
Thursday, June 30, 2011

China Glaze Crackle Cracked Medallion

I know, I think of all nail polish fads, the crackle may have become one of the most overdone. I only have a few crackles, but I was definitely excited about the China Glaze Crackle metals. I think after these I'm crackled out. Gold,bronze,black, & white will probably be the extend of my crackle purchases. :P

Cracked Medallion over Barielle Falling Star

Cracked Medallion is a bronze metallic crackle.

Awesome possum! Yes, I just said that. I love how this looks like gold leaf  over the polish. This crackles nicely, unlike some other brand of metallic crackle that stinks -cough- Sally Hansen. I obviously have nothing more interesting to say about this other than I love the look of this. This is a work of art on your nails.

Happy Thursday!


  1. My sister and I say "awesome possum" all the time, but only to each other.

    This is gorgeous! It looks really baroque, like crackling paint on a gaudy picture frame or something. Does that make any sense? Anyway, it's gorgeous and I love the color combo you chose, especially 'cause the glitter in falling star is close in color to the crackle!

  2. Yes! That makes perfect sense, and that's exactly why I love it. I love art history, so anything that has characteristics of antiqued art floats my boat!

  3. I love the gold color! It looks really nice with the blue:) Good job!

  4. Crackle never gets old to me! Love the color combo! I need some gold crackle!

  5. I was really hoping you'd post on these (as I know you weren't too happy with the Sally Hansen ones) so I wanted to know what you think... out of all of these this one would be the one I'd want to pick up (when I stumble accross it)... looks A-Mazing!

  6. My Cracked Metals are all waiting at my apartment for me tonight!  Can't wait to try them!  Thansk for sharing, this one is gorgeous!

  7. I love that combination!  I don't have any of the metals yet :(  I really really like the crackles because sometimes you just don't have time to make your mani interesting, and crackle does the work for you :)  It also helps cover mistakes and bubbles! 

  8. I love this combo.  I'll be picking my set up tomorrow. After that I don't want another crackle polish unless I can find a yellow or some other unusal colors :)

  9. Oh my gosh, this is beautiful!!!!

  10. Looks good. I'd love to see that metallic crackle over black polish.  BTW nice blog makeuover.

  11. that's beautiful!

  12. This is way Pretty...  grrr i saw this at sallys and did not pic it up......

  13. Wow! I didn't think I wanted any of the China Glaze Metals but now this is changing my mind. It's such a great combination of colors/textures!

  14. this is the absolute BEST combination for Cracked Medallion!

  15. It looks great! This bronze crackle is just too fun!^^


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