
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Some New Sally Hansen HDs!

 This is a very belated post. I meant to post these earlier but it slipped my mind! I'm going to post some of the new Sally Hansen HDs I bought!

I debated buying these for awhile, they aren't exactly cheapest of the Sally Hansen brand, but they did have some very special qualities like duochrome and some amazing shimmer. I ended buying these while I had a coupon so it wasn't too bad
 DVD is light  blue-violet with  blue/purple glass fleck and duochrome. This is a beautiful color. I love shades that change depending on the light you are in. The only issue with this one is it is VERY sheer it takes a lot of coats to achieve opacity, but I'm sure this would also look great layered over other colors.

 Wavelength is a coral-pink with pink/gold glass fleck and duochrome. This is a very pretty golden coral shade. It's not the most exciting of the collection, but it is nice. I think this would look even better layered over something.


Laser has to be my personal favorite of this collection. It's a deep sapphire blue with dark blue/purple glass fleck and duchrome. It is rich bold color that sparkles. It is also one of those that changes color depending on your light. I love this one!! This one is the least sheer of the colors.

Overall, I do like these. I don't think you need a ton of them. They are in the $5-$7 range depending on where you shop. I would of been happy if I just got Laser, but it's up to you what you like and what you think you really want. I think they're unique and fun colors that are great on their own or for layering, so if you want some go for it!

Do you have any of the new Sally Hansen HDs? What do you think of them? What are your faves?

In other news! I just got back from the dentist. I wanted to thank all of you so much for you all your kind comments to me yesterday. It really means a lot for everyone to be so understanding and caring. I really appreciate it. I'll be back to happier posting and replying to comments now! Dentist was good! It was the best experience I ever had with a dentist before. We even talked about nail polish! My dentist likes Essie Ballet Slippers, she wore it on her wedding day it has been her favorite sense. She didn't find anything really wrong with the tooth bothering me. It had a small cavity on it and she thought since I clench my teeth so bad it may of contributed to the pain. So all in one visit I got a bite guard to wear at night and cavity filled. The only stinker is I need to get my wisdom teeth removed within the next 6 months. Blech. Oh well at least you're pretty knocked out for that? I'm just relieved all is well for now and I found a really great dentist. So, again thank you all for your support. :)

Happy Thursday!


  1. These colors are awesome. Love them.

  2. I need to get my wisdom teeth out too and I've been putting it off. I definitely need to do it by the end of the year though. Not looking forward to it!

  3. Laser is the best! It's the only one I bought from the collection bcause it was on the pricier drugstore level - I had been eyeing the goldish/yellow but don't remember the name. Thanks for the review!

  4. Jeweled Thumb- Ugh I hear you..I don't think it is ever as bad as we think it will be. It's better to get it done though.

    Freshie- Laser is my favorite too! I have soft spot for rich blues! The yellow appealed to me a bit too I may have to look at it again.

  5. Laser is so pretty! I don't own any polish from the collection since it's not available here in the Philippines. Goodluck with the wisdom teeth removal! :D

  6. Glad things went good at the dentist :)

  7. I had only two wisdom teeth and they were both on the left side. I had great insurance at the time and just got it done. My dentist knocked me out for it and it was a piece of cake. Just don't suck on a straw...I ended up with a dry socket. NOT good!

    You have made these HD's look grand. I did Pixel Pretty tonight and I don't like it at all. Thin and watery. I don't remember the other one I did (can't remember which color though) being that way. Oh well.

  8. Wow, what an awesome sounding dentist! I like those new HDs, they're very pretty and I'd love to see more from that collection.

  9. Mia & Twister- Thank you!

    Kimberly- Ugh yeah I've done some reading on dry socket. I think when I have it done my parents will come in town so I have some extra hands to help me out. I'm such a baby! Was Pixel Pretty part of the first HD collection? Those colors were pretty sheer

    Joan- Yes she was awesome. I am so thankful. My previous dentist wasn't very warm or friendly at all. :( I'm considering maybe getting the green and yellow from that collection so you may see some more. No promises though!

  10. I think I am going to use it for Babling Brooke's fruit challenge,it's saying juicy "pineapple."

  11. I hated the yellow on me - and I wanted to love it! Maybe I'll try it layered over something....


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