
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Share With You Sunday: 8/15/11-8/21/11

Be sure to share your links for this post!

Pictures of the Day:

These pictures were taken at Disney World in Epcot. I got for my major birthday gift a weekday seasonal pass to Disney ,and I'm so psyched. I used to have an annual one, but the price became insane. In fact, I hadn't been in 3 years and I live only 15 minutes away. I'm over the moon I get to go again. Disney is one of my favorites places on earth! The second picture is a picture I took of a lion fish at the Living Seas pavilion.

Colores de Carol shows us her Pink Wednedsay manicure.
For Me, It Works shares with us Orly Star of Bombay.
Glitta Gloves reminds me why I should of bought all the China Glaze Kaleidoscope holos when I had the chance.
Once Bitten reviews Glitter Gal Lizard Belly.
Oooh, Shinies shares with us her blue & teal konad.
polish fixation reviews CQ Rustin Dream.

MandysSecrets reviews Wet n' Wild Walking on Eggshells palette.

Stephanie Louise-All Things Beautiful shares with us some fall jewelery. 

What You're Loving:
Love. Varnish, chocolate and more shows off NOPI Sensational Scarlet.
DeyiMizu shares with us her Japanese beauty haul.
Make-up/Music/Money/Me shares with us her DIY lip gloss palette.


I could listen to this song on repeat for hours, and never get tired of it. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)


  1. love this post!

  2. Thanks for leading me to Colores de Carol! Her blog looks awesome :).

  3. I love going to Disney! Hope you have a lot of fun when you get to go again!

  4. One of these days my hubby and I are going to save up some money and go there! We absolutely looovvvvveeee going to Disneyland whenever we get a chance and Disney World just seems even better!

  5. Oh my goshh. DISNEY <3 I need to go to Disney World someday... My uncle lives a few hours away and has said I need to visit him.. Maybe I could convince him to take me?

    My stepdad had a lion fish for yearssss. His name was Spike and he died last year but he was really cool. He would spit water out of the tank if we held up food.

  6. Kirsten Glitta GlovesAugust 22, 2011 at 3:33 AM

    Aww thanks for including me, lovahhhh! I think this is the first time I've actually been following all the nail blogs mentioned - except my own, of course ;) <3


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