
Monday, April 4, 2011

Franken Billions Upon Billions

I absolutely appreciate science, but I stink at understanding it. Science is by far a difficult subject for me. I am horrible at technical subjects that have only one correct answer. I'm so much more of an abstract and theoretical person. One of the people I've always admired is Carl Sagan. He was an astronomer who had the capacity to make the subject of astronomy and understanding our universe captivating and beautiful. He has inspired me to appreciate humanity and our greatness. He also inspired me to have a zest for knowledge and and to always ask the difficult questions.

How does this relate to nail polish? Well, it doesn't. I just made a franken that reminded me of him and some of his famous sayings. He was known to say things like "billions upon billions of stars" and "billions and billions of galaxies". I  found this spacey looking polish fitting.

Billions Upon Billions
Billions Upon Billions is a black scattered holo glitter.

I just mixed Milani HD with Confetti Black Tie and viola! I know it's kind of odd to mix such a profound topic with nail polish. It's odd because my blog is one side of me, but I don't share this other side of me that is very passionate about many subjects. I'm a fun person, but I'm also very analytical too. Honestly, I'm a big nerd.  I think avoid sharing that side of me, so I don't bore you all! :P

I figured I'd leave off with a great message/video from Carl Sagan. He really left us too soon. :(

Happy Monday!


  1. i love carl sagan more than any other yooman =)

  2. I love this Franken! Thanks for the recipe. I love science - I'm much more of a concrete person. If you ask me to think outside the lines, more often than not, I have a really, really hard time. I'm envious of people who can think in the grey areas.

  3. Great polish, good idea! And I love seeing another side to you, it's great to share our loves and hobbies! :)

  4. wow this is amazing and i love the story behind the name as well! great job on this =]

  5. I love your blog, Carl Sagan, and this nail polish! Yay for space nerds =].

  6. I'm all for dark holos!! Science was never my subject either...

  7. Incredibly beautiful. I love anything to do with outerspace.

  8. Gorgeous! I think you should let your nerdy side come out more often. :)

  9. Love posts like this. I enjoy getting to know the bloggers I follow! :) Also, the color is gorgeous!

  10. Tara- Thank you!

    Prettybottles- Awesome, nice to hear that others love him too. :)

    Megan- Thanks. I'm envious of people who are more concrete. I tend to overthink and analyze things when I there isn't a reason too. I think both qualities have their positives and negatives.

    Jackie- Thanks for the kind words. :)

    theVeroblog- Thank you. :)

    Victoria- Yay space nerds! Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to know that many of us share more common interests other than nail polish.

    Freshie- Thanks. I stink at science/math subjects. My brain doesn't think that way. I really appreciate what those subjects can do for us, and I wish I was good at them!

    Lacquer Ware- Thanks

    Zara- I definitely should. Thank you.

    Lady C- Thank you. :)

  11. Thank you for that video - just wonderful.


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