
Friday, January 21, 2011

BB Couture Sex on the Beach

Hehe, what a name! Last night, I survived a migraine from hell, but I'm thankfully SO much better than yesterday. I could use a little bit more sleep though. I love BB Couture polish even though I have very few. They definitely have a unique and attractive variety of polish including this one.

Sex on the Beach
 Sex on the Beach is a red-orange jelly with golden/green iridescent micro glitter.

Just like Zoya has their signature gold shimmer, BB Couture has this signature iridescent glitter I've seen throughout many of their polishes...Hermosa Surfer Girl, Horned Devil, & Man name a few. This is from last summer's Cantina Collection. Beautiful summery shimmer shade!

You can find BB Couture polishes at OverallBeauty.

Happy Friday!


  1. You know I'm not a red kinda gal, but I do like jellies and I'm impressed with the glitter in this. And of course, it looks awesome on you.

    Glad you lived through the migraine...those suck royally! :P


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