
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

UPS Rant

This is a non-nail polish related angry rant at UPS. If you don't want to read me rant about UPS, you probably don't want to read this. GRRRRRR

Ok, so UPS has seriously lost their mind. I had ordered some Bath & Body Works products a week ago and they shipped them UPS. I correctly listed my address. I always check this to make sure. It was being sent UPS and yesterday it said it was "Out for Delivery". Yay! I love getting pacakges..but no...

Around 5:30pm the status updated to "EXCEPTION- UPS is looking for the correct street address". So, I'm like WTF? I checked the invoice again, and the address is listed correctly. I've lived in the same exact address for almost 4 years and I get 2-3 packages from UPS a month without any problems. I live in an apartment complex which I can understand makes things more confusing, but this has NEVER been an issue ever. I've always received my packages.

I call the UPS center here and explained my situation.  I verified the address with the lady and she said that is what is listed in the computer and she would call the driver. I know for sure that even before a package is mailed through the UPS system the address has to be confirmed as an accurate address. My Dad has a business and uses UPS to ship and he verified this too through his system with my address to make sure. Everything was correct. The lady on the phone said she'd call me right back.

2 hours later... I get a call from the person at UPS telling me the same driver who has serviced this area for 10 years cannot find my address. He was in the apartment...he found my apartment number, but said it wasn't in the building it was supposed to be in? There are no other buildings in this complex with my apartment number.

This makes absolutely no sense to me. I went outside and checked my building and address number..nothing has changed. Did I slip into another dimension? Am I in a episode of Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, Star Trek, or Candid Camera? I love how UPS talks to me as if I'm the one who has lost my mind. How can a driver who I've had visit my apartment to deliver packages almost 100 times in 4 years not be able to find my apartment anymore?

I have a feeling UPS is lying to me. I think either this was a different driver OR the driver wanted to leave early so he put in that he couldn't find the address.... They are going to try and re-deliver today. I had to give them more specific direction. What floor I was on...what side of the building I was on..really? We'll see...I just know if this was nail polish I'd be way more pissed off....

What gives UPS?

We'll see if it's a "Happy Tuesday!" :P


  1. Sounds like bullshit to me, kick the deliveryguy! Poor you :-( Hope it gets delivered tomorrow....

  2. Ugh, I had the same thing with a delivery bloke last week (not UPS), kept saying my address couldn't be found, turns out he was trying to deliver to the flat across the rad....I've never had a problem with delivery not sure what the issue was.

  3. Ugh! I've had delivery problems with them before, too. Sometimes it takes and extra WEEK before I get my package. SUCK! I hope you get your package today.

  4. I figured there was a new driver.
    My driver usually comes the same x everyday. I can tell b/c he beeps the horn. I also used to have a direct sales biz & things were shipped to my home so my ears are "trained" to hear the weight of the truck & the breaks & the sliding door. LMFBO. I hope you get your stuff soon. Such a hassle somex & it seems it will only get worse b/c of the increase of pkgs b/c of holiday shopping. Plz share your haul w/ us. :OP

  5. i haven't had many problems with them but it sounds like something fishy going on. hope you get your package soon!

  6. I hate UPS too. If I buy something from the States they charge me $40ish dollars for being a third party rep at the boarder. No other place does this, not even the post office. They also show up expecting me to have the money in my hand when they didn't make me aware of the charges. Hate them. I'd rather pay less and use the post office.

  7. omg, I would be dying inside! Hopefully everything gets sorted out asap :)

  8. It's probably the driver! He probably didn't wanna deliver it. I know they do that to me at work all the time. Saying we've moved when we haven't's just cause some drivers don't wanna do it sometimes. :( Hope you get your stuff.

  9. awww, freakin UPS. what a bummer! i hope your package finally came in though~

  10. What would be so bad if UPS just said 'oh, we have a substitute driver today.' It sure wasn't good customer service to treat you like YOU haven't a clue where you live!!!

    Hope the package got there.

  11. Typical of UPS. I don't use them unless I have absolutely NO CHOICE. They swore they delivered a $100+ LUSH order one time that I never got. LUSH replaced it and paid UPS to get it signed for at delivery. Did they? Nope. Threw it in the bushes next to the porch and left. We watched them do it and then I called LUSH. Shortly after that LUSH told me they no longer used UPS. Yay! I find that some np Etailers will use USPS if you let them know you have problems with UPS.

  12. Add me to the list! I hate UPS too. I was waiting for a TD order and the driver didn't even use my apartment's buzzer he just stuck the sticker on the outside door and left! I called to see where my package was and they said that there was no answer just five minutes earlier! Then they say they will be there around 6:00 pm the next day, what time do they get here? 8:23pm!!!! I asked why he didn't buzz the day before, he said he did. I said "no you didn't I was home all day", he shrugs and says "Oh well." I really hate UPS!!!

  13. Omg. I also had the same issue!!
    No wait, mine was a bit worse. They delivered it to the wrong adress and then I had to go thru the hassle of calling the company that sent my goods back and forth. And they made me feel kind of bad, because they said they'd have to "run an investigation" and involve cops, etc.
    Eventually they sent it again.

    But then another tme I kept getting notifications that UPS couldn't find the street adress. :s

  14. I used to be an ebay seller and even though my husband works for UPS (aircraft maintenance, they own their own planes), I used DHL or the post office for my packages. It's pretty bad if the employees and their families don't even trust them.

    Skulda, every US package delivery charges that ridiculously high fee, except the post office. If you visit the boards at ebay they will always tell you do not send international packages through UPS, Fedex, or anyone but the US postal service, unless you want pissed off customers. So next time you are ordering or trading etc with someone in the US, insist they send US postal service, or don't buy/trade.

  15. Ugh, I'm sorry you had such a hard time! If only these things always worked the way they're supposed to.

  16. I'm late to the party, but did you ever get your package?


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