
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Green Edition

You all voted for greens this week for bottle spam. I have to say, be prepared to be disappointed. I have very few greens. In fact, with the exception of yellow, green is color I have the least of. I actually love the color green, but green is really not my color. It doesn't play well with my skin tone. I do love darker greens, as you'll see. I think dark greens can be flattering on most people.

Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam! Also, remember to like my page on Facebook!

WnW Garden Hose, Milani Dress Maker, OPI Mermaid Tears, Sinful Colors Mint Apple

Icing Jaded, Eva Kelly Green, NYX Girls Emerald Forest, Zoya Ivanka

Savina Emerald, China Glaze Emerald Sparkle, Eva Green Glitter, Orly Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

 Zoya Envy, NYX Las Vegas, Cover Girl Midnight Forest, WnW Morbid, & Savvy Garland

Happy Saturday!


  1. love greens and didnt catch Mermaid's tears ..oh why??


  2. Nice collection, thanks. Nubar's Reclaim, in my humble opinion, is a must have. Hands down, it's my favorite. Better yet it's my if-I-could-only-have-one-polish favorite. 

  3. Soo many great greens, wow :-) I love green polish, but I own none of them.

  4. Some very pretty looking greens in this collection :) x


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