
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

China Glaze Crackle Crushed Candy

When the crackle polishes first came out. I wasn't really interested in having all the colors, but after I saw some swatches I know I needed them. I know this combination has been done before, but it definitely made me *need* Crushed Candy!

Crushed Candy over China Glaze Midnight Kiss
Crushed Candy is a robins egg blue creme crackle.

I absolutely LOVE this combination. You know what this makes me think of...

Yes, I'm going back there again, the inspiration for my RBL dream color. The combination of cool blue,green, or purple with gold is ideal to me.  There is something very luxurious to me about this color combination. Are you listening polish companies? I hope there will be a release of a gold crackle soon because I want to put it on top of every shade of blue,green, and purple out there!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Love the combo, have you ever heard of LCN polishes? They make a pink/white/black/yellow/royal blue/green/red crackle polish. I just found them on this website, and there isn't a gold, but there is a royal blue like your picture!!

  2. Great color combo! The color of Crushed Candy reminds me a lot of For Audrey...could you compare for me? Pretty please? I'm just curious. Oh...and your inspiration totally should have been chosen for RBL. Seriously.

  3. ZOMG! Freaking love this! I didnt even think to crack over a foil! The effect is amazing!!! Now we just need a navy blue crack and your inspiration can really come to life!

  4. GORGEOUS combo! Looks like marble. I want Crushed Candy so bad, but everywhere is sold out of all the crackles. Sad.

  5. I have that exact mani on right funny! I've been wearing Clarins 230 for a week now, so I needed something fab to make me take off the unicorn pee and this fit the bill. Looks great on you!

  6. that looks great!

    ps. i'm your 1200th follower :)


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