
Monday, March 14, 2011

Jordana Orangesicle

Spring is now over. My friend went on to her spring break in Key West. We had a nice visit though. Believe it or not, we didn't do any polish shopping. She did shop my massive stash for a color to paint her toes. She ended up picking Sinful Colors Dream On. Good choice.

Moving on, I've only seen Jordana polishes online, so that always prevented me from purchasing them. However, when I went to KMart recently they had added Jordana products to their cosmetics section. It was a small collection, but a nice selection of colors. I believe they were $1.89 each which is not bad at all. I ended up being drawn to this orange.

Orangesicle is a bright orange creme.

This is definitely bright, but it's not a neon. I love this creamy orange. It's odd, because I'm not really a fan of the color orange, but I do like it on my nails. I wouldn't paint my walls orange, but on the nails it's good! The formula of this was smooth, I didn't find any fault with these. It's definitely easier to choose colors when you can see them person vs. online.

I want to forewarn you guys the next 2-3 weeks I may not be able to post as frequently. I have a major research paper due next week and loads of other school work, so I could be a bit preoccupied! I love how professors torture after spring break! :P

Happy Monday!


  1. This is so pretty! I love a good orange. This looks great on you!

  2. I really like this shade of orange and I'm not a fan or orange regurlarly. Good luck with your school stuff, that is way more important -xo!

  3. I really like orange shades for summer, and this one is really nice, maybe a bit too bright for my taste, but I would absolutely wear it :)
    Have a nice day!

  4. Beauty by Brittany- Thanks!

    Let them have Polish- Same here. Yes, school stuff is more important, but definitely not as fun!

    Elsa- Thank you for your comment. :)

  5. I love it on you! & the length of your nails...just perfect. I prefer mine short. I am about to cut 'em again! LOL

    Best wishes on a successful research paper. :O)

  6. That's great to hear about the Jordana polishes being offered at Kmart! I'll have to go check to see if they're at mine. I picked up some of their colors up from Cherry Culture a couple of months ago when they had free shipping & really liked them. I'd love to get more but would hate to pay more on shipping than on them, so thanks for the notice. :)


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