Friday, July 16, 2010

Who are my fellow lefties?

 Reminder: You have 2 more days to enter my giveaway!

Last weeks poll was all about what is your dominant hand. I left out ambidextrous because one I was too lazy to spell it and I really was looking for what hand you use the most.

Here are the results....

Right Handed- 80%
Left Handed- 19%

I'm obviously not shocked that right handed takes the win. I am lefty! I have the curse of the smudged handwriting and the ink stains on my left hand, but other than that I love being a lefty. I always felt special because I was usually the only lefty growing up in classes. The reason I asked this was mainly out of curiousity, but got me thinking another question I'll ask later on!

To keep this post from being boring full of writing I'll share with you Sinful Colors Vacation Time. I got this from a blog sale awhile ago by polish insomniac!
Vacation Time is a nude-pink. I'm getting into more nudes now and I really like this color. It has a hint of pink that I like. At first I was confused as to why they named this "Vacation Time". I'd expect a color like this to be bright and full of color, but I get it now. Vacation Time is visual representation of how I like to spend my vacation low key and relaxed!

I'm dying for a trip to the Central Coast of California right now. Anyone in CA familiar with Cambria, CA? It's close to San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay. My parents and I used to visit there every year up until I went to college. It's a beautiful small town right on the ocean with pines and beautiful mountains surrounding it. I'd say it doesn't usually get over the mid-70's in summer and at night you can see every star in the sky. It's so peaceful. I used to hate going there as a kid because I found it boring, but I crave it now! That being said I look forward to the upcoming weeks. My birthday is Monday and my parents are coming to visit the following weekend. These past 2 weeks have been very stressful and finally I can relax!

I got some goodies today I wanted share a preview of. I got some Savina polishes from Nordstrom Rack and some birthday goodies from Lacquerware for Tips and Toes. She's so sweet for sending me these things. Thank you so much! Swatches are to come!

Are you right handed or left handed? Do you paint your dominant hand first or the other first? 

Happy Friday!


  1. I am a righty!

    also- I had no idea Nordstrom Rack carried polish...guess where I am now going after work lol

  2. I'm a lefty! I always paint my non-dominant hand first. :)

    Happy early birthday!

  3. I'm a righty. I'd hit the Nordstrom racks for nail polishes but there's none around me, I believe :( And no means of transportation.. I really want Bad Romance and Across the Universe from Deborah Lippmann though!

  4. I'm a lefty!! The one thing I've found we have an advantage on (over right-handed people) is drive-through ATMs. Haha!

    And I always paint my right hand first. :)

    I love the Central Coast! I love love love Morro Bay. It's got such a New England feel to it.

  5. Hey lady, I am a lefty. I do all my post with my right hand. I must try holding my camera with my right hand. Shouldn't be to hard, huh :D

  6. I'm starting to get more into nudes as well, this one is really pretty. You always make me want new sinfuls! But I agree, Vacation Time is a super weird name for this hahah

  7. I'm another righty and I always paint my left hand first, even though I've heard you should paint your dominant hand first so you're less likely to smudge when doing your other hand. I'm loving the nudes lately too. It's a nice switch from in-your-face colour once in a while.

  8. I also have the cursed ink hand! Those pretty metallic pens in high school were the worst! I really like that color, very relaxing. I looked at some of these at the Rack last time I was there but nothing leaped out at me.

  9. I am left handed for the main things like writing and painting my nails, but I do a lot of things with my right hand (would be totally useless with the left one) like using scissors. I am not ambidextrous though, just some things I have learnt to do with one hand and other things with the other !
    I do paint my right hand first though, but then I paint better with my left hand anyway.

  10. My daughter's a lefty. They tried to make her write with her right hand at school and she started crying. My baby, she knew at 3 years old she was a "lefty", lol.

    Great B-day gifts. Happy B-day!

  11. I'm a lefty :D
    I paint my right hand first.

  12. that color looks great on you!!!!

  13. I'm a lefty!!!

    When I first started painting my nails, I was pretty bad at it, so my right hand always looked better, but with practice, I'm good with both hands now.


  14. Am glad you liked the birthday present. Enjoy! As for righty/lefty I am truly ambidextrous and I do not discriminate. I can do most tasks with both my right and left hand and there are a few tasks that I mostly do left handed (like work a mouse) and mostly do right handed (like use a writing utensil). But I can still use the other hand for each task. :P So, some of us really don't favour one over the other? As for my nails, its the same thing, I never start with the same hand, it just depends on my mood or what I'm doing. I don't even favour one over the other to start my mani. Same with my pedi (cuz I do my left foot with my right hand and my right foot with my left hand). LMAO I am always that one person who effs up the curve.

  15. Jen- Yeah they sure do! Savina has some pretty standard colors but they also have great selection of unique ones.

    cupcakequeen- Yay lefty! I always paint my non-dominant hand first too.

    necessarynails- I am normally an under $10 girl and in all other cases I'll stick to that but I really would like to cave in for Across the Universe!

    Recessionista- Hey there lefty friend! You're right it is easier to use drive through ATMs! I love Morro Bay too! I love the Embarcadero area with all the restaurants and shops. I could really go for some calamari and chips right about now.

    rmcandle- Yay for lefties! I do swatches on both hands. It was hard to take pics with my left hand at first but I'm used to it now.

    Caitlin- I thought Vacation Time was odd too. Sinful is weird about names it wouldn't surprise me if they mixed up the names somehow.

    Michelle- I'm the same I always paint my non-dominant hand first. I hear the same thing though. Meh, it works fine for me.

    Freshie- Those jelly pens? I forgot what hey were called but they were clear tubey thing and they had metallics, cremes, sparkly, and sparkly colors? I used to LOVE those, but I had the same problem.

    Enamel Girl- Thank you for the early birthday wishes! Aw, that's how it was with my mom she was a lefty, but they didn't let her write with her left hand in school.

    Eva- I do it the same way. Much easier, it took a lot of practice to learn how to paint my left hand decently though. I'm getting better at it.

    Emily- Haha, same story here. You could tell I was a lefty by how I painted my left hand. I'm getting better at it too thankfully!

    Lacquerware- Ooo you're the unique one. I wasn't trying to discriminate against ambidextrous folks. I know you all are out there. I just figured someone might say they're ambidextrous when they really favor one hand only. I was trying to get more straightforward results :P.

  16. Right handed. Did you know, that "lefthanded people live slightly shorter lives than righthanded people"? Or at least, that's what my waterbottle says. No kidding. :P

    I always paint with my dominant hand first, ie. I paint my left nails before my right. But I've recently heard that it's easier to paint your non-dominant fingers first?

    Don't worry about getting ink smudges on your hands, I get that too. ;)

  17. I`m right-handed :D
    And I paint my left hand first. Well, to be honest I`m always having difficulties to applying polish to my right hand :'(

  18. I'm a rightie!

    I color my left hand 1st. Usually, my left hand comes out more neat than my right hand. Hopefully, practice makes perfect! :)

  19. Jen- Yeah they sure do! Savina has some pretty standard colors but they also have great selection of unique ones.

    cupcakequeen- Yay lefty! I always paint my non-dominant hand first too.

    necessarynails- I am normally an under $10 girl and in all other cases I'll stick to that but I really would like to cave in for Across the Universe!

    Recessionista- Hey there lefty friend! You're right it is easier to use drive through ATMs! I love Morro Bay too! I love the Embarcadero area with all the restaurants and shops. I could really go for some calamari and chips right about now.

    rmcandle- Yay for lefties! I do swatches on both hands. It was hard to take pics with my left hand at first but I'm used to it now.

    Caitlin- I thought Vacation Time was odd too. Sinful is weird about names it wouldn't surprise me if they mixed up the names somehow.

    Michelle- I'm the same I always paint my non-dominant hand first. I hear the same thing though. Meh, it works fine for me.

    Freshie- Those jelly pens? I forgot what hey were called but they were clear tubey thing and they had metallics, cremes, sparkly, and sparkly colors? I used to LOVE those, but I had the same problem.

    Enamel Girl- Thank you for the early birthday wishes! Aw, that's how it was with my mom she was a lefty, but they didn't let her write with her left hand in school.

    Eva- I do it the same way. Much easier, it took a lot of practice to learn how to paint my left hand decently though. I'm getting better at it.

    Emily- Haha, same story here. You could tell I was a lefty by how I painted my left hand. I'm getting better at it too thankfully!

    Lacquerware- Ooo you're the unique one. I wasn't trying to discriminate against ambidextrous folks. I know you all are out there. I just figured someone might say they're ambidextrous when they really favor one hand only. I was trying to get more straightforward results :P.

  20. I'm a lefty!!!

    When I first started painting my nails, I was pretty bad at it, so my right hand always looked better, but with practice, I'm good with both hands now.



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