
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

25? No Way Jose!

 **Today is the last day to enter my birthday giveaway!**

Today is my 25th birthday! I have peers saying how old we're getting. I actually like getting older now. I feel like I skipped that whole 18-24 wild and crazy stage. I think I grew up too fast, so it's nice to see everyone starting to settle down and act like mature adults now :P.

In other ways, I still feel like a kid. It's bizarre. I vividly remember childhood experiences. I remember elementary school. I remember our school song, and buddy-fun day at the end of the school year where we got to play games for prizes. That was 14 years ago, which seems like a long time ago, but really doesn't either? I know I'm contradicting myself, but hopefully some of you will understand.

Anywho, last week I was able to crush my #1 biggest lemming ever, China Glaze No Way Jose, so I'm wearing it for my birthday!

No Way Jose
No Way Jose is a medium lavender with silver micro glitter.

This is actually a little more red-toned than in the picture. My camera tends to turn all red-toned purples into blue-toned purples. It's beautiful. I love this color. I've been looking for this one for years. I'm thrilled it's finally mine! What I noticed is these tiny glitters, had a slight iridescence to them, that I didn't know existed. All kinds of win, there's not much more to say.

Happy Birthday to me! I know that sounds conceited, but you're allowed to be a little selfish on your birthday...right? :)


  1. So gorgeous!  They really should bring this shade back.  And happy birthday! I hope it's a great one. :)

  2. Happy happy birthday Steph!!! This color is awesome and looks fab on you!

  3. This color is awesome!!

  4. Happy Birthday I hope you have an awesome day!

    shel xx

  5. Happy birthday! NWJ is gorgeous and I'm so glad you ended up getting it! Have a great day, eat a lot of cake!

  6. Happy Birthday Stephanie!! Hope you have a great day! Is the the polish you considered buying off ebay? Whatever it is, it's gorgeous.

  7. Happy Birthday on the right day this time lol!! Excellent pick to wear on your day!

  8. Happy Birthday!!!! Awesome choice for your bday mani!

  9. Happy Bday....girls!!!!
    The nail polish look very nice on ur hand.

  10. Happy birthday!!  This is such a pretty color!  I can see why it's a top lemming for you.  I'm with you - I think I grew up too fast.  LOL

  11. Happy birthday!  xoxo

  12. that is such a lovely color :)

  13. Congrats on the polish!  I almost feel the same way myself about my friends and "settling down."  I had that wild stage, and it lasted *gasp* a whole year.  I was just never really into all that. It got exhausting!  Anyway, Happy Birthday!  Hope it's a great one! 

  14. Girl, I know exactly how you feel!  My 25th is on Thursday...  and everything you've said I have felt myself.

  15. OH... and happy birthday!  :-D


    This polish is gorgeous. I'm slightly jealous but I'm happy you got it!! :P

  17. This is the perfect color for a birthday!

    Hope you have a great birthday! :)

  18. Happy Birthday, Steph! *throws confetti*

    That pretty polish is a nice way to add to the celebration of your special day. :D

  19. Happy birthday! And congrats on getting your lemming!

    And yes, what you said about growing up and growing older makes perfect sense! ♥

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is a pretty polish, I'm glad you finally found it! :)

  21. Marisa (liveylacquer)July 19, 2011 at 3:52 PM

    Happy birthday Steph!!!! I totally understand that missing the crazy 18-24 stage.. I'm still in it but its running on a parallel track. LOL

  22. Congrats on your birthday :) This is really a pretty color.

  23. Happy Birthday, Steph! (again!) And I'm SO glad to see this on you, and that you love it as much as you thought you would. It's a stunner! 

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Steph!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm wishing you happiness, luck, and.. most important: LOVE! ;)

  25. Happy birthday, Steph! :) Have fun celebrating!
    - Mary

  26. Happy Birthday! And glad you got your polish!!

  27. Happy birthday!

  28. Happy Birthday! Hope it's been great so far. And yes, you are allowed to be a little bit self-centered on your birthday; I used to have a Happy Birthday to Me pin that I would wear every year. It's you day! Do what you want! Anyways...this polish is so pretty! Glad you finally got to have it and your birthday is the perfect day to wear it.  :)

  29. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope it was a great day!

  30. happy birthday. hope it was fun

  31. happy happy birthday!!!

  32. Happy Birthday... and totally get what your saying about it being forever ago and feeling like it hasnt been that long.

  33. Gorgeous polish! Happy belated birthday sweetie x

  34. Happy Birthday Steph!!!!  No Way Jose is so cute on you :)


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