
Monday, April 18, 2011

Dupe Alert!: NYX Girls Dorothy

Deborah Lippman's Ruby Red Slippers has been under my radar since it came out. I love Deborah Lippman glitters, they are some of my all time favorites. That being said, I only own one DL polish, Across the Universe. That's a purchase I definitely do not regret. The problem we all know with these is that they are usually $16-$18. That price for me is prety exorbitant! I think probably one of the most satisfying things in nail polish world is finding a incredibly cheaper alternative to a freaking expensive polish. So, that's what I have for you today.

NYX Girls Dorothy
Dorothy is a black jelly base loaded with small and large hexagonal red glitter.

If you'd like to compare here is a swatch of Lippmann Ruby Red Slippers on lacquerized.

I found this one on Cherry Culture for $3. I think people who can find NYX in their area may find this cheaper. I'm finding with the NYX polishes I purchased that they do amazing glitters. They are not all dupes to Deborah Lippman polishes, but they definitely have some glitter polishes that come mixed in colored jelly bases. So, you will find some colors with similar effects to Across the Universe, Ruby Red Slippers, Lady Sings the Blues, & etc.

Happy Monday!



  1. I NEED this. I have to go searching for a store that sells NXY

  2. This is such a pretty color, I love it!

  3. This is a super pretty nail polish I love it!

  4. *throws a rock through the window*
    DAMN. -____-

    It's still gorgeous though.

  5. Great Find! I've picked this one up a few times and always put it back :(... Maybe I need to give it another looky- loo...

  6. Gorgeous, great look out for this dupe! -Thank you ^_^

  7. It's definitely worth while.

  8. I was definitely surprised at how great NYX polishes were!

  9. Looky-loo :P I think you might want. I think it's just a neat one to have around.

  10. To me it looks identical! I have the DL and love it, so this is a fantastic alternative for those who don't.

  11. Please check out my blog and follow if you like it.

    Thank You!!

  12. Please check out my blog and follow if you like it.

    Thank You!!

  13. The store I go to find NYX never have glitter, but still a good brand

  14. What an awesome find! Good to know that there's a more affordable dupe.
    - Mary

  15. This is excellent! Thank you for showing this :D


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