Tuesday, July 19, 2011

25? No Way Jose!

 **Today is the last day to enter my birthday giveaway!**

Today is my 25th birthday! I have peers saying how old we're getting. I actually like getting older now. I feel like I skipped that whole 18-24 wild and crazy stage. I think I grew up too fast, so it's nice to see everyone starting to settle down and act like mature adults now :P.

In other ways, I still feel like a kid. It's bizarre. I vividly remember childhood experiences. I remember elementary school. I remember our school song, and buddy-fun day at the end of the school year where we got to play games for prizes. That was 14 years ago, which seems like a long time ago, but really doesn't either? I know I'm contradicting myself, but hopefully some of you will understand.

Anywho, last week I was able to crush my #1 biggest lemming ever, China Glaze No Way Jose, so I'm wearing it for my birthday!

No Way Jose
No Way Jose is a medium lavender with silver micro glitter.

This is actually a little more red-toned than in the picture. My camera tends to turn all red-toned purples into blue-toned purples. It's beautiful. I love this color. I've been looking for this one for years. I'm thrilled it's finally mine! What I noticed is these tiny glitters, had a slight iridescence to them, that I didn't know existed. All kinds of win, there's not much more to say.

Happy Birthday to me! I know that sounds conceited, but you're allowed to be a little selfish on your birthday...right? :)