
Monday, October 10, 2011

CND Effects Mood Ring Manicure

I'm not very creative with my nails. Honestly, since nail polish is a hobby for me, I don't want to put a lot of effort into it. I get frustrated and lose patience easily when doing things like nail art or elaborated looks. It's not worth the bother for me, however when I saw the "Mood Ring" manicure on All Lacquered Up I had to give it a try. (I suggest you read her blog for more detailed instructions on how to recreate this look)

My results....

Bam! Pow!

This is freaking spectacular. Yes, I'm thoroughly impressed and pleased with myself. This is an accomplishment in my eyes.

I used CND Effects Emerald Shimmer, Ice Blue Shimmer, & Violet Shimmer, and layered them over WnW Black Creme. I made a vertical line over the nail using each color. I sandwiched the Emerald Shimmer in the middle. I also overlapped them a bit. This really doesn't have to be perfect at all. You'll notice my lines are not perfect.

After this step, I applied two coats of CND Effects Copper Shimmer on top. You could use one if you wanted, but I preferred the look of two. Plus, if make a boo boo 2 coats will cover it up better, but I don't think it lessens the effect.

What do you get?

Gorgeous!!! This is a stunner. You know what this reminds me of?  Mystic Topaz.

It has this pretty iridescent rainbow effect. I love this manicure. Trust me, if you stink at nail art you will find this a piece of cake. It's simple to do, and you'll love the effect. I had a ton of CND Effects on my wishlist for a while, and I'm glad I finally got them. I say they're even worth it just for this look!

You can find CND Effects on

Happy Monday!


  1. I have 6 of these effects and they are SO fun to play with! I need to try this mood ring look-I had seen it an ALU-then promptly forgot about it!

  2. Awesome! Amazing! I need to get all the CND Topcoats and have a Mood Ring Manicure myself!

  3. I LOVE IT!!!! I need to try this!

  4. Rosalinda ValdespinoOctober 10, 2011 at 12:44 PM

    This is so neat! I have been wanting to haul some CND but I'm determined to not add any new brands to my stash until I do some purging. However, I may put these CND Effects on my wishlist!

  5. Love love love. Need need need.

  6. This is amazing! i really need to get myself some of these CND effects, they've been on my wishlist forever. 

  7. I've been dying to try this, but don't have all of the effects. You did an amazing job!

  8. This looks great!  so pretty. I would be staring at my nails all day :-)

  9. I love this look!! I saw this on ALU and I think I lie your version better! IMO, the black base is better than the blue once ALU used. Now I need the CND Effects! Nail blogs aren't good for my wallet! LOL

  10. Wow, I have never seen anything like it! WANT!

  11. oh wow! so pretty!! me want one

  12. Rebecca St John RussellOctober 10, 2011 at 3:17 PM

    Love it! I don't have any of the nail effects yet but now I want some more than ever! :)

  13. This is great!
    I'm only wondering if it could be as cute using Amethyst instead of Violet..

  14. This is SO freaking cool! I just love this Steph.

  15. Love! It might push me to get some of the CND effects now.

  16. Wow that's gorgeous! I wish I had CND Effects polishes so I could try this look. ^_^

  17. AWESOME.  I have all of those CND Effects (Emerald, Ice Blue, & Violet Shimmers), but I don't have Copper Shimmer...though maybe I figure out something else to use.  This mani ROCKS.  Seriously, this is so amazing!  <3

  18. I love that effect. Looks like something I'd have fun experimenting with.

  19. This is AMAZING!!!!! I don't have any of the CND polishes, I'm going to have to pick some up.

  20. The CND effects are amazing. I love them and they never fail.

  21. This is gorgeous.  I've seen this cropping up, and I WISH I had the CND to do it! 

  22. This is SO perfect! And I LOVE mystic fire topaz! 

  23. It wasn't enough that CND jacked their prices when they came up with this Colour and Effects BS (like you can't find cremes and sheer topcoats to change them up in every brand), now they want you to get 5, FIVE different polishes for one mani? I guess the corporate greed bug has bitten them even harder than I thought.

  24. Steph, this looks awesome! I really want to try this brand.

  25. I saw this on ALU too and totally fell in love!!! Yours came out amazing. Glad to hear it's not tricky :)

  26. I must try this immediately!! 

  27. I own a mystic topaz ring aswel and you're right it reminds me of it too!


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