
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Talk It Out Tuesday: Why do you love nail polish?

I really enjoyed last week's "Blogging Revelations" post. It was a really engaging post, which is something I'd like to do more on this blog. I'm going to test out a new weekly post that will be conversation based . I'll have a new topic every week that will be in regards to blogging, polish, beauty, or any other topics, I know we all can relate to. I'd love to see some chatter in the comment section too amongst you all.  I think this is a fun way to get to know each other better outside of just swatch pictures and reviews. This may not work out, but I figured I'd give it a try!

Todays Topic: Why do you love nail polish? 

I know we all love the colors and the selection, but is there a deeper reason for your attraction to nail polish? Did it help you kick a nail biting habit? Did you help you break out of your shell?

Please let me know in the comment section!

My answer:
I'm kind of fashion-challenged or maybe fashion-phobic. I don't follow trends, I have no idea what is "in" and what is "out". I've also never been a flashy dresser or someone who is out of the box as far as appearance. I'm not entirely comfortable with it all, though I definitely admire others who are. I love people rocking pink hair, rainbow eye makeup, and etc. It's just not for me, but I do like to show off my love for the funky and creative in small doses. How do I do this? Nail polish..duh! I love glitters, vampy colors, pastels, holographic, and etc. Nail polish is definitely how I show off my creative, fashionable, and outgoing side.

Also, I'm the type of person who goes to Home Depot and is drawn to the section of the store with all the wall paint samples. I pick out a bunch just because of the colors. I was always like this rainbows of colors always attracted me. I always needed the 96 box of Crayola crayons. I always wanted xyz in every color. I just love colors. I love to look at colors! Nail polish is the perfect medium of a wide range of wearable colors. Plus, nail polish is so affordable. You don't have to drop down a ton of money on clothes, makeup, or hair color, or shoes to make it happen. You can have any color for a reasonable price.

I'd say those are my top reasons for loving polish outside of the obvious reasons.

What are yours?


  1. I started painting my nails when I made a New Year's Resolution to quit biting my nails.
    I would just paint them, bite all of the polish off, paint again, bite all of it off, etc.
    I no longer bite my polish off, but I do paint my nails atleast 2-3 times a day.
    I always loved googling "nail art" and finding all of these blogs. If my nails aren't painted I still kind of have an urge to bite them all off! lol.

  2. I love the idea of this series!

    I love nail polish for many, many, many reason. I bit my nails for ages and constantly wearing nail polish helped me quit (but of course fueled a new obsession). I'm also really bad at fashion trends/wearing things that aren't black, so nail polish is a fun, easy way for me to add color to my fairly plain outfits.

  3. Nail polish has always captured my attention, although it wasn't until my mom started bribing me with salon manicures to make me stop biting my  nails did I realized just how much I loved it. I kicked the nail biting habit for good only a year ago but I would always paint my nails nicely in order to try to avoid biting ( a nervous habit).

    I am also not that great at makeup, on a regular day I don't wear any and on a fancy occasion, I'll wear mascara, eyeliner, and a tiny bit of eyeshadow, so nail polish is a way for me to feel dressed up when I lack the makeup skills

  4. Ha! I love the wall paint section at the hardware-type stores! 

    And when I don't have a lot of money for the newest clothes, I can afford to splurge on a new polish color. And I always notice other peoples' nails.

  5. I'm the same way about makeup. I do very neutral and simple makeup looks. I don't have the skills and the stash to do anything special, so I can definitely relate. Nail polish is a great way to dress things up without having to go out all out with makeup. :)

  6. I started really getting into my nails about a year and a half ago when I was working at a really stressful job.  It was just retail, but my boss was a total bitch and I was the only person there who ever did anything, so I was also the only one who ever got in trouble for anything, even if I didn't do it.  I would do my nails as soon as I walked in the door from work and I found it calmed me down.  I was able to focus on something other than the shitty day I'd had.

  7. That's good to hear! I'll get questions sometimes with people thinking I'm in the loop with fashion/makeup/beauty because of my polish  blog. It really embarrasses the hell out of me, because I'm so not fashion forward at all. Nail polish is my only glimpse into the fashion world. I'm glad polish helped you curb your nail biting habit!

  8. I'm glad nail polish has helped to keep your from biting your nails. I never had a nail biting issue, but I know many who have and polish has helped them kick the habit!

  9. If you think about even the most expensive polish is still somewhat affordable, if you're not a mad collection like myself. $25 for a new fashionable polish isn't bad in comparison to the hundreds of dollars we spend on clothes and accessories.

    Wall-paint sections are my demise. I always start planning out my dream home and what color paint I'd have in each room.

  10. I should of added that as one of my reasons. I totally understand and can relate. Nail polish is definitely a great de-stresser. I'm glad it gave you some relief from that nasty job and that bitchy boss!

  11. I find that nail polish help me show the person I and for people to know a little more about me (:

  12. I used to bite my nails so I never polished them.  When I turned 21, I wanted to stop biting them so I got gels.  It was great but I found I got sick of my color after a few days so I started buying polishes to paint over it!  Then I fell in love and LOVED changing my polish all the time so after many years of practice, I can finally give myself a fast and almost perfect mani in a few minutes!  Now I change my nails almost every day!

  13. I used to bite my nails sot his did help stop, but also it sorta started to be what i was "known for" in my group.. i always had a new nail polish and now im recognized that way "oh yeah Maria told me about you, her friend who has 300 nail polishes!") that sorta thing.. i think its sort of "my" thing, which is great because i love to play with my polishes so why not make a name for myself in the sea of high school..

    Also, I suck at makeup. I looooove looking at all the cool eye shadow and liner, etc. But i fail at wearing it and applying, so i get my beauty fix from my fingers :)

    and as you said, its just so darn pretty to look at!

  14. EDIT: also polishing calms me down as well, its me "me" time.. no phone, no laptop, now bothers.. just pretty peaceful polishing.

    I am not artistic like most fo my family (musically, drawing, etc) so i liek to have this as my creativity outlet.

  15.  The bottom line is that nail polish makes me happy through color.  I wear colors on my fingers that make me smile every time I look at them. If the color doesn't make me happy or smile or content, I never ever wear it again because it's failed. (This is why I never wear any color on my nails that looks like it might have come from either end of a baby.) I do play around with makeup some, but I can't see that unless I have a mirror. My nails are Right There.

    Life has been rough this past year for me and for most of my friends, so I've started looking for happiness in small things. Having this bright pop of blue glitter (Island Girl Waikiki Magic!) on my fingers helps all out of proportion to the cost/effort.

  16. I first started polishing regularly when I discovered a topic on a Dutch forum about it.. I was still somewhat of a biter back then and polishing kicked out that nasty thing. Because I had extreme thin nails I got acrylics.. which made it even worse when I removed those. Now I am a happy polisher and blogger and just find my moment of "me-time" whenever I paint my nails :).

    I also got drawn in by make-up and like to be more girly every day :P.

  17. My mother stated she would buy me polish if I would stop biting my nails, I didn't know the term for it then but she was sort of controlling , being a mom I I tested her by replying "Any color I like?"  She said yes so I quit biting my nails and she started biting her nails when my first request was a Revlon "Emerald green" now back in the early seventies that was "way out there."  Since then and over 30 years later I still love "out there" colors and now with stamping....styles also.  I have close to 400 bottles of polish and 119 stamping plates with an extensive wish list attached.  My job requires business suits and dress heels but nothing about nails-so.....and I work with teenagers all day long and  believe me- many deep conversations have started all over a simple color or pattern on my nails....doing mani's every night relaxes me and the teenagers look forward to "what is current" for the next day with my nails (both female AND male).  BTW CG-Emerald Green and MAAH are my trophy bottles. 

  18. My polish collection really started to grow few years back when I was working a stressful job with a long commute. If I just couldn't take sitting in the car for 2 hours after a long day, I would pull over to the nearest Ulta while traffic died down to pick up an Essie from the clearance section. Then at home I would kick back and give myself a much needed manicure. So I have to agree with what others said - for a few dollars I can treat myself to something relaxing, creative and simplistic. When I paint my nails or read through my favorite polish blogs, I feel like I've found a happy little worry-free corner of the world.

  19. I agree with everything you said. I know nothing about clothes. Or make up. I don't even wear make up. I have had purple hair a couple times in the past but not anymore since I didn't want that to make it harder to find a job. I use nail polish to express myself and be colorful. I love how many different colors there are! It's just so much fun.

    Another reason I really love nail polish is because of when I was a little kid. My parents have been divorced forever and when I was little my dad lived with my aunt and uncle. I would visit every other weekend and my auntie would always paint my nails. It was girl time and I loved it. Although she did only have red and pink polishes. I didn't care then but now I couldn't imagine having only pink or red nails.  Her & my uncle got a divorce when I was 10 or so I think and I haven't seen her in years but when I paint my nails I think of her.

  20. I think I got into nail polish as a way to express myself. Nail polish has helped me be more creative. At first I was only into safer colors. Eventually I branched out into crazy colors as I discovered new colors via the internet. Soon it became "my thing" and I liked how it made me stand out. It's a definite de-stresser and affordable.  I feel like nail polish makes me appear as a more fashionable person. I'm not that great applying makeup and don't like to dress up much so it's a great alternative.

  21. honestly painting my nails is the equivilent of smoking a cigerette to relax for me
    as im painting im letting out all the stresses of daily life and i cant help but love having that feeling

    <3 BB

  22. I love nail polish because it is like a mini vacation. You can let your mind slow down from a hard day while you paint them and then when you are done they make you happy every time you see them!

  23. I have always enjoyed nail polish, even as a little girl, I would spend my allowance on polish. I love nail polish because its my " me time". It also allows me to express myself through design or color. Another reason is it makes me feel very, very feminine . I love this feeling!  

  24. I need to email you back! :) I hadn't forgotten. I loved last week's post so much.
    I've always loved polish - I remember having a Barbie polish that was like...water, haha, from when I was a little girl. But I could never grow my nails or stop biting them. I put on acrylics to save my nails, not even realizing I was doing more damage. I wore a lot of colors with my acrylics! When I started blogging about polish, I was just growing out my nails from the last acrylic removal, and I was hoping to heal the damage and stop biting.  Oh, it has helped my nails so much! Anyway, I do love color. I will wear any color on my nails. I used to be into makeup and actually had a YT channel that I did reviews and...let's face it, kind of crappy tutorials - I don't have much skill with makeup, but I do love it, and I would wear almost any color on my eyes, too. Makeup, however, is a much more expensive habit than nail polish! I love that I can get my "color fix" for so much cheaper with a bottle of cool polish.

  25. I like to do my nails because it's a form of artistic expression for me.  For years, I've felt kinda outta the loop expression-wise because my hubs is a great artists, so is his bestie, who just happens to be married to MY bestie (Makeup Zombie) who is awesome at makeup.  But, like you, wild makeup, bright colors, things like that, aren't me.  I felt like i had nothing artistic to offer - myself or the group.  Once I got in to the whole nail blogging scene, I felt like I had found a piece of the puzzle that had been missing for a very long time.  I like that I can change my look on a whim.  I like that I can try new methods or new designs to create something unique.  I like that I have so many colors to chose from - something to match my mood, the time of year, my clothes, etc.   It's an extension of who I am without being in-your-face with it.

  26. i started painting my nails when i was broken up with. this was back in august 2009. it was sort of an "i'm a different person now" thing.

    also, i see nail painting as a stress reliever (i do it in my downtime and that's my "me" time). it also is an expression of your character. 

  27. LittleblackdressandbeyondAugust 2, 2011 at 5:29 PM

    I am always drawn towards the paint samples! Maybe that partly explains my love of nail polish. It's so funny because I just wrote a blog post about coordinating nail polish with your clothes. Fashion is my favorite thing, and I think nail polish is one of the easiest and most fun accessories. Everyone can do it, and it shows your individuality. You can use a subtle color if you want, or you can go bold with a bright color or interesting texture. Who wouldn't love nail polish? I think the world might self-destruct if I left the house without my nails painted! Thanks for an awesome post!!

  28. I love nail polish for pretty much the same reason as you - I LOVE color. I have way too many Sharpies, crayons, markers...but mostly nail polish. :) I also love it because I will wear colors and art on my nails that I would never wear on my body- for example, I would never wear lime green leopard print clothes, but on my nails? Absolutely.

  29. I'd say I have very similar reasons to yours. I just love color and polish makes me happy. Oh And I also always had to have the biggest crayola box made lol. I still have a coloring book and a box of crayons for when life just gets too crazy...

  30. Jane from NailsideAugust 2, 2011 at 6:33 PM

    I loved reading your reason(s)! Mine is similar, colours just make me so happy. Nail polish also helped me to get rid of the biting habit and I love how I can wear pretty much any colour/design on my nails, that I normally wouldn't dare to wear in an outfit.

  31. Last year I simultaneously quit smoking and biting my nails. As a reward to my self I started buying polishes and painting my nails. It was something I was I did all along because to me a perfectly painted nail is as feminine and lovely as a perfectly painted mouth.

  32. I too quit biting by buying polish! For each week I didn't bite Id buy me a polish. The problem started there ;) Now im over a year bite free and 250+ polishes in my collection! and I HAVE FABULOUS NAILS for once in my life!! <3

  33. Ooohhh, I love this idea! :D

    Well, if I get a polish, I just have to like the color. I don't have to worry if it fits. If it is trendy, it is a less expensive way to be spot on as opposed to clothing.

    My mother used to have long, beautiful nails and I admired them. I was a nail-biter and didn't have lovely nails. I still don't, but that's another topic. :) Polished, beautiful nails are feminine and grown-up.

    If I'm feeling blue or just need a pick me up, an inexpensive bottle of polish does the trick. I feel the same about lipstick or gloss too.

  34. Fantastic idea.
    I'm kinda the same. Totally incompetant at putting together an outfit, can't do good makeup to save my life, but I can apply polish.

  35. Love the idea of conversation starters each week. I've been a huge fan of polish and doing my own nails since middle school. I was a huge tomboy at that age and my family would always joke about it. Polishing my nails was my way to be more girly and I've been hooked ever since!

  36. That's great!

  37. That's neat, I'm glad you kicked your nail biting habit, and you fell in love with polish!

  38. I love that polish is your thing! I definitely remember being lost in the sea of high school, and it's great polish is something you use to identify yourself and make you unique.

  39. I feel the same way about baby puke/poop colors. I love how you've found a little bit of happiness in polish. You described that perfectly, and I totally agree. It's amazing how something so small can brighten your day.

  40. It gives me something I have some sort of control over and it's also an escape from the real world for a minute. There are days I can spend hours just pouring over my collection or displays. It gives me a sense of solace. It also helps me get a little bit of color into my life. I am so scared of wearing color in big doses.
    Wonderful idea! Love it.

  41. I started in my early 20's as a way to quit biting. Once I did I quit for a while but then realized my cuticles stayed in good shape when I polished instead of being ravaged by bloody hangnails (I think I was biting at the hangnails). I quit again for a while and then started because I was working in an locked private area where I sat on my behind for 4 hours and then spent the next 4 hours trying to do 8 hours of work (just the way the work came in). Then I wore a uniform (an ugly one, aren't they all?) and polished because it was a small outlet of rebellion. Then for 11+ long years I worked in an area that wrecked my nails so badly I had to give up polish.

    Then I retired and now I polish to my hearts content. It's relaxing and I find it a great way to keep from snacking.

  42. This is a great topic!!! I have a couple of reasons for my polish addiction ...
    It stops me biting my nails/cuticles.
    I am fashion challenged like you! I don't wear what's "in" and I refuse to spend $200 on a pair of jeans (unlike my partner who regularly spends $300 on his!!!). Nail polish is a way to express my individuality.
    It's my digital design side coming out. I love graphic design and did it at uni so messing around with colours/patterns/styles is fun to me.
    It draws me out of depression and anxiety. When I get in really down moods or am feeling really anxious, it gives me something else to focus on and I get to enjoy the end result for as long as I want to.
    People don't realise the reasons behind nail polish addiction and how much it actually HELPS people!

  43. Like many others, I use nail polish as a creative outlet. I'm not very good with eye makeup (my Mom never used eye liner or mascara, so I never learned), and I get anal-retentive about lipstick (if it doesn't look perfect all day, I don't want it on my lips), so I stick with lip balms, maybe lip stain if I am feeling fancy. I like my nails to look good, and I take pride in them. I like getting compliments on them, trying new things (stamping, water marble, dotting, newsprint nails) and of course, getting new colors! Some people say I have a nail polish addiction, and I'm ok with that :) Happy Polishing :)

  44. My polish addiction began at my grandmother's dressing table.  I love seeing the gemlike colors in the shiny bottles and translating that look onto my hands for me to enjoy all day.  I think polish makes your hands look pretty and well, polished!
    For me it is a huge escape, all of it, the shopping, blogging, comparing my nail color to my environment, my drinks or whatever.

    I love it because it gives me great pleasure, visually and spiritually.  Thanks for asking this question~ 

    You're invited to enter my glitter-tastic giveaway!!!

  45. I left you some blog awards on my page!

  46. I used to get acrylics too before I was in nail polish. I had no idea how bad they were for my nails until I took them off!

  47. That's a great story! I'm glad you asked for the Emerald Green. I'm glad polish has been a nice little addition to your life and your work.

  48. That's neat! Relaxation is definitely one of the reasons I love nail polish too. It really gets your mind off things.

  49. It's nice to know that other polish lovers are not makeup gurus too. I'm totally that way, I'm a bit lost in the world of cosmetics in fashion, but I love polish! I love your story about your Aunt painting your nails when you were younger. That's a nice memory.

  50. I think nail polish is a great way to make a fashion statement. It's probably the only way I make a fashion statement, because like you I'm not all that great with makeujp and fashion.

  51. I'm glad you find painting your nails relaxing! Nail polishing is a lot better for you than smoking too :P

  52. Exactly! I totally agree. You do have to slow down and concentrate on something else rather than letting your head spin in stress.

  53. I love that nail polish is your "me time". :)

  54. I wore acrylics too before I got into polish. I had NO idea how bad they were for my nails. I always liked the look of painted or done up nails, now I just do it with polish.

  55. Great response! I'm glad nail polish helped you discover that piece of the puzzle. I can completely relate to your "It's an extension of who I am without being in-your face with it".

  56. It's nice to know how relaxing and therapeutic painting your nails is. I'm surprised at how many people are sharing this similar sentiment. It's definitely true, and something I didn't realize so many people could relate to.

  57. Haha, I actually left the house with naked nails for the first time in AGES today. It was a fluke, and I felt incomplete! I'm glad you have the fashion thing down, maybe I can take some tips for you. It's nice how nail polish can complete an entire look.

  58. Yep! I'm with you there. Crazy stuff on my nails is a-ok, but anywhere else not so much.  I'm like you too,  I have boxes of crayons and markers. I guess I'm a color collector. Markers, crayons, and nail polish are the cheapest way to collect colors huh?

  59. I just bought some crayons and Lisa Frank coloring book. I don't care how old you are, you're never to old to color. :)

  60. I love that we all have this edgy side, and choose to show it through nail polish. It's the perfect place to go a bit crazy. :)

  61. That's a great reward to yourself! Congrats on quitting smoking and biting your nails!

  62. Congrats! What a great reward to yourself. You had some awesome discipline!

  63. Nail polish is definitely a great pick me up. It's nice that something so small and simple can brighten your day.

  64. I 100% relate!

  65. Wow, I wish I was into nail polish for as long as you. I would of remembered to hang on to the old school goodies. You definitely get hooked into polishing!

  66. There are worse things to be addicted to!

  67. I totally understand. It is a great break away from reality.

  68. I'm glad you can polish to your hearts content now!

  69. I totally agree. Nail polish has really helped me. It's interesting to know that amongst all of us we all have very similar reasons for liking it. I wouldn't spend $200 on a pair of jeans either. I feel guilty spending more than $30-$40 on something clothes related. I'm so cheap.

  70. I'm the same. My mom never wore any makeup, so I've had to rely on the internet for makeup tips. Lets just say, I'm not very patient, so I end up doing minimal makeup. Nail polish I feel comfortable going all out. I mean you really can't screw it up, except for getting it on your fingers and that comes off easy!

  71. That's a nice memory you've attached polish to!

  72. Definitely! You can have so many more colors if they're cheap. :)

  73. I got addicted to nail polish when I realized that getting acrylics had ruined my natural nails... it has been an uphill battle to get them healthy again, but in the mean time I found an awesome hobby! 

  74. Basically everything you said! I used to bite my nails in high school (ages past) and while quitting wasn't the goal polish did make me stop. I can take risks and express wackyness with polish that I generally can't bring myself to do in clothing. I'm crafty and just watching my nails interact with their surroundings helps me think of new color combinations.
    Don't really do clothes and not that good with makeup but man can I polish a nail! :)

  75. Sorry to be late answering your question.  My whole life i have had crappy nails.  Im talking split to the nail bed,  so short there was no white crappy.  Plus I was a bad nailbiter, and when I kicked that, i bit my hangnails and cuticles.  They were always a bleeding mess.  It was awful. I was always envious of others who had pretty painted nails.  Plus, being a nurse, the polish wouldnt stay on from all the handwashing etc, so i just didnt bother.  Then I found a product that transformed my nails.  Trind.  My nails are long and strong and I was so proud and wanted to show them off that I started my blog! I discovered dark colors in 2004 and my love for them has grown exponentially since. I love that there are so many different colors, and art that you can do to express yourself.  Its also affordable.  I read others and agree, I refuse to spend a lot of money on purses, shoes, clothes.  So I just buy nail polish.

  76.  Haha don't worry, I'm cheap too!!

  77. I have a some of the same reasons others have mentioned. I love the beautiful colors and the ability to have a great look without spending as much money as I would on clothes. I also am not very good at other kinds of makeup since in my mom doesn't wear it, so I didn't learn early.

    Other than those, I'll add that I don't really feel like I have time to do (face) makeup every day. Doing my nails lets me do it once and have a fun look for a few days. Also, I work in a fairly business casual environment. It's not very uptight, so I can get away with crazy nails where purple hair or wild eye makeup might be too much.


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.