
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Zoya Erika

 Reminder: You have 3 more days to enter my giveaway!

Sorry, for my short little absence, but we're back on track now. Today, I have for you a Zoya I picked up in their last promo. This is one I saw on Scrangie for awhile, and kept putting off getting. It's difficult to look at Scrangie's swatches because she makes everything look like a million bucks! Her swatches are amazing! I have to look at her swatches sparingly or else I'd be completely broke! Anyways, I caved and ended up getting this color, and I wasn't disappointed.

Erika is a soft pale pink with golden shimmer.

My first worry when I got this was it was going to be completely sheer. I really love pale and softer pinks, but they always end up taking 5+ coats to get opaque. This was not the case at all. This was opaque in 3 coats. It's really a beautiful polish. I sometimes crave these softer looks, and I think they definitely give you a very classy and fresh look.

Speaking of Zoya did you see their upcoming winter collection? I saw it on All Lacquered Up. Thoughts? I'm not impressed, and I usually at least want 2-3 things from Zoya collections. I don't like how it's just 3 colors with matching glitters. I'm not much into layering anymore, so I know I wouldn't use them that much. It's bittersweet really because with some of the other upcoming winter collections I definitely will be spending my far share!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Ooh, thanks for posting this! Glad to hear it isn't really sheer.. That's what I've been worried about. I don't have any pinks like this and I really want it because of the name. It's silly really, but I have an Aunt Erika and when I was a little girl she would paint my nails almost every time I went to her house.

  2. Such a cute pink ^^

  3. I completely agree about the Winter Zoya collection. I first saw the swatches on ALU too and I was pretty underwhelmed. I know everyone has been talking about how awesome the bar glitter is.. But it isn't really my cup of tea.

    Aside from that.. I can't count how many polishes I've bought because of Scrangie's swatches. LOL :D

  4. I also saw the write up on ALU and I wasn't all that wild about it, either. There are Fall/Winter/Holiday polishes that I would much rather spend my money on. I am a little sad, because I do love Zoya. Oh well. :)

  5. You're so right about Scrangies swatches....She is the ultimate enabler

  6. My namesake! :D  I own this and have not yet swatched it!  I have to love it just cause of my name, lol!

  7. OK you talk about Scraggie convincing you, you need a polish just have me adding this shade to my always on going Zoya shopping cart - I keep it on going so when suddenly Zoya has a 1 day sale I am ready with something to go into an order. Highly recommend it to others to do this. Save your shopping cart. It should come back up when it logs you out and you sign back in - but as a back up, I print it out or save it to a file always when I add another thing to it.

  8. I usually don't like pinks, but this one is soooo lovely!
    I am really glad that Zoya Winter collection isn't so interesting, because I have a lot of shades to buy from the past collections. (Zoya is crazy expensive here in Italy, I have to order them overseas and with our customs, it's always a big risk!)

  9. I'm with you on the winter collection-meh. Smoke and Mirrors on the other hand-luvs. I purchased Yara. : ) Crystal is my favorite blue, so frosty. 

  10. so pretty and clean looking. It looks great on you! :)

  11. oooo... I'd thought about getting Erika, but was scared she'd be too sheer. I might have to go grab her now. :)

  12. I got this one with the last promo as well and I love it!

  13. Oh thats really pretty....I really love pink....must add to WL

  14. This is pretty and very delicate. I like the name; I have a good friend who spells her name the same way. I agree with you about the winter collection. Holly is the only one that really interests me.

  15. Ooohhh...that's really pretty! I love the shimmer in it. And I have to agree with you about the holiday collection. I always have good intentions of wearing glittery topcoats but I don't end up doing it very often. Holly is the only one that I really want, but since money is gonna be a bit tight through the end of the year I guess that's a good thing.  :)

  16. She does make everything look great, lol. But it looks great on you also :)

    Oh and I'm excited about the bar glitter from the new Zoya collection. Sometimes its hard to tell with promo pics but the model's make up is fierce! I haven't seen actual swatches yet so I'm off to ALU.

  17. Costache Lavinia-MonicaSeptember 8, 2011 at 5:53 PM

    Great color!!!!!!:D

  18. oooh i love this on you. yes me too i'm really not impressed with some of the polish that is coming out...hmm zoya for a while... i don't see anything i really wanted to buy for a long time... lol. but i like pinks.. they should make flakies or some kind of crazy color combo duo chrome.. i dunno. maybe i'm polish jaded. lol


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