
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Essie Angora Cardi

Welcome to 2011! I must say after New Years Eve, I'm pretty much over all the holiday festive stuff. I don't wait until after New Years Day. It was down first thing this morning. I love the holiday season, but once it's over I'm ready to return to normalcy! My first mani of the new year is subdued one. I think I'm a bit glittered out from the holidays. I'm sure that won't last long, but I need a break from the insane removal processes of glitter!

Essie Angora Cardi
Angora Cardi is a dusty plum/mauve creme.

Very simple, but very beautiful. I think this is a very sophisticated and chic color. I think this would be flattering on all skin tones. This is one of those shades I could wear for an extended amount of time. It's just suitable for anything really. I hope that makes sense. Plus, the formula of this was amazing. This could be a one coater if you wanted it to be, but I feel better doing 2 coats. It's just like butta!

I actually got this one at Walmart. They had a full display of Essie colors. It was the first time I've seen such an extensive selection of Essie. The price was $7.75 which is what 25 cents less than the original price? This is a brand that is high for me, but it was nice to try some out since they were so convenient.

Happy Sunday!

P.S. Make sure to check out my new poll!


  1. This is so pretty. I just recently saw a display at my local Wally world too... I stodd there staring in awe at how organized and pretty it was haha. I also hear you about being over the Holidays haha. I started my year off with Perplex. I need a break from glitter too haha

  2. I love Angora Cardi! <3

    Happy New Year!!! *kiss*

  3. I luv Angora Cardi as well. It looks like the Essie bottle is different for Walmart compare to Ulta...wonder if that's makes the $0.25 difference...haha.

  4. I have a color very similar to this! I HATE it on my nails but it looks so nice on yours!

    Check out my blog and follow me at

  5. I just saw them at Wal-Mart the other day, too! And I also stood there and gawked for a few minutes at how nice they all looked.

    Right after I'd wandered into the next aisle, though, a couple girls came up and one of them loudly asked "WHO WOULD PAY EIGHT DOLLARS FOR A NAIL POLISH?"

    To which I giggled, of course. :) I think that having Essie at Wal-Mart is convenient, and they have a great selection, but as far as price is concerned, Ulta's a better deal. They have specials running on Essie almost every month.

    This is a really pretty color on you! :D


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