"Talk It Out Tuesday" is a monthly sometimes twice monthly post where I ask readers their opinion on a particular topic. These topics range from nail polish,beauty, blogging, and etc.
This week's topic is "That don't impress me much". (Sorry for the bad Shania Twain reference, but it popped in my head)
I got the idea for this topic when talking to some other bloggers on Twitter. I find that more I collect nail polish the less impressed I am by newer collections. I've noticed this happening a lot lately.
For instance, I was really looking forward to the holiday collections, but now that I'm seeing some of them I have a generally feeling of "meh". I saw OPI Muppets swatches and the collection in person, and I quickly passed them by. Zoya winter collection is a total flop to me. China Glaze Let it Snow, I see maybe 1 or 2 wins. I had similar feelings in regards to fall collections.
What do I think is happening?
1. "Been there...done that"- I think when you have a lot of nail polish, a lot of it starts to seem the same after awhile. The more you have the more likely you are to have similar colors or dupes of upcoming or new colors.
2. Change in tastes- Last year, I was really into glitter bombs, while this year I'm not. I love the look of glitter bombs , but I realize I hardly ever use them. It's too much work for removal. :P
3. Price isn't worth it- I may not necessarily dislike a lot of new stuff, but it the price isn't worth the purchase. If I'm not going gaga over it, then I don't really need it.
4. Will these really become HTF if I don't purchase them now?- I notice this a lot in regards to the more talked about collections like OPI, China Glaze, & Zoya. Majority of these I can go online 6 months from now and find them somewhere for the same price, if I decide I really want them. Is there really a hurry to get it now?
5. Lesser known brands/Drugstore Brands overshadowing mainstream brands- For example, Maybelline Cool Couture, L'Oreal Owl's Night, Butter London Wallis, Cult Nails Hypnotize Me, WnW On the Prowl Collex, Revlon Edgy Elegance Collex, Revlon Facets of Fushia & etc. I find these collections and individual polishes are strong winners over colors released in collections from our tried and true brands.
These are the 5 major things I can think of for me personally. I don't think it's the polish companies, it's me. I think the more I have the harder it is for you to impress me. I think the more unique the better, that's why the other brands are peaking my interest more. Funnily enough, I'm not disappointed that a lot of collections are not impressing me. I'm not complaining either. It's saving me money, and I'm discovering great polishes from other brands.
So what am I looking forward to?
Essie Luxeffects & NOPI Kardashian Collection (I know strange, but I love the colors) the most.
Do you find the more you collect the harder you are to please? Are you still gung ho about new collections? What collections or polishes are you most looking forward to?
Happy Tuesday!