
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Neon Edition

This week's poll we had a tie between neons and aqua/teals/blue-greens. I went to twitter to break the tie, and I got the most votes for neons.

I must admit picking out neons was difficult. There are so many colors that are on that blurred line between bright and neon. I just used my best judgment to determine what I thought were neons. Also, some brands did the work for me, some of these came from neon collections or had neon in their name. Some of the colors that were deemed neon by their brands didn't look neon to me, but I put them in there anyways. If you're a stickler for what a neon is, leave me alone :P!

Be sure to vote for next week's spam. 

Color Club Electro Candy, Poptastic, Warhol, Tangerine Scream, & Wham Pow

Color Club Chelsea Girl, Pure Energy, Ultra Violet, & Pucci-licious

China Glaze Pink Voltage, Flip Flop Fantasy, Purple Panic, Flying Dragon, & Blue Sparrow

Milani Pink Pop, Juicy Glo, Pink Hottie, Techno Red, Fresh Teal, & Dude Blue

Savina Carnival, Orange Sky, Zoya Phoebe, Ulta3 NYC Fruit Tingle, Nina Pro Say Cheese, Sinful Colors Cream Pink, & Dream On

I'm sure you're wondering where are the yellows and greens?

Well, I had neon yellows and greens, but honestly I'd never ever wear them, so I sold them or gave them away. I have nothing against those colors, but yellows and greens don't tend to look good on me anyways, so neons yellows and greens are ten times worse.

What are your favorite neon polishes?

Happy Saturday!


  1. Neons are so great.  I just hate when a company says something is neon when it CLEARLY isn't.  Otherwise I don't mind 

  2. YAY! Glad you did this post. Neons are my favoriteee! Lately I've been reaching for Flip Flop Fantasy a lot.
    Neon greens are like my weakness. I LOVE them. I think I have about 8 of them. I want more. Hahah. I'm a bit ridiculous that way [:
    Do you have Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure? I think it looks AWESOME over Sinful Colors Dream On.

  3. i have some sinfulcolors neon polishes i enjoy them!
    i love your neon collection, and especially cant help but love those berry colors

    <3 BB

  4. So jealous. Would love to have about 80% of these

  5. Courteney AnagnostarasJuly 16, 2011 at 6:32 PM

    i'm in love with china glaze flip flop fantasy.  it's a stunner!

  6. I'm wearing Warhol right now.  All those China Glaze's are yummy but, Flying could I have missed out on that one?!

  7. Sinful Colors Cream Pink is probably my all-time favorite pink polish. It's perfection with my skin tone. And it's the ONLY color I've worn on my toes this summer. I've tried other things, but I can't even finish a foot before I take it off and put CP back on. :)

  8. I love Kleancolor Neon Aqua, its super bright and gorgeous.

  9. Just looking at all these neons makes me happy! :)
    - Mary


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