
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Zoya Stephanie + Sparke

How could I pass up a polish with my own name? I must admit Zoya Stephanie isn't the most exciting of color, but to own a polish with your name is pretty special.

 Stephaine is a very pale sheer pink. It took me about 4 coats to to this point and I think it could use another one. Despite it being not the bright fantastic color out there I really do like it. It's very simple, clean, and sophisticated. Sometimes I can't make up my mind on what color I want to do my nails and these lighter-sheerer colors always seem to call me in those moments. That being said I wanted to pump it up a bit so I added a bit of sparkle!

Stephanie + Love My Nails Dazzling
Love My Nails Dazzling is a clear base with iridescent micro glitter mixed in. It's a beautiful layering polish when you're just look for hint of sparkle nothing too dramatic. I really love how this turned out, and I think it's actually one of my favorite combinations. It's very sweet, soft, and I'd even say peaceful.

 Speaking of peaceful I need a bit more of that in my life right now. I never intended to share many personal things about me on nail polish blog but I'm under some stress and figured I'd share. I'm definitely not writing this for sympathy. I just wanted to vent and share. I deal with anxiety in my life. I have always been an anxious person since the age of 8. I've been diagnosed with two anxiety disorders and it does make life difficult at times, but I remain positive and over the years have learned ways to manage it. The reason I bring this up is because tomorrow I have to go the dentist. I know the dentist to many of you is no big deal, but to me someone who is already anxious the dentist is terrifying to me. The past few days since I did whatever I did with my tooth have been ongoing with worry and anxiety. I don't like the feeling of not being in control not being in my comfort zone etc. Sometimes going out just to run errands can cause me to panic, so this just seems like it will be a nightmare. Deep down I know I'll be fine and it won't be as bad as my mind wants me to think it will be. I'm going to try to focus on the positive though and stay present. I appreciate any good vibes being sent my way though. :)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I love owning a polish with my name on it, even if it wasn't made for me Yours is very pretty.

    I totally understand anxiety. And I know your dentist appointment is a very big deal to you....plan on getting a few texts from me to let you know I'm thinking of ya!

  2. I couldn't bring myself to get the one of my actual name cause it was so blah to me but I did end up getting Ginger 'cause my SO teases me for having red hair by calling me a "Ginge"

    Yeah, anxiety is really hard to deal with, especially when it is a chemical imbalance and it seems that most other people just don't understand when you tell them that you have to do something a certain way or it needs to be done by a certain time or that you're so nervous about something that it seriously and literally paralyzes you from sheer fear. I understand and I wish you all the best and try your best and don't do things that you aren't comfortable with! =)

  3. The sparkle is very pretty, looks great :) I still really really want OPI DS Amethyst.. I collect gemstones and Amethyst is my fav :x
    And don't forget, sharing is caring! We are here for you as a person too, not just your nails :) Keep your head up high girly

  4. Very soft and pretty! I'm sure the diagnosis will be 10x simpler and quicker than you're expecting =) think of how much better you'll feel when it's all over.

  5. Good luck tomorrow at the dentist! I struggle with anxiety problems too so I know how hard it is. I'll be sending lots of good thoughts your way - but I'm 100% sure it will go well :)

    Also, so cool that Zoya has your name as a polish! Mine (Jana) is a little unusual but maybe one day I'll get one too. It looks great on you!

  6. Definitely sending you some good vibes. I hope that all goes well.

  7. I agree with Jana, good luck! ZOYA looks wonderful on your gorgeous nails! ;)

    Hey, have you joined my Essence Eclipse giveaway yet? If not here's a link:


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