
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

China Glaze Sexagon

I got into nail polish probably as the last wave of China Glaze holographic polishes were being sold on e-tailers. Then, I didn't realize how lucky I was. Now, I wish I would of bought the full OMG and Kaleidscope collections, but I only bought a few from each. That being said, I'm glad I got a few then because I know I wouldn't be to able to afford the handful I have now with the prices today.

Sexagon is a bright silver scattered holographic polish.

Holo-riffic! I really like this polish. My China Glaze holographics are my most treasured polishes. I know there are better holos out there, but I don't have them. I know many people franken with these, and I couldn't ever! I feel guilty even using them.

You can still find these available reasonably. April from Concrete and Nail Polish is selling a few on her site Medusa's Threads for $12. I've heard of these being found at dusties, blogsales, and through swaps. I personally wouldn't pay more than what April offers them at. At today's prices there is no way I could afford the full sets of these, but I may try to obtain 1 or 2 I think I missed out on. I think even though these are HTF they're not as HTF and some other polishes. If you see them for $16+ forget about it, rip off. Of course, this is just my opinion. :)

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Lovely! I only have 1 Kaleidoscope, wish I had more as well. But we can always hope that CG brings them out again, right? :)

  2. Thanks for the link! I'm almost out of everything I found, but I hope I made some folks happy!

  3. I think I got into nail polish around the same time as you because most of them were still available. I just couldn't order anything then. They all look so pretty and fun!! I hope I find one someday.

  4. wow I love this color it's amazing!!

  5. Omg, I know girl me too with the polishes. When I got into it, there were quite a few on etailers and then before I knew it, they started disappearing. Ugh...if only I could go back in time.

    This one is lovely though. You're so lucky to have it, it's like $20 on ebay. *shakes head*

  6. Looks gorgeous on you! The kaleidoscopes are so amazing, they might not be the most linear holos but they make up for it being holo in dim light. <3 I found some pretty cheap on ebay, but I wish I had been a nailpolish-aholic sooner, LOL.

  7. ::sigh:: I only got into nail polish last summer (was a cosmetics girl for a while). So I missed ALL of the good holo collections. working on getting some through dusties - will definitely keep an eye out for sexagon its gorgeous on you!

  8. I got into polish after both collections left etailers. *sobs* I've gathered a few from EvilBay, but only when I see them for under $11 or so. This one is incredible, but I haven't been able to get my hands on it yet!

  9. I wasn't into purchasing polishes like I am now that I blog, when this collection came out. You got some and I'm SOOOOO jealous! Go ahead and sing 'nanny nanny boo boo' to me. ;p

  10. so so so so so jealous!
    i want this collection so bad

  11. I bought a ton of colors from April. She was so sweet to do this and help us complete our collections.

    I agree, I would not pay over $15 for these collections, Aprils prices are very fair and she is soooo sweet too :)


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