
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

OPI A Color To Diner For

Well, sometimes polishes are not what we think or want them to be. This color is from the fall OPI Touring America collection. This color is ugly, and I hate it.

A Color To Diner For
A Color To Diner For is a dried blood red with nasty fuchsia/pink shimmer that looks like bits of scabs in it.

Sorry, lets try this again...

A Color to Diner for is a dusty red with fuchsia/pink shimmer.

I should mention this is just my opinion. I really despise this color. I hate it with a passion. What's funny is I'm a red girl. I love red polishes, but this is just downright hideous to me. I think it maybe my skin tone. I don't know this just looks like dried up blood with sparkles in it. It looks sickly and gross. The shimmer in it makes it even uglier. I hate it. Can you tell? I'm sure there are some people who love this color, and it looks great on them. I really do not mean any offense. I just really hate this. I know I've said that enough.

Happy Wednesday......-blech-


  1. This post is hilarious! And, the colour does look rather boring, like something my mom would wear if she was being edgy. I agree that it doesn't work on you, for whatever reason. Maybe it would make a great Halloween zombie-hooker polish. :)

  2. I had to return My Address is Hollywood because it was so ugly on me. I SOOO wanted that hidden golden shimmer to pop but it never did. All I could see was Grandma's favorite rose colored polish. Highly disappointing.

  3. Haha. I like your reaction. From all the nail blogs I read, I rarely see someone so openly bash something and it's refreshing to see your honesty. Sometimes you just HATE a color. I know it's happened to me a few times and I just got rid of the color, I couldn't stand it! 

  4. OMG you made me laugh so hard lol! It's just such a safe, boring and done out color. It's just too Red. Maybe more fuchsia flakes would have made it prettier? IDK lol.. But hillarious post!

  5. very nice color :) it looks good on you :)

  6. Haha, love this review. It's too bad you didn't like it though. It doesn't look too bad in your pics. ^^

  7. Your hate it comment is funny.  I like the color and like the name because it suites the color perfectly for me.  It's the exact same color as the red vinyl seats at the diner we used to stop at on the way to my grandmas house.  I love the way OPI names their polishes.  

  8. So, Steph...tell use what you REALLY think about this shade.  ;PP

    I didn't get any from this collection because they didn't call to me at all.

  9. Awesome post! Its nice to hear what someone really things about a polish. Most of the Touring America polishes are disappointing to me honestly. The only one I bought was French Quarter for Your Thoughts because I have a love affair with gray.

  10. Haha best review ever. This made me laugh. x


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