
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Share With You Sunday: 10/9/11-10/30/11

I'm back with Share With You Sunday! This is an accumlation of my favorites in the past 3 weeks. I tried to keep is small...

Be sure to submit links for this post.

Quiz of the Day:
I thought this would be a fun addition. My favorite boredom buster is Blogthings quizzes. Today's quiz is ...

"What's Your Personality Type"

My result:

(photo from Blogthings)

You Are An INFJ

The Protector

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.
Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.
You are an excellent listener with almost infinite patience.
You have complex feelings, and you take great care to express them.

In love, you see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow.
You enjoy relationships when they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.

At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful.

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable.

This sounds like me! Obviously this isn't scientific, just for fun.

I'd love for you to take the quiz too, and post your results in the comments. It will be fun to see our different personality types!

LimitedAddictionNails shows us her jelly sandwich manicure.
Valentine Kisses swatches some Material Girl polishes.
Chalkboard Nails shares with us her Ice, Ice baby nails.
Makeup Withdrawal reveals to us Sinful Colors Nail Junkie's new formula.
Enamel Girls shows us OPI Pink Shatter.
Nail Nerd shows us her Peanuts inspired manicure.
Haute Lacquer shares with us her candy corn and spiders manicure.
Ali's Nail News shares with us some Halloween Manicures.
Nails in Nippon teaches us how to create Halloween Candy nails.
Nails Made Simple swatches NOPI Kim-Pletely In Love.
Obsessive Cosmetic Hoarders Unite! swatches Cult Nails In A Trance and Hypnotize Me.
Oooh, Shinies! shows us a-england Galahad with flakies.
Posh for Polish shares with us her Halloween Spooky Meadow nails.
Rainbows & Sparkles shows us her Neon Rainbow Gradient + Black Water marble manicure.

Musings of a Muse shows us a preview of Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes Mascara Gold Sparkles.
Aquaheart's Obsessions shares with us her favorite drugstore lipsticks.
makeup CRAZIE! shows us her fresh-faced FOTD.

Glorious Treats teaches us how to make caramel apples. 
Alizarine teaches us how to make spiced pumpkin cookies.
Clumps of Mascara shows us some of her LUSH Halloween goodies.
kittypolishnbags shares with us her lip look using Violent Lips.

What You're Loving:
Make-up/Music/Money/Me shares with us fall nail polish trends.
The Lacquered Lady swatches L'Oreal Watchful Owl's Gaze eyeshadow palette and Wet n' Wild's Correction Tape polish.
Lisa's Nailcare Blog shares with us her blog.

Remember to post your quiz results in the comment section!

Happy Sunday!


  1. The tutorial for how to make caramel apples had me drooling! I haven't had one since...hmm...when I was a kid. It was my first and only time I got to eat one because my mom was pretty strict about it. Pfft...haha! Now I'm an adult, so I'm going to make some of these. YUMMM!

  2. It's hard for many to believe but I'm and Introvert.

  3. Took the test, we are alike! And it does sound like me too :).

  4. I'm an ENFP! I think it's pretty accurate, love that quiz(:

  5. I used to be an INFJ (or maybe it was INTJ) I think. I took it my second year, third year then last year of college and it never changed.

    Thanks for the shout out about my Halloween lips post! :)

  6. I am an ISFJ. It's pretty much me.
    Happy Sunday! X

  7. I am an ISFJ. Sounds just like me. haha

    Thanks for linking my post! :D

  8. Ohh I love personality tests. I'm an ENFP, though I honestly think I'm more introvert these days... what with growing up a little and all. The BBC Child of Our Time personality test was a pretty good one if you're into them... it focuses on 5 different aspects and whether they are high, moderate or low in your personality make up. 

  9. I was an ENFJ which is "The Giver"... very appropriate result for me, I think!

  10. LimitedAddictionNailsNovember 3, 2011 at 5:20 PM

    I'm an ISFJ, The Nurturer :) I think it fits me :P It also says I would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. I have been thinking a lot about becoming an interior designer though. And I've heard many times before I would be great to work with kids. I don't understand why, because I do not like kids. The screaming ones :P

    And thank you again for sharing a post from me again :) Thanks x1000!

  11. that's so weird. i had to do this test for a project for class about personality. I'm infp. 'healer' i like that it says you are the protector i think that is cool. you seem to be a good nail polish teacher/protector of all things good lovely and polishy about blogging. lol


I love and appreciate all comments. I will respond to any questions in comments ASAP. Please refrain from linking your blog in the comment section. These comments will be deleted. I'd be happy to view your blog if you email me your link.