
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NYX Girls Dreamy Glitter

I don't usually get funky glitters, but when I saw this NYX Girls polish. I had to get it. It was just so pretty! I absolutely love NYX Girls polishes. They have some of the best glitters, and for an excellent price. I just wish I could find these in stores vs. online. I have found a few at Urban Outfitters, but not for the best price. :(

Dreamy Glitter over Eva Powder Blue
Dreamy Glitter Mattified
Dreamy Glitter is a pink/gold-toned iridescent microgliter, large hexogo glitter, and pink star glitter suspended in a clear base.

I love this glitter! It reminds me of something out of My Little Pony or The Care Bears. I know, very silly, but that's what it reminds me of. This is really a great and girly glitter. I haven't been into layering lately, perhaps it's because I haven't found something as unique as this. I'll definitely be layering this neat polish!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Very pretty glitter! And I love that blue!

  2. Powder Blue is the perfect base polish to highlight that glitter. How many coats did you use for that?

    Smurfs too. :)

  3. Yes, I can see how it's reminiscent of My Little Pony and the Carebears! It's so cute and soft. Love glitters like this. Looks great on you.

  4. Oooh, nice glitter! I might have to track this one down.

  5. I love this!! Super cute!! XOXO

  6. I love this!! Super cute!! XOXO

  7. Super cute!! XOXO

  8. This is so pretty. I love the glitter and the little stars!  I haz a sad, tho. There isn't a bottle of this brand of polish to be found anywhere within a one hundred mile radius. Podunkville. Sucks. :S

  9. You're right...and I does look like something out of one of the older childrens cartoons...colorful, fun, cheerful..its just happiness in a bottle!

  10. Love it! I used mine over a baby blue too ~

  11. i love the stars! your sooo right about nyx girls glitters!
    diggin it matte!

    <3 BB

  12. Nice and sweet like you said. I so hate to scrub off glitters. But this one does not look that thick that it would be a mondo effort to get it off for polish changes. I just tend to get tired really fast when I put a glitter on for some reason. So what I tend to do is wear my base polish alone and then toward the end I will toss on a light glitter because I know I am going to change out in a day or two. Works for me - not sure if anyone else gets tired of looking at say their glitter toes for 2 weeks (avg pedi time I think for most)....I sure do once that glitter goes on...yet I am fine if it's a base shade with maybe only a glitter stripe pen along the open edge of the pedi. That look I can enjoy all two weeks and use it off and on with mostly silver as the liner shade.

  13. Love the star glitter! This glitter looks great against the blue.

  14. The blue I used either 2-3. I used 2 coats of the glitter. :)

  15. I'm glad you love it! :)

  16. Aww, that stinks. I hope you can get your hands on it soon!

  17. It is happiness is a bottle! :)

  18. Thanks! Great minds think alike :)

  19. This one isn't really thick.

  20. What a coincidence, I just bought this today. I was in a shopping centre, not even looking for polish and I saw this and just had to have it.  It was only $3 too, which is really cheap here in Oz.

  21. I love the glitter!

  22. It looks so good mattified! Neat!

  23. beautiful!I do love that glitter polish!

  24. That's lovely, I'm such a glitter fiend!


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