
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sally Hansen Antiqued Gold Crackle Overcoat Skittles

When the crackle craze hit, I wasn't pretty neutral about them. I discovered OPI Black Shatter and fell in love. I'm picky about crackles. I'm not interested in every crackle color under the rainbow, but those crackle colors like black,silver,white..colors that go with any other color are up my alley!

The instant I caught on somewhat to the crackle craze I knew I wanted a gold crackle. I LOVE the look of lapis lazuil. Gold and blue or gold with any cooler color is one of my favorite combinations hence my RBL Dream Color idea. Needless to say, I was anxiously anticipating a gold crackle. This is where Sally Hansen Antiqued Gold Crappy *cough* Crackle Overcoat come in.

Antiqued Gold
Top to Bottom Layered over: Revlon Royal, Revlon Mock Snob, OPI Mermaid Tears, & OPI Planks A Lot

This sucks. I hate it. Nevermind hate, loathe is more appropriate. Let's start with the color. This is a very pale gold. In some lighting it looks silver rather than gold. This also is more of a sparse particle gold, so it ends up looking like sheer pale gold glitter wash in some spots. I was hoping for more of a chrome-like crackle. The formula in this atrocious. It is difficult to work with. In some instances it's too thick and in others it's too thin. It doesn't crackle well leaving lots of sheer glitter over the base color.

This is purely my opinion, and I must say I'm probably bias. I've been eagerly anticipating a gold crackle, so I had an idea in my head what I wanted it to look like. I'm very disappointed in this sorry excuse for a gold crackle. I'm sorry Sally Hansen, but this sucks!

Tomorrow I will have for you the opposite of today, a great gold crackle! Also, I'm looking forward to the gold and bronze crackles China Glaze is coming out with. Check out The PolishAholic's post to see swatches of those!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Glad I'm not the only one that detested these. 

    Got my hands on the ChG ones, they rock, so get excited-er?!

  2. Totally agree with you about the color and trouble with the formula on this one. I had a hell of time with it :(

  3. I can't WAIT for the ChG gold crackle!  I am VERY glad I didn't waste money on the Sally Hansen ones.  I almost did, but waited for the other brands instead.

  4. I can't wait to see the China Glaze metal crackles!  I didn't hate the Sally Hansen Antiqued Gold but I wish it were more opaque over the colors.  I can't wait for a chrome versus a sparkle!

  5. LetthemhavepolishJune 8, 2011 at 2:46 PM

    I'm not happy with the tone of Gold this is in at all. Its too light and doesnt create enough contrast between the bases. Blech! lol... I think CG made a better gold Crackle than this, by far.

  6. Yeah I didn't like this one at first either. But I used a really think coat and I think it looked fine...not great though. I had to wrap my head around the idea that it wasn't going to "crackle" like others I've tried and that helped haha.

  7. Oh ,Rats! I'm sorry this gold crackle didn't live up to its expectations. But that may make the 'good' gold even sweeter.

    Nevertheless, I love the colors you paired it with. :)

  8. You are right, it seems like a pale gold that looks somewhat silver  --not a big fan of that either.  Can't wait for the next (better) version of a gold crackle post ^_^

  9. It seems not all crackles are created equal, even within the same brand.  I do like how the nails came out, but it definitely doesn't inspire 'gold'.

    I love your idea of a lapis lazuli look though. :]

  10. Detest that's another good word for that polish.

    I am excited for ChG metals!

  11. It's just one big mess, very disappointing.

  12. I'm glad you passed these up too. I wish I would of held off! I'm checking transdesign website everyday waiting for them to stock the ChG crackles!

  13. That was probably the most disappointing aspect it wasn't a compacted metallic just sparse glitter.

  14. You said it!

  15. I think if I hadn't been looking forward to gold crackle so much I may of been able to convince myself, but nope this just won't do!

  16. Yeah, I'm definitely not a fan of a pale gold. :(

  17. That's true. I've heard better things about the other colors in the SH line. I know, I really wish more polish companies would pair blues,greens, and purples with gold glitters and shimmers. I think they're a great combination!

  18. Do you have any idea what happened to OPI on transdesign?  I was going to order the new Serena Williams polishes from them, but I guess they don't sell OPI anymore?  It just disappeared from their menu!

  19. Disappointed in how this turned out; it barely looks like crackle! But I like the gold against Royal - very pretty!


  20. I know exactly what you're saying about this gold.  When I took pictures of the skittles I did with it, I couldn't tell which thumb was the silver picture and which one was the gold.  I found the silver to be very very similar to OPI Silver Shatter in all it's qualities, but the SH gold was well, awkward, and no gold enough.  Great post.  Can't wait to see the China Glaze!

  21. gosh i'm weird. I really like this one.. because it doesn't 'crackle' so much. haha I guess I'm not a big fan of the crackle.  it's like a subtle gold I like this gold shade too. haha  i would get it as an 'intro to crackle'  but you said the formula is crappy. I'm not gonna waste my monies on crappy formula. lol

  22. gorgeous! I like it and haven't had a problem with it myself, except the sparse crackling, but if OPI had a gold one I'd probably buy it.

  23. I feel as though All of the sally hansen crackle colors are garbage... not much of a crackle to me

  24. totally agree. i got the black first, and i absolutely love it! you apply the "thin" coat and it looks effing hot. with this, and i've tried it several times, it's like you can't get the coat thin enough. so there is this somewhat opaque layer of light-gold over the basecoat. would not recommend. if i wanted my nails to be "antique gold" i would have just painted them that color.

  25. I was never really into nail polish, until I figured out it was a great tool in the "stop biting your nails" process. Now, my nails change colors at least 3 times a week, and they are growing out. But that's a side point. Recently, I purchased the "wave break" blue shimmer crackle by Sally Hansen, only because it was 75% off. IT IS AWFUL! It's so thin, and takes more than one coat, but that doesn't really work with crackle, because you cover the cracks. I never use it. Then, I decided to try a non-shimmer, and found the "star burst" black at 75% off. It works much better, and looks striking over the lacey lilac. Just saying, you are right about the shimmer ones.


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