in the bottle. I never wanted to try it, but I'm glad I did the amount of shimmer is a nice surprise! I found this at Dollar Tree with some luck. My Dollar Trees never have anything good nail wise. They usually only have multiple bottles of the same color. Thankfully I went on a day that had well multiple bottles of 2 colors! Hehe

I hope you all have a great day today! I'm going to head to the flea market and hopefully find some nail polish. I'm not 100% sure they seem to overcharge you for the good ones. Perhaps if I subject them to my dancing skills they'll give some to me for free to get me away? :P

Happy Sunday!


  1. I love the pink and gold shimmer combo ~ dance DVDs are the best (in the privacy of your own home). I won't even let my husband watch because sometimes they make you do ridiculous things =)

  2. Very unusual color and can't beat the price, ya? I think it looks great on you. :)

  3. Going to see if this is on ebay. Nice.

  4. You are so right about the dollar stores lately. This polish would have been one I would have taken a chance on too. Wow! The outcome is gorgeous. I rarely do corals or peach colors; they just don't look good on me. However, because of the gold shimmer, now that's something I can do!

    Have fun at the flea market. I wanted to go yesterday, but you know, it was just too stinkin' hot!

  5. THis isn't a bad colour! Very unique, I'd love to see it in real life though, before judging it.

  6. Your dying turkey dancing skills come directly from your father........ME. Love the blog,Dad

  7. I think I have this color but it's an untried.

    I love to dance, especially with my girls :)

  8. This is so pretty! Gold shimmer really does make everything better.

  9. That looks lovely on you. I love that combo of pink and gold, it is very feminine.


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