
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Milani Edition

Be sure to check out and like my Facebook page. I'm currently having a giveaway on there that lasts through tomorrow night.

It's Milani week. It wasn't voted on, but Milani kept falling into second or third place for months now, so I decided to give it a chance.

Milani was probably one of my favorite drugstore brands of polish when I first started collecting. I think even through Fall of last year they were one of my favorites. I feel like they've lost some steam. They used to release a few seasonal collections with unique colors, and I'm just not seeing that anymore. It seems as though after the "One-Coat Glitters" they lost their spark. They released some fast drying polishes this summer, but still it's not up to par with their previous releases. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm not pleased. As you'll see, I have a large Milani collection full of great colors. The problem is all but one of these colors are from almost year or more ago.

 Blue Flash, Red Sparkle, Gold Glitz, Purple Gleam, & Silver Dazzle

 Gems, Gold, Dude Blue, Pink Hottie, & Fresh Teal

 Techno Red, Hi-Res, Digital, Cyberspace, & 3D

 Purple Rush, Day Dreaming, Dress Maker, 2.0, & Dot Com

 Pink Pop, Juicy Glo, In a Flash, Hot Flash, & Molten Rock

 Melt Down, Hot Metal, Totally Cool, Disco Lights, & Garnet Gems

 Tip Toe Pink, Paint the Town Red, Black Cherry, & Ruby Jewels

Pink Out Loud, Orange Burst, & Bella Berry

Make sure to vote for next week's bottle spam!

Happy Saturday!


  1. My kind of woman! I have all the one coat glitters and the holographics and love them.

  2. I actually have quite a lot of Milanis too, and I love them! I have to agree though that this year has been a bit of a disappointment - I loved the One Coat Glitters, but everything else has been kind of meh.

  3. Beautiful collection!

  4. Yay!! Gorgeous collection!!! I love Milani!


  5. I love the one coat glitters, but their regular polish tends to chip on me fast =\

  6. The one coat glitters were my first Milani polishes and then I bought all of the holographics as well. Aside from that though there aren't a ton of other colors that interest me. Which considering all of the good things that continually come out from all different companies, it's good for my wallet when companies fall flat once in a while.

  7. I have a few Milani's I need to get a few more that I need / want. ;) I could never ever find the one coat red glitter.  Awesome spammage. ;)

  8. I have a few of the Milani polishes, Cyberspace, Disco Lights, and Blue Flash, but wish they would release some new ones.

  9. I have three Milani polishes. Gems, Neon Lites & Purple Gleam. Disco Lights looks really pretty!

  10. You have a ton of Milani's! I love Milani's & I agree, I haven't seen any new ones out & I am disappointed! They are one of my favs... I have about 20.

  11. I've never tried milani but they look great, fab colour selection!


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