
Monday, February 7, 2011

OPI DS Glamour

Let me preface this post by saying I spent more than $10 on this polish. Technically, I didn't spend the money on it personally. I used an Amazon gift card to purchase it. However, if I was without the gift card, I would of easily thrown down the extra money for this. This was a huge lemming for me, and now it's fulfilled. It is well worth the extra dough.

OPI Designer Series Glamour
DS Glamour is medium blue holographic perfection.

Now this is a holographic polish! I'm sorry, but the swatches of the China Glaze Tronica collection are so disappointing to me. I'm not going to touch them, instead I've searched online to find Sally Hansen Prisms and OPI DS polishes to accompany my frew China Glaze OMGs and Kaelidescopes to fulfill my holographic polish dreams.

This is HTF (hard to find). I paid $15 for this on Amazon from the seller Beauty Clutch. I just checked on Amazon and according to them they only have 4 bottles of this polish left at that price. They have 100% feedback for the past 30 days and 98% feedback of all time. I had no issues with them. They sent this one lonely polish in a box of its own packaged nicely and securely. I've seen this polish for $25+ on eBay, so if this is something you want I suggest you get it from Beauty Clutch soon! :)

Happy Monday!


  1. That is one of the most gorgeous polishes I have ever seen! Lucky you! ;)

    Btw, love the new blog look :)

  2. Looks fabulous on you! I just recently received this polish as well and it is amazing. Well worth the money :0)

  3. God, that is gorgeous.. I wish OPI would get it together and make DS colors like this more! I wish I knew it was out there for so cheap, I just blew my monthly polish money on a haul already. I did manage to snag one of the Kaleidoscopes though!

  4. So gorgeous! I got this polish on Friday and am so excited to wear it now! And you're right, this is a true holographic

  5. I agree with you 100% this is a polish worth splurging on. I just cant get over it every time I see it

  6. Very pretty!! A true, long-had lemming is definitely worth the extra cash. *drool*

  7. This is gorgeous!! Wish that these were easier to find.

  8. I'm wearing this right now and it is freakin' pretty! Definitely one of my favorite colors, ever!

    I got mine from and it cost $8.50 + $3 shipping. Totally worth every penny though.

    Unfortunately, they no longer have it online but they do have some other DS polishes :)

  9. Oh this looks gorgeous on you! You are a lucky girl.

  10. This nail polish is gorgeus. A friend gave me one ds a light blue very pretty as well but this one i just love the colour more.

  11. STUNNING!! Just Stunning! And it looks great on you. It's great to see you doing some Blues :)

  12. I totally agree: majorly disappointed with Tronica. :( I have DS Original, but I really need Glamour now!

  13. This is a gorgeous blue! Well worth the splurge!

  14. HAWT! And a perfect stunning blue for the winter doldrums!

  15. I wish I had this, boo :( I have several of the DS polishes but this one seems much more amazing!

    I have a few of the tronica polishes, but only because I don't have any of the OMG or Kaleidascope polishes :( I just started wearing polish approx. 6 months ago and both of those collections were long gone then.

  16. Wow, I am shock that it cost so much considering I got mine for $3.75 at a store call Harmon's. They have all the OPI DS series on Sale.


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