
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: Frankens Edition

Before we get into bottle spam. I wanted to let you know I've caught up on comments this week. If you had response to the "Talk it Out Tuesday" post I have responded to all of you. Sorry about that! I got behind this week.

You all voted for frankens this week for the bottle spam. Majority of my frankens were made by DragonRhia aka Lacquer Ware For Tips and Toes. Sadly, she is no longer blogging, but you can find her on occasion on Twitter. She made fabulous frankens. The rest of the frankens were made by me or one of the readers of my blog. You can spot my frankens because the bottle caps are a mess. I'm a messy frankener! Some of these were named by DragonRhia, and the rest I just named myself.

**All frankens that were made by someone else will say so, otherwise they were made by me

 Mystic Rose, Rose Dust, Electric Pink, & Ring of Fire (all made by DragonRhia)

 Holo-icious (by DragonRhia), Cinnamon Spice, Golden Dragon (by Sarah S.), & Sonic Shower

 Neptune's Pool* (by Sarah S.), Essie Starry Starry Night dupe, Midnight Snowfall, & Ariel's Grotto

 I Glitter Bombed That Bitch! (by Dragon Rhia), Snow-kissed Lilacs, Figment of the Imagination (by DragonRhia), & Fairyland

Blueberry Daiquiri (by DragonRhia),  Chanel Paradoxal dupe, & Billions Upon Billions

*Neptune's Pool dried up and I'm currently trying to revive it, hence the awkward look

Next weekend, my family will be in town, so Bottle Spam Saturday will resume October 22nd. Be sure to vote for that week's bottle spam!

Happy Saturday!


  1. their all lovely but Cinammon Spice is my favorite!!

  2. LimitedAddictionNailsOctober 8, 2011 at 5:13 PM

    I am really attracted to the blue's... :P I don't know how to frank. I've done it once and kinda liked the outcome, but I just don't know how to do it xD

  3. Pretty! I really like the look of Golden Dragon. ^_^ I have yet to make a franken of my own, I keep chickening out.

  4. I really enjoy looking at your Bottle Spam posts, and when they're all frankens, it's very exciting to see how creative people can get when they mix their own colours. :)

    Oh, I didn't know that Neptune's Pool dried up. I thought that you put a serious dent in the polish by wearing it so much! :) It does look like such a pretty shade.

  5. Oh no! Neptune's pool dried up?? sad:[ 
    I have a bottle of my own I don't use very often if you would like it as a replacement.

  6. Rosalinda ValdespinoOctober 8, 2011 at 7:54 PM

    Neptune Pool looks really awesome!! I only have two mini frankens that I made but I have only swatched them. Somehow, I can't get myself to wear my frankens. I'm weird I guess.

  7. The names are all so amazing!  OMG I almost spit my drink out when I read "I Glitter Bombed that Bitch", LMAO!  XD  Awesome!

  8. So many!!
    You did great polishes!

  9. I want Essie Starry Starry Night so bad : (


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.