
Friday, September 17, 2010

Hauly Haul Haul

No real post today. I am swamped with work still. I am such a perfectionist and I like to get my classwork done ASAP, but I just can't concentrate this week! I'm not the type of person who does things last minute. I've got about 60% of my work for the week done. I put way too much pressure on myself to get things done at a certain time, and when I don't accomplish that I get frazzled and lose focus. I need to just re-group and get my stuff done. It's not due until Monday, if it's done Saturday or Sunday instead of yesterday or today the world isn't going to end. I don't need to always finish the race first. I hope there are some other perfectionists out there who can relate? :P

Anyways, over the past week I have accumilated some goodies.

I got some Sinful Colors thanks to the Walgreens sale, and my wonderful parents who mailed me some Del Sol polishes they got me on their vacation last week. I love my parents, they're too sweet. I appreciate it so much, because Del Sol polishes are bit high for me and I had been wanting some for some time!  There is also a Wet n Wild polish and a pretty Eva duochrome thrown in there!

Look for swatches soon! I can't wait to share the Del Sol polishes with you. Time to get back to work, but I need some food first. I am LOVING this Sabra hummus you can get at the grocery store. It's so good with grilled chicken in a pita or on Wheat Thins. It's pretty much good on anything.  I think I've been eating hummus everyday for the past 2 weeks. Have you all tried this hummus before or hummus in general? If not, give it a try. I love the Sabra sun-dried tomato kind! It's good for you too!

Happy Friday


  1. amaazzinggg!!!!! I love when you post pictures of your hauls- I never have the guts because I don't want everyone to see how addicted I am to polish... pretty much every time I go out I end up with one or two bottles and sometimes more!!

    I want to try that sinful colors white- it looks like it has a pretty pearl finish... buenisima!

  2. Sabra hummus is the best! Though the Whole Foods one isn't bad either and much cheaper!

  3. Awesome haul. Thanks again for the heads up on the Walgreen's SC sales, looks like you and I were wiping them out at the same time. ;)

  4. Too bad they don't have a Walgreens in Holland :( Enjoy your nailpolishes!

  5. Great colors!! How nice of your parents to pick up a couple polishes for you on their vacay. :)

  6. Love your haul! It was an awesome reminder for me b/c I'd completely forgotten about the $.99 Sinful Colors sale this week. *thud*

    I love hummus too! I make my own. It's really easy to do. Only thing, our nickname for it it basically "Birth Control" in our house. LOL Hubby can't stand it. I have to space out my indulgence sparingly. LOL He always says, "What did you have?". LMFBO Not like I had a thousand year old egg or some kim chee or something. Might as well be though. LOL It's def great for you. Wish I could have it more often.

    Congrats on your work ethic! I'd rather be ahead of the game than behind. :O)

  7. That red sinful looks hot, I need to check out the sale :)

    I can not wait to see the del sol's. I have been wondering if they really work :) Tanks for sharing! :):)

  8. GREAT haul! And Del Sol polishes are so much fun. I own two of them and Everytime I'm amused :)

  9. I went a little bonkers at the last Sinful Colors sale so....I also want to look for these new Suede Revlon polishes I read about in the October People Style Watch. Have you seen any of these yet?

  10. Tara-I don't think anyone into nail polish blogging would find large hauls unusual! :P

    Jeweled Thumb- I haven't tried the whole foods one. I should look into that. I'm hummus addicted!

    Lacquer-You're welcome have to take advantage of a good deal!

    Melanie- Thank you! I'm sorry they don't have Walgreens in Holland. :(

    Megan- Thanks. I know I'm happy and thankful they did!

    1xellus-Haha, funny story. My BF isn't fond of hummus either :P.

    Jackie- That red is definitely hot! It's called GoGo Girl. The Del Sol's work too :).

    Let them- Thanks! I'm so easily amused by things, Del Sol polishes are no exception!

    BudgetBeauty- I have seen the suede ones. I saw them at Target. I'm not sure I want them, I'm not usually a fan of the matte/suede finish but the swatches I've seen look nice!


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