
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Orange Edition

It's my 2nd week of Bottle Spam Saturday! Monday's post on China Glaze Papaya Punch inspired this post. I've never really been head over heads for orange, but Papaya Punch definitely changed my mind. I can't get enough of oranges now! Today's bottle spam will be my orange polishes. I tried to find polishes that were strictly orange, not coral, or red-orange. I failed a bit at this or well my camera did because it did capture some of these oranges more "coral" than orange. Oh well!

All of these are L-R

Sun Worshipper, Papaya Punch, Mango Madness, Orange Marmalade, & Japanese Koi

Jamaican Out, Life Preserver, Tangerine Scream, Wham! Pow!, & Sexsea

Firefly, Orange Blazes, Orange Spritzer, UFO, & Serena and Chloe

Tanzy, Gwin, Juicy Glo, Orange Burst, &

Magic Pumpkin, Tangy Tarte, Hot Tamale, Times Square Tangerine, & Siren

Orange Sky, Horned Devil, Orangsicle, Vermillion $ Art, Orange Sorbet, & What Do U Think?

Those are my oranges!

How about a poll today? Please leave your answers in the comment section! :)

1. What is your favorite orange polish?

2. What is a brand/line/specific polish that was popular years ago (besides for Clarins 230!) do you wish you would of stocked up on now? (ex. Revlon Street Wear, Sally Hansen Nail Prisms, ..etc)

3. What is a nail polish fad past or present you can't get into?

4. Where is your favorite place to shop for nail polish (online and brick & mortar store)?

5. Is there a particular polish that had a lot of hype that you bought into? If, so what polish was it? Did you end up loving it or were you disappointed?

My answers:
1. Definitely Papaya Punch right now. 
2. Revlon Street Wears period end of sentence. 
3. I guess mannequin hands. I like sheer/jelly pinks, but I don't care for nudes anything that matches my skin tone. 
4. Online probably TransDesign or Victoria Nail Supply. Store: Tie CVS/Walgreens/Ulta can't choose!
5. Revlon Perplex. I didn't even care for Chanel Paradoxal, but when a dupe was found I felt I needed it. I guess it's ok, but I don't see what everyone was going crazy over it for!

Happy Saturday!



  1. Whoa thats a LOT of orange polish!

    1. I dont have one currently as I only own one orange polish lol
    2. Definitely Sally Hansen nail Prism. I'm looking for them and currently dont wanna cough up on amazon prices lol
    3. 3d nail art. I don't like the look of it at all. If it's rhinestones thats fine but the big flowers ect. I don't like.
    4. In store is Sally beauty Supply. Online either amazon or ebay
    5. I usually dont buy anything just because there is a huge fad for it. I tend to buy it if I like it.

  2. I have Revlon's Siren as well. I'm curious to know if you found the foundation and application lacking. Mine went on very poorly! ;-(

    1. What is your favorite orange polish? I love the color on Siren, just not the formula.

    2. What is a brand/line/specific polish that was popular years ago Definitely Sally Hansen Nail Prisms!

    3. What is a nail polish fad past or present you can't get into? Agreed on the nude polish, seems almost pointless to me.

    4. Where is your favorite place to shop for nail polish? I'm not picky, but I am cheap, so I very rarely buy current new line polishes unless I can find them on sale. I have tried to limit myself to a $3 a bottle limit. (unless it's really really special, like Nubar 2010!

    5. Is there a particular polish that had a lot of hype that you bought into? If, so what polish was it? Did you end up loving it or were you disappointed? Nubar 2010, I bought this one because I wasn't willing to pay the price for SH Hidden Treasure. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this polish!

  3. 1. What is your favorite orange polish? Don't really have one. I'd like Peachy Keen though.

    2. What is a brand/line/specific polish that was popular years ago (besides for Clarins 230!) do you wish you would of stocked up on now? (ex. Revlon Street Wear, Sally Hansen Nail Prisms, ..etc) Street Wear!

    3. What is a nail polish fad past or present you can't get into? Paradoxal and dupes. And this season's brights. Yuk.

    4. Where is your favorite place to shop for nail polish (online and brick & mortar store)? Ebay. You can get most things there.

    5. Is there a particular polish that had a lot of hype that you bought into? If, so what polish was it? Did you end up loving it or were you disappointed? Paradoxal again. Most Chanels do nothing for me. It's just a label. Although I do have a Chanel watch which cost substantially more than a nail polish. But that will be handed down to the next generation.

  4. !. OPI Y'all Come Back Ya Hear? I love the sorbet/jelly-ness of it. It's awesome.

    2. Holos. I wasn't into nail poilsh when they first came out and when I was interested in it I didn't love them. Now I wish I had more of them.

    3. Glitter. Sorry, don't like it and never really will. Yeah, I have some. I even have one that I love (Zoya-Ivanka) but they're a pain to remove and that puts me off them. The packed glitter polishes? HATE THEM.

    4. Online. Outside of Ulta (and my local Ulta doesn't have much) the area I'm in isn't really good for finding nail polish.

    5. i usually don't follow fads, but I've never really been into the taupe thing. *shrugs*

  5. I don't have a ton of orange polishes yet, but I'm starting to love them. Just wore ChG Life Preserver on my toes and loved it!

    2. Street Wear!!!

    3. Sheer jellies; can't stand the look of VNL.

    4. Not a lot of real stores to choose from around here so I'm gonna have to say E-bay.

    5. Probably the Revlon Perplex thing; I bought it and like it but I haven't even worn it yet!

  6. 1. Misa Speed of Life ~ my all time favorite Orange...though I just bought a bunch more that I have yet to try so it could change soon :)

    2. I don't know about stocking up on because I have yet to finish a bottle - but I wish I would have gotten into polish sooner because all the polishes I want came out about a year or so before I was really hoarding polish.

    3. duo-chromes - I love them in the bottle but can't stand wearing them

    4. I echo your choices exactly!

    5. This isn't so much a polish, but I just bought into nail art stamping. I just recently purchased both old & new Bundle Monster packs. They should be arriving soon so we'll see how that goes....

  7. Wowww, so many oranges! I don't have many in my collection.. I should fix that! haha.
    Have you ever seen Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Crushed? I got it at Target awhile back and really liked it!!

    1) I thinkkk out of my few oranges my favorite would have to be Color Club Koo-Koo Cachoo.

    2) Hm. I remember when the CG OMG collection was still easy to find but I had no money then so I couldn't buy any. I reallyyyyyy want those polishes.

    3) Mannequin hands. Ugh. Don't like 'em.

    4) Online - Victoria Nail Supply. Store - I don't know, there aren't many places where I live to buy polish. Our Sallys is LAME. Usually if I buy any here I go to Trade Secret or Fred Meyers.

    5) Well, this is a bit different then what you asked.. but when Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure came out everyone was going on about how incredible it was. I thought it looked cool but I just didn't feel like I needed it. I didn't bother looking for it. Then I was at Fred Meyers one day with my grandma and happened to see it.. I told my grandma about how popular it was and she decided that I HAD to have the last 2 bottles there. I took forever to actually try it but this last month I have been layering it over EVERYTHING. Haha.

  8. 1) MAC Imperial Flower is probably my favorite orange, although ChG Orange Marmalade is up there too!

    2) I loved the original Hard Candy polishes from the 90s, but my mom was really weird about nail polish and wouldn't buy them for me :/

    3) Mattes. They just look wrong to me! I own a few, but I always put TC on them.

    4) Online, Head to Toe Beauty. B&M, I love drugstores, but Rite Aid and Walgreens are my favorites.

    5) I bought Paradoxal, although I wasn't sure if it would be my thing or not, because I didn't want to regret not buying it later. As it happens, I love it, and I bought Perplex as a backup :)

  9. 1. My new favorite orange is Sinful Colors hazard.

    2. Sally Hansen nail prisms . I'm just now seeing them and there so pretty.

    3. The Duochrome or frost finishes. I like it sometimes on other people , but not for me it washes me out and I don't like the streakiness

    4. I don't really have a favorite b/c buy polishes from many different places, and i always scan stores to see if they have nail polish lol.

    5. Yes i bought a crackle polish and took it right back . It didn't like it one bit.

  10. What is your favorite orange polish?
    I have a SHXW called 'Crushed' which is an intensely orange shimmer. It almost seems like it should smell like oranges. My fave of the moment (and not for long because the bottle is so small) is Crayola Orange because it is just as shimmery and DOES smell like oranges.

    2. What is a brand/line/specific polish that was popular years ago (besides for Clarins 230!) do you wish you would of stocked up on now? (ex. Revlon Street Wear, Sally Hansen Nail Prisms, ..etc)
    I had pink and purple Prisms and I THREW THEM OUT. I can't believe I did it. But they chipped so easily, and this was before I knew what I needed to use to keep that from happening. I wish I had Hidden Treasure, or any flakies. And more holo. But I'm working on THAT,

    3. What is a nail polish fad past or present you can't get into?
    Crackle. You used to be able to get Crackle paint at Michaels (you probably still can) to give wood furniture a crappy, tacky makeover. This is what it reminds me of. And black crackle reminds me of wood that's been burned. I'm a firefighter. Walking around with little bits of what looks like a structure fire aftermath doesn't appeal to me.

    4. Where is your favorite place to shop for nail polish (online and brick & mortar store)?
    Online, because I feel good supporting their company and their CS is top notch. B & M I'd have to say Sally, though there is a Sally AND an Ulta in the same shopping center where I live so I always hit them both. Sally for stash building & basics like glass files and Ulta for picking up other things/special collections & etc.

    5. Is there a particular polish that had a lot of hype that you bought into? If, so what polish was it? Did you end up loving it or were you disappointed?
    Orly Galaxy Girl. I've worn it twice and I can't decide whether I like it or not. It may end up in my swap drawer. I like duochromes but that one just seems to be missing something.

  11. 1.I don't own many, but I'd say China Glaze Sun Worshiper. It's so... orange!!
    2.I wish I would have bought China Glaze OMG, it looks so pretty on pictures!
    3.Crackle nail polish, I don't own any yet and I'm not sure I'm gonna buy any either.
    4.I buy my polishes mostly online
    5.I'm not sure, nothing I can think about right now.

  12. 1. China Glaze Orange Pacific, with Life Preserver second. So orange!
    2. Definitely China Glaze OMG
    3. Frost finishes, looks funny on me
    4. Victoria Nail Supply, or Ulta, since I've got most of the Sally Beauty ones . .
    5. OPI The Show Must Go On, I thought it would be enough to satisfy my MAC Bad Fairy lemming, but it was so pink I took it right back off.

  13. I don't think of myself as an "orange" polish person, but then I wear them and I love them. I don't understand the hate. I'm also excited to see FP Vermillion $ Painting in your pics, because I love it and I don't think I've ever really seen anything about it.

    1. OPI A Good Man-Darin is Hard to Find, CC Spellbound (probably a rebottle of some other CC neon Orange, ChG Free Love

    2. Hm, I don't really know. I'm not too familar with older brands.

    3. I do not like Funky Frenchs. Was it a fad? I don't know but I remember seeing many pictures of them. No Me Gusta.

    4. Ulta (Sallys kind of scares me) and transdesign for online

    5. I got Zoya Kelly because of the hype. I think its nice, but I didn't go gaga over it

  14. Oh, I love oranges and yellows! I started really getting into them when I started blogging, but I liked them before. You've got a good start on your orange stash!
    1. Orly Orange Punch, China Glaze Sun Worshipper, Zoya Paz and Zoya Sienna. Haha. I could include more!
    2. Definitely the Urban Decays. Also, Street Wear stuff - I liked the makeup, too.
    3. I'm definitely not into mannequin hands. I think at this point, I'll never like them!
    4. Most drugstores, since I scour them - I've had my best luck at Rite Aids for new displays, but I love Walgreen's too. I also like Sally's and ULTA. Online, I shop Head2Toe, TD, and VNS.
    5.DEFINITELY with you on Perplex/Paradoxal. I wasn't interested after the multitude of swatches, and I picked up Perplex and slapped it on, haven't even bothered photographing it. Meh.


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