
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sinful Colors See You Soon

Sorry, for no post yesterday. I've been tied down with classwork. I still am! I have quite a few hefty assignments due by Monday, they are going to take me awhile. It's ok, I don't mind the work, it's just time consuming. Today I have Sinful Colors See You Soon. This was a color I saw in a display I believe was called "Colors of Darkness" do not quote me on that I could be wrong. Typical of Sinful Colors, the colors in this display are not new. They are re-promotes. Boo. That being said it's a great color!

See You Soon
See You Soon is deep blackened creme with medium blue/green shimmer throughout. This is great color by Sinful. This color is only $2 ($1 this week at Walgreens!), and this is color comparable to more of the mid-range polish brands (China Glaze, Orly, Finger Paints). This is great all around shade to have it will be excellent for fall and great for Halloween!

While at the store looking at this polish, I thought it had some similarities to Zoya Kotori, which is one of my favorite polishes. Usually, when I see a color in a store and think it maybe dupe/similar to a color I already have I'm usually wrong 80% of the time. In this case, I was wrong too. I thought I have good photographic memory, but I apparently don't. :( They do have some similiarties, but for the most part they are vastly different.

See You Soon is on my index and ring fingers & Zoya Kotori is on my middle and pinky fingers
Side By Side: L-R  See You Soon & Kotori
I'm terrible at describing polish finishes, so forgive me. Sinful Colors See You Soon is more of a blackened creme base with medium blue/green shimmer. The shimmer in See You Soon is more fine and there seem to be equal parts black and equal parts blue/green shimmer.  Zoya Kotori is more of sheer blackened base with tons of bright blue shimmer. The shimmer is less fine and more visible than in See You Soon. The star of the show in Kotori is the densely packed shimmer while the blackened sheer base is more of a side-kick.

I hope that made some sense. They are both beautiful polishes. They are both different and both worthy of having! The only similarity between the two is they are both bluish shimmers with blackened bases, but the amount of shimmer and the finish of the bases create a completely different polishes.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Great post! I found the Sinful to be closer to CG- Blk Bila Bong, and Barielle's Blackened Blue.

    I had no idea Kotori was so close, I'll have to drag all my blackened blues and compare them now, Thank for sharing :):)s

  2. I have Kotori but haven't used it yet. Which one do you prefer?

  3. intense, rich & pretty! thanks for sharing

  4. Oh crikey!
    I just bought it and I've got Kotori!

    It also looked a lot like one of those Gossip Girl polishes, too!

    Is Kotori more of a foil?

    (she says typing w/foil on her fingers :D )

  5. both of these colors are beautiful. I bought a ton of the sinful new collex... see you soon was one of the many but i haven't gotten around to swatching any of them yet for the bloggity blog...


  6. OMG..I got this color and when I took a close look tonight I thought of Kotori as well. It seems a little darker in the bottle than Kotori but that may just be the lighting. Looks fab though.

  7. Now that is quite a nice colour! I like it. :) Oz needs to stock Sinful Colours! And I think that See You Soon looks very much like a darker version of CG Watermelon Rind? From my photographic memory? I don't know how good my photographic memory is either though. XD

  8. I'm so glad you told me about Walgreen's Sinful Colors sale. I picked up a couple of these myself. Awesomeness!

  9. Jackie- Well no wonder I like See You Soon so much I've been lemming ChG Blk Bila Bong for the longest time. I don't necessarily think they are that close. They have similar color scheme, but I think bases of the colors make them different.

    Twister- Thanks!

    Megan- I like them both and I don't think if you have one you don't need the other. I'm happy to have both because they are different. If you had me choose I'd say Zoya Kotori, since it is one of my favorite nail polishes of all time.

    1xellus1- You're welcome!

    Pailette- No worries, like I said they are both different. They wouldn't even be considered dupes or even sisters of each other. They are both great colors to have! Kotori isn't a foil, though the shimmer is less fine than in See You Soon it's not dense or thick enough to be a foil. There is enough of the sheer black base where you can see it on your nail. I hope that made sense.

    Tara- Thanks! I hope you enjoy your Sinfuls!

    Taki-Yeah I instantly thought that as well. I think they have some similarities like the color, but the look of them on the nail is completely different.

    Joan- You're right, See You Soon does look like a darker version of Watermelon Rind.

    Lacquer- Yay, enjoy the sinfuls!

  10. hi steph, i just started following your blog and coincidentally picked up this color about an hour ago. it really is a good buy for only 2 bucks!

    feel free to check out my blog @

    have a great day!


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