
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Sally Hansen Edition

You all voted for Sally Hansen spam this week. So, here are all my Sally Hansen polishes!

Please vote for next week's bottle spam.


 Xtreme Wear Twisted Pink, Rockstar Pink, Fireberry Red, Pumpkin Spice, The Real Teal, & Pacific Blue

 Lacey Lilac, Purple Gala, Grey Area, In the Spotlight, & Showtime

 Insta-Dri Snappy Sprinkles, Rose-a-go-go, Blue Away, Co-bolt Blue, Lively Lilac, & Grape Going

 Pink Promise, Black Diamond, Adoring Amethyst, Pat on the Black, & Hidden Treasure

 HD LCD, Byte, DVD, Laser, Cyber, & Opulent Cloud

 Nail Prisms Ruby Diamond, Golden Tourmaline, Amber Ruby, Ruby Sapphire, & Purple Diamond

Dimension, Diamond Dust, & Chrome Burmese Ruby

Happy Saturday!


  1. That's a huge selection of Sally Hansen! I loved seeing all your old school SH's like the Nail Prisms. :)

  2. I love the Xtreme Wear line. Pacific Blue is AWESOME.
    I don't like the brushes on the Insta-Dri ones though.. So I gave the ones I had to my sister.

  3. Oooh you already have your hands on Pumpkin Spice - we probably won't see that one here - or if so lucky to get 3 bottles on a tiny display that will be goners. You were lucky to get Hidden Treasures. That's going for big $$$ on eBay.

  4. Definitely AddictedAugust 27, 2011 at 4:57 PM

    Oooo, Fireberry Red is pretty!

  5. Nice bottle spam! Pacific Blue and DVD are on my list to get!

  6. LOVE your bottle spam, Steph! :) It's a very interesting way to show off your collection (and I'm drooling over your Purple Gala, swoon!)

  7. Love it! One of my favorite brands lately. Inexpensive and they work well!

  8. I have been looking everywhere for Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, and Midnight in NY, also Nicole Pitch Black Glimmer. I can't find them at all! I've tried everything (but E-bay. I don't do E-bay lol) Would you (or anyone else reading this) now where to find them!!?? Thanks bunches!!!!

  9. Outside of eBay the only places I can think of too look is on MakeupAlley in their Swap section, and see if anyone would be willing to swap with you. I'd also suggest looking at peoples blog sales.

  10. Thanks! I know you miss Purple Gala :(. I'm glad you got Mystic Lilac though!

  11. It is! Thanks!

  12. Yeah, it took me forever to find Hidden Treasure!

  13. The Insta-Dri brushes are TERRIBLE. I hate them too.

  14. some awesome colours there!

    shel xx

  15. Lovely brand love the colors and everything!


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