
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I was rejected.......

A little while back RBL asked for submissions for their dream color. I normally don't get invested in contests because I know my chances are incredibly slim. As soon as I found out about this contest, I knew I had stunning idea. I wanted something that hasn't been done before. I love gold, but I'm so used to seeing gold being paired with warmer colors like reds,pinks, and oranges. I wanted to see gold paired with a blue, and knew exactly where you see this....

This is the Roman Pool at Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California. This area of central coast California is where I've spent many Christmases with my family, and we'd often make it a tradition to take tour of this castle. So, not to sound silly, but I have many nice memories attached to this place.

My idea for a color was a bright lapis blue with a warm golden iridescent flakie. I wanted this color to emulate mosaic tiles or lapis lazuli.

It didn't get picked, which is fine. Of course, I'm bitter and disappointed. I know there were hundreds of entries. What I didn't expect was when I revealed this idea to my nail polish buddies how much they'd appreciate it and understand my attachment to it. I got so many nice messages. I had people telling me they'd buy that color if it was put out. I know it's just a silly idea, but it gave me some validation that my idea was worthwhile, and it was OK that I felt so strongly about it.

Ange from Scandalously Polished even took the time to create a version with her amazing franken magic. She even did a blog post about it today! It's gorgeous! Be sure to check it out! Maria from Cult Nails even took interest into possibly creating this color. So, maybe it will become a reality after all. :)

To be honest it means more to me to have my nail buddy friends appreciate this color. I know many of you entered as well with fabulous ideas that were not picked also. I heard many of yours and was surprised why they weren't chosen either! We're a creative bunch! If you have an idea you should talk to Ange, and she'll try to create it for you. :) In the comments section you can also share with me your idea, I'd love to hear them.

Happy Wednesday!

P.S. Thank you to those of you who sent my all the kind messages. You all made my day!


  1. Lol, girl, I got rejected too. So did like...500 other people, so it's okay. We can all comfort each other.

    And your idea was awesome. Gold with blue is such a great color combination. I think you just didn't get picked because flakies don't really fit into the RBL aesthetic. Like, I feel like Ji tends to favor shimmers and cremes. Most of her glitters are really subtle (Black Russian, Under the Stars, etc.), and the few blingtastic ones got discontinued.
    So I don't think she really likes stuff like glitter and flakies and holo. Plus, I think it's just harder/more expensive for her to mix those than it is for her to do cremes and shimmers.

    But you know who should have a similar contest? Zoya. Or BB Couture.
    I feel like they could do such amazing things with fan submissions.

  2. As soon as I saw that pic, I knew it was from Hearst Castle. I grew up in Central CA and always loved going to see that spectacle of an estate! The colors you chose are gorgeous and I don't know RBL rejected your idea. And the polish that Scandalous created for you is great!

  3. PolishPauper- Thanks!

    Chaos- I'm not trying to negate the other 500 people who didn't get picked. I hope I didn't come off that way. If she doesn't really want to do glitter,flakies, and holo then why ask for submissions, and not mention that she doesn't care to do those things? She obviously is entitled to do what she wants, but if she already has an idea of what she likes, then why bother asking for peoples dream colors and creative ideas? If she wanted something more to her taste she should of asked for specifics. I think that's my issue.

    Megan- Oh! I'm so glad to know someone has seen this place too! It's ok, from what I'm finding out she doesn't like to do certain things. :(

  4. Would it be okay if I took up the franken challenge? That picture's giving me all sorts of inspirational ideas. :)

  5. Oh, I know you weren't! I was just the whole world got rejected, lmao!! So you aren't alone and stuff. That was all. ^_^

    And yeah, it kind of sucks, but at the same time, I see why she didn't put restrictions. I mean, she really did want to hear our ideas. If she had placed restrictions on what we could do, then most of us wouldn't have been submitting our ultimate dream polishes. We would have been submitting watered down versions, and she would be putting out like...psuedo-dream polish, which is lame.

    At least this way, somebody is getting their actual for real dream polish, even if it's not me or you or like any of the 500 people who got rejected.

  6. Really really pretty color. I think this could be something totally amazing. I loves A's franken of it. I think great idea never goes away... so even if it's not with RBL, this color will happen and it will rock!

  7. such a beautiful color combo!I checked out Scandalously Polished and that was amazing. Time to get your mixing pots out! :)

  8. That sounds like a really good idea, and also very unique. That picture is also fantastic!

  9. That sounds like a fabulous idea. I'll have to check out Ange's post about it.

  10. Don't give up. You have an eye for style and color. I think the Lapis Blue with gold rocks. I also think Scandalous did an awesome job mixing it. I think you two would make great partners.

  11. The combination looks really bold and stunning in that photo; I think it'd be a very interesting polish, and I'd definitely buy it!

  12. Aenaria- Sure! I'd love to see anyone interpretation of it!

    applepark- Thanks :)

    robin- Haha, yes I think I will try to franken it myself too.

    Ebz- Thanks!

    Tierney- Thank you!

    Colleen- Thank you. I'm glad you like the combination of colors too.

  13. Would it be okay if I took up the franken challenge? That picture's giving me all sorts of inspirational ideas. :)


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