
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Holo Edition

Holos! Holos are polishes in hindsight I wish I appreciated more in my earlier nail polish days. I got into the nail polish just as these were getting sold out on e-tailers. I got a few things, but I should of got all was that available at the time. Today's bottle spam, is of the holo variety! These are scattered holos and linear holos. I almost included polishes with holo glitter, but we'd be here all day. That will be another Saturday!


Sexagon, Lets Do it in 3D, Tickle My Triangle, DS Glamour, & DS Ruby

 HD, Digital, 3D, Hi-Tech, Cyberspace, & Hi-Res

#61, Revvvolution, Showtime, Golden Tourmaline, Ruby Diamond, & Purple Diamond

Franken Figment of the Imagination, Franken Billions Upon Billions, & Franken Sonic Shower


1. What is your favorite holographic polish that you own?
2. What holographic polish are lemming (wanting) most?
3. What is your favorite color holographic polish or what color holographic polish would you like to see?

My answers:
1. DS Glamour
2. OPI My Private Jet, DS Exclusive, & DS Original
3. I'd like to see a wine colored holo or a navy holo.

Happy Saturday!


P.S. Tomorrow is "Share With You Sunday" if you have any blog posts you'd like to share please fill out the form


  1. LetthemhavepolishMay 7, 2011 at 1:05 PM

    OMG your holo collection has me so jealous! I don't own many holos but my truest and most favorite Holo has to be CG OMG. I am seriously lemming the Pink Nfu. OH (can't remember the number) of CG's BFF. I'd love to see Nfu. Oh #61. I cannot get enough swatches of this color.

  2. Poll:


    2. Nfu Oh 61 and Gosh Holographic!

    3. Maybe a minty green holo or lavender

  3. Lucky ducky! I sooo wish I was able to get some of the China Glaze polishes :(

    1. My favorite that I own is Nfu Oh's 61.
    2. I reeeeally want the pinks/purples from the OMG collection. I also want Hyper Haute from the Tronica collection.
    3. I'd also like to see a nice navy holo.

  4. 1. Tie between DV8 and LOL!

    2. QT, Let's Do It In 3D

    3. Emerald/Forest Green holo!!!

  5. Wow, what an awesome holo collection! I too, wish I appreciated these types way back...I'd have a much better collection :( I am lusting for Nfu Oh 61 currently! I was shocked to discover I had an older OPI DS (its a brownish one, with a really good holo effect....cant think of the name right now) sitting in the bottom of my nail polish drawer unused. It was tossed around and neglected so much that the silver from the brush handle was peeling off! SIgh...I was such a oblivious nail polisher before I discovered blogging! :)

  6. my favorite holo is 1.) Diamond Cosmetics-Chainmail Charm, 2.) the Catherine Arleys (all of them!!!!), 3.) if i get the catherine Arley i will have all the holo colors i desire :)

  7. 1. OPI DS Glamour

    2. OPI DS Exclusive (it's the polish that started it all)

    3. I'd love to see a strong grayed-purple holo.

  8. 1. CG Lets Do It In 3d

    2. Nfu Oh 61 or Gosh Holographic

    3. Dark green holo.

  9. 1. Oh it's hard to decide...but I think DS Original!
    2. OPI MPJ holo
    3. Dark green or navy as well

  10. Aww! *drools over the entire screen* I haven't got any holos at all, so I would pretty much settle for any holo haha :)

  11. Drooling. Look at all those amazing polishes you have. Totally jealous! I really like Catherine Arley holos...and wish I had the China Glaze OMG collection! :)

  12. I Looooooooove holos. Right now, I think my favorite, right now, is DV8, although that is subject to change at any time.

    I am also seriously lemming OPI My Private Jet. I also can't find a Color Club Revvvolution that isn't a dud.

    I would like to see a navy or dark emerald holo. Or a re-release of a nice black holo.

  13. Love love love love holo polishes!
    1. Nubar Gem
    2. I'm really really lemming Nubar Reclaim (or whatever the holo green from the Earth collection is named)
    3. I'd love to see a hunter green and a teal holo! A dark red holo would be great too!

  14. Oh wowwwwwww. I want your entire holo collection.

  15. Hi! Wow you have so many holos. I'm so jealous. :P I also tagged you for an award. I wasn't sure if you did it yet, but if you haven't I'd love to see what you write. :)

  16. Wow, I'm so jealous, lol! Especially love the CHG ones, they just stood out for me.

  17. 1. Nubar Reclaim or China Glaze Let's Do It In 3D

    2. China Glaze DV8 or LOL

    3. Deeper holos, a real proper jewel tone holo collection would be amazing.

  18. MissMidnightBlueMay 8, 2011 at 9:25 PM

    *wipes the drool off my keyboard*

    My fave holo polish I have so far is opi ds sapphire

    the one I want most is MPJ and Glamour

    I'd like to see a light teal/turquoise holo


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.