
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wet n' Wild Color Icon Ice Baby Collection Swatches

Wet n' Wild has been source of frustration for me lately. I have NEVER been able to find any of their limited edition collections, at least for the past year. It was a total shock and thrill for me to find this holiday collection yesterday at Walgreens. This collection is exclusive to Walgreens and the bottles are $3 each.

I have a feeling based on other Florida bloggers who have shared my similar woes about finding the WnW LE collections that these will be easier to find all around. I say that for all over the country, not just Florida. I think it is because these are an exclusive to Walgreens, So, if you have doubts I think you can have a bit of hope! You can see display pics of these on Nouveau Cheap.

The collection comes with 8 glittery shades. The good thing about these is they are not layering glitters. These are opaque in 3 coats. You can however use them to layer of course! I'll show you a swatch of each on their own and then swatch of them over black.

Rockin' Rubies

Rockin' Rubies is a red micro-glitter with larger pink iridescent round glitters.

24 Carats

24 Carats is a gold micro-glitter with gold,silver, and copper thin bar glitters.

Give Me A Price Quote

Give Me A Price Quote is a yellow-green micro-glitter with yellow-green thin bar glitters.

Cost Is No Issue

Cost Is No Issue is aqua micro-glitter with larger round blue glitters.

Believe Me, It's Real

Believe Me It's Real is blue micro-glitter with larger purple round glitters.

It's All In the Cut

It's All In The Cut is a lavender micro-glitter with larger pink iridescent round glitters.

Back Alley Deals

Back Alley Deals is a purple micro-glitter with larger fuchsia round glitters.

Diamond In The Rough

Diamond in the Rough is silver and black micro-glitter with larger silver round holographic glitters.

This collection is spectacular. I was very disappointed with the OPI Muppets collection. I thought those glitters were weak/sheer and looked icky mixed with silver larger glitters. The WnW glitters are opaque, and they have a nice variation in textures/shapes that mesh together nicely. I also love how they mix other colors of glitter in the micro-glitter base. The colors that are mixed together compliment the base so it gives you a very fun and heighten looked versus just one shade of glitter.

Overall, I am super impressed! The only draw back is that these are top coat eaters, so be prepared to layer on some extra top coat for that glossy finish. I declare this collection a must have. I love ALL of these, which is rarity. If you had me choose I'd say Cost Is No Issue, Believe Me It's Real, It's All In the Cut, and Back Alley Deals are my top favorites.

Win win win! Go scour your Walgreens for these!

Happy Thursday!


  1. Beautiful post, i cant wait to get these.. there so pretty

  2. I'm excited to get on the Walgreens hunt. I'm not sure many people around here are polish fiends like I am. 

  3. Great swatches.. I like how you showed them over black

  4. I have to go and check them out they are all so pretty!!!

  5. O.O  *almost faints from the awesomesauce*  I've been to about 15 Walgreen's so far in my hunt for these.  My hopes weren't especially high since it's been a year since I found a single Wet 'n Wild L.E. nail polish display (though one of my friends was awesome enough to send me 3 from Mermaid's Cove).  I've literally had to explain to the people who work at the drug stores I constantly hunt at that I'm looking for displays, not stealing (when I walk out with nothing, again!).  I'm so super happy to hear that someone who is as frustrated as I am with finding these displays finally found one!  And it's AWESOME!  *throws confetti*  You have renewed my hope!  Glitter is my favorite finish so I'm lemming these (and On the Prowl) like crazy!  Thanks for the awesome swatches (and the hope!)!  <3

  6. You found them!!!  You must tell me where!  These are gorgeous :) 

  7. So gorgeous... It looks 2 could be dupes for Nails Inc 3D Glitters!
    Back Alley Deals --> Bloomsbury Square?
    Diamond in the Rough --> Sloane Square?

    Maybe? Haha, only from comparing swatches, I mean, but still..

  8. Mine didn't have it on Monday. I'll have to check again today!

  9. I MUST find these!!! 8 awesome WnW glitters for the price of 3 mediocre OPI Muppet glitters? Yes, please! Thanks for the swatches, esp over black :)

  10. Great swatches. Hate that these also are top coat eaters. Feel the same as you do about the Muppets glitters - would be more tolerable if they were sheer AND not rough/chunky. Sadly, W&W is got little to no presence for hundreds of miles around my area. They used to be in every drugstore, Wal-Mart, etc. But seems with recession they have pulled out of a lot of areas for distribution. 

  11. awwww man these are awwwesome. I'm so glad you got your hands on them.I know  it's so frustrating not being able to find these. Man.. now i must hunt down the walgreens that have these. I might even have to venture far into sf.. ehh which I hate doing. so much money for transportation.. i know these will not be at my local walgreens. argh but these are worth it!!! lol

  12. Wow, those are beautiful. I'd buy every single one!

  13. wow these are all gorgeous.

  14. I'm just as impressed as you are. I want ALL of these. I hope this LE collection is easier to find too. I haven't been able to find any of the other ones :(

  15. Gorgeous! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for these!

  16. Wow these are amazing, even better than the promo shots. I especially like the purple and blue ones. The only one I don't LOVE LOVE LOVE is Diamond in the Rough, and I'll probably get it to round out the collection. I share the WnW LE pain, I JUST TODAY found On the Prowl after searching for probably 2 months. It was 90% wiped out but the polish gods smiled on me and the two I had to have were the only ones left. Around me (suburban Chicago) it doesn't seem like Walgreens (or anywhere else) carries most LE WnW collections. I only ever saw Mermaid's Cove at CVS, so that's where I've been looking for On the Prowl, but CVS doesn't have much market presence here so it's a chore to go hunting. It's especially weird because I never even saw WnW in CVSs around Boston, where I used to live. 

    Anyways, I really hope that these hit the Walgreens here! The only thing I kind of wish is that the bottles were round like the Craze collection, but I think I'm one of the only ones who likes those kind of round bottles so I'll deal :). 

  17. I found these today too! Score for the FL bloggers!!!

  18. Oh wow! This is a really really really awesome collection!

  19. oh my gosh.  those are kind of all Awesome.
    Don't ever see special edition wet'n'wild polishes in my part of canada.  :(

  20. I hoping these show up here!!! I hardly ever see LE collections (from any brand) but I want these so badly!

  21. Wow, I think I want all of these.  Those WnW collections are hard to find here.  I'll keep an eye out for this.

  22. LimitedAddictionNailsOctober 21, 2011 at 10:58 AM

    OMG, these are just gorgeous! I want them so bad! They don't even sell WnW in my country :(

  23. These are ALL stunning, especially over black! Wow!

  24. I saw swatches of these the other day, and only got convinced to get some of them.  Seeing your swatches, however, has made me reconsider.  I want all of them!  Hopefully when I check out all of the Walgreen's in my town, I manage to find them!  Thanks for the swatches!


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