
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Orly Space Cadet

I'm sure all of you are familiar with this color by now. It is part of the Orly Cosmix FX collection. This is the only color I got from the collection because according to many bloggers the rest of them have dupes. I think Galaxy Girl is somewhat of an exception because the dupe of that one is an Urban Decay color, but that color didn't interest me. To see comparisons I recommend viewing  Scrangie's post. I took many photos of Space Cadet because it truly offers you a rainbow of colors at every angle it doesn't matter if you're in the light or dark it's amazing!

Space Cadet
This is the color with flash. Here it looks like a smokey purple foil.

This is underneath a lamp. It looks greenish-pink-gold.

This is at another angle underneath a lamp. It looks olive-bronze here.

Here again, is another angle under lamp. It looks like a rose gold or bronze.
This outside in the sunlight. It looks like a greenish-silver color with hints of pink and gold.

Finally this is in the shade. It looks greenish-purple-gold.

Yeah, to sum it all up this is a brilliant polish. It is an amazing duochrome foil that I honestly can't tell you what color it is. I'd say depending on how you look at it the color could be green,gold,purple,grey, or bronze with the addition of hints of other colors because of the duochrome factor. This color is the queen of unique. It's not only unique, but it's very innovative. It's about time they come out with polishes like this! I believe MAC is following suit with this style and creating 2 dupes of Space Cadet & Galaxy Girl + their own original color in their Venomous Villians collection. I may have to break my under $10 rule again just for that color called Bad Fairy. :-/

I also cannot see how anyone could not find this color amazing! My dad is the exception I told him about this color and he said it looked like mold from the starship Enterprise on Star Trek. It's some pretty awesome mold then huh? These retail for $10 each. I would easily pay $10 for this. I wouldn't hesitate for a second. It is completely worth it.  You don't have to pay $10 though! I bought this one off Transdesign for $5. Sadly, they are currently out of Space Cadet, but fear not Victoria Nail Supply has Space Cadet in stock also for $5! I'm sure Transdesign will restock again soon. If you can't get these online, like I said before I think it is totally worth the $10!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I NEED THIS!! I've only looked at one Sally's and they didn't have it. Will definitely have to start the hunt for this one.

  2. I did buy galaxy girl and space cadet was sold out. I called the winter park ulta and the cs said they didn't have the collection. I just went ahead and ordered from VNS-space cadet. Can't wait to get it! :)

  3. Look at all those glorious colors! This is the only one I'm really excited about too. Thanks for swatching and damn you Stephanie now I have to have Bad Fairy!!!! =D

  4. That's a cute colour!

  5. this is my favorite from the new collection. its like a rainbow in every bottle :)

    very pretty on you.

  6. I got this one and Galaxy Girl. I HAD to have Space Cadet!!! Just HAD to! And I've worn it for over a week. DROOL!!!

    I am into instant gratification so I got mine at the Altamonte Springs Ulta.

    You dad is quite creative in his description. love it!

  7. Megan- I hope you find it soon. I agree, you definitely need this. You won't be disappointed!

    rmcandelight-Good! I hope you get it soon and enjoy it!

    Freshie-Ugh I know I'm sorry! Bad Fairy looks amazing though. Thankfully, those other ones are dupres to the Orlys or else we'd be in more trouble!

    @Enamel @Becky- Thanks!

    Kimberly-It's great! It's ok if I wasn't able to find it online I would of gone out the next day and spent the $10 on it. I like instant gratification too!

  8. Your dad should do more desriptions of polish, that made me laugh :)
    It looks great!
    I haven't gotten any of it yet, it's cheapest for me to get 9 at once from TD so waiting for some more new shinies to arrive there :)

  9. Oh my goodness this is stunning! I looks really great against your skintone as well. I neeeed this one. lol. :)


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