I think "Talk It Out Tuesday" will turn into a bi-weekly or monthly post, depending on what topics come to mine. If I do it weekly I run out of ideas! If you have an topic suggestions you can always email me.
Today's topic is Blogging Insecurities.
I can only assume not every blogger out there is 100% confident about what they do on their blogs 24/7. I think we all have some doubts and insecurities about our blogs, ourselves, and how we all fit into this blog-o-sphere. I think sometimes it's easier to brush off, while other times it can be overwhelming.
If you are a blogger, do you have insecurities about your blog? If you feel comfortable sharing, what are your insecurities? How do you combat them?
Also, feel free to comment on this if you're not a blogger. I'd love to see your thoughts and impressions too!
I really wanted to do this topic, as a means of support for other bloggers. We don't always have the avenue to able to express our insecurities and gain feedback from others. I hope this topic will be helpful and positive in that way.
My answer:
I think I have more insecurities with myself as a blogger vs. my blog itself.
I think my main insecurity now is how I fit in with other bloggers. To be honest, I sometimes feel like an outsider. I see a lot of bloggers who have strong friendships and connections with others, and I don't feel I really have that. I feel like I keep to myself a lot, and maybe I come off snooty or unapproachable to other bloggers? I know my blog doesn't come off snooty, but maybe I do when I talk on Twitter or Facebook?
To be honest, I think my trust level with others is not strong. I do not easily open up to others, and sometimes I just feel awkward when talking to bloggers. I'm not really sure the etiquette when communicating with other bloggers. Other bloggers must email each other or have some form of communication outside of blogging and Twitter to become good friends? I guess I feel like I'd be imposing if I tried to reach out. I'm so insecure and negative about this, which is probably the problem.
I do not have 0 blogging friends. In fact, I've met some great people through blogging, but I feel myself holding back from having the stronger friendships I'd like. I really need blogger friends. There are bad days, bad blogging days, and frustrating things I go through with blogging that I need to have people I can vent to.
This is definitely something I need to work on with myself. It's not anyone's fault, nor is it mine. It's just definitely an insecurity that needs "me work". I think I see myself as beneath others and not good enough, when that only exists in my head?
I think besides that I feel pretty good about my blog. I resent posts from other bloggers ranting about what bloggers do wrong. I hate seeing people post about bloggers crappy pictures etc. That always make me insecure, because sometimes I notice my photos are not 100%. They can be blurry, my cuticles are not perfect, etc. It makes me feel like crap. I can deal with this issue fine, because obliviously people read my blog so it can't be that big of an issue. It still ticks me off when people feel a need to impose their ideas of what is a good blog is on others. I know it makes other people feel insecure too.
These are my insecurities I wanted to share with you.
What are yours?
Happy Tuesday!