*Tomorrow is the last day to enter my holiday giveaway!
When I first saw a press release for this collection I was like O.O. I had a fear though since these were coming from the UK they'd be too pricey for my wallet. I was pleasantly surprised that cost of these was not that bad. I got the whole set with top coat plus shipping for $50. It's not cheap, but it's not completely unreasonable either. My second fear with this collection was since it was not really swatched on blogs prior to its release I was going to be making a gamble. I was fearful these would not be what I expected. Thankfully, I was wrong. These are pretty polishes!
The one problem with these is that my camera in no way could do these justice. I've noticed that bloggers with better cameras than me have had the same issue. These are just too pretty for cameras!
Pinky Brown
Pinky Brown is warm foil pink with golden/orange duochrome.
Aqua Violet
Aqua Violet is a aqua shimmer with purple duochrome.
Purple Blue
Purple Blue is a deep purple foil with bright blue duochrome.
Emerald Black
Emerald Black is a deep green shimmer with black edges.
Golden Green
Golden Green is a yellow-green shimmer with a golden duochrome.
These colors are great. Some of these were sheer when applied, but built up nicely. The only issue I have with these is that some of these are shimmers while others are foils. I wish they all were foils since I prefer that finish. The great thing about these is they're NOT limited edition. You don't have rush out to get these, because they'll always be around.
You can find the Beetlejuice collection on Models Own website.
Happy Wednesday!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Talk It Out Tuesday: The Pros & Cons of PR
*This could be a controversial topic. Differing opinions are fine, but keep it respectful.
I want preface this post by saying this is from MY perspective. I'm not extending this as collective viewpoint for all bloggers. These are my perceptions and I know they're opinionated.
I think one the most talked about things in the blogging world is PR samples. It can be one of the most competitive, confusing, and frustrating ventures out there. It really is a hot button topic. I do not have much PR experience personally, but in the course of my blogging experience I have witnessed it enough from other bloggers to have an opinion. I've chosen to not take part in a lot of PR or asking for PR samples. I have taken offers if I am personally approached, but even then I am selective.
I think there are definite pros and cons in regards to PR. I'm definitely divided on the whole thing, but essentially for me personally and my blog I'd find too much PR a negative. The list I've compiled below are what I think are/would be pros and cons for PR. Some of these are from my own observations, and some of these I relate to my own experience and blogging decisions. Be aware my negative list will be lengthy.
The perception from some people that PR stuff makes you special, better, popular, or etc is what really bitters the whole PR concept for me. There is some weird obsession with it in the blogging world from some people that is just annoying. If I could give you guys a dollar for every time I've heard someone mention how much they wanted PR samples or ask me how to get free stuff we all would be rich. The blogging experience should not be centered on the freebies you receive! It saddens me that this seems to be the main focus of so many people.
This is not the only reason I'm turned off to PR. I have other reasons I mentioned above. PR would seriously help me so much as far as saving money, but I'm not willing to compromise my time and my blogging persona for PR. I know a lot of that would have to change if I took that on.
This I know is a touchy subject. If I said anything offensive, I did not mean it to be, like I mentioned before these are my viewpoints based on my experience.
What are you thoughts on PR stuff?
Happy Tuesday!
I want preface this post by saying this is from MY perspective. I'm not extending this as collective viewpoint for all bloggers. These are my perceptions and I know they're opinionated.
I think one the most talked about things in the blogging world is PR samples. It can be one of the most competitive, confusing, and frustrating ventures out there. It really is a hot button topic. I do not have much PR experience personally, but in the course of my blogging experience I have witnessed it enough from other bloggers to have an opinion. I've chosen to not take part in a lot of PR or asking for PR samples. I have taken offers if I am personally approached, but even then I am selective.
I think there are definite pros and cons in regards to PR. I'm definitely divided on the whole thing, but essentially for me personally and my blog I'd find too much PR a negative. The list I've compiled below are what I think are/would be pros and cons for PR. Some of these are from my own observations, and some of these I relate to my own experience and blogging decisions. Be aware my negative list will be lengthy.
- I have go-to blogs I know to visit who receive PR samples ahead of time. I rely on these bloggers and their swatches to make shopping decisions. Bloggers who do PR stuff are needed!
- PR samples would definitely lighten the load financially. As much as I'd love to dive into PR just for that reason, it does not feel right to me.
- You can create great contacts with brands.
- PR can turn you from just being a blogger to a more professional blogger.
- PR can allow you to be a link between your readers and polish companies. You can have more knowledge into the brand versus just the regular person.
- You get access to new products before anyone else.
- You can provide more opportunities for your readers when companies sponsor giveaways.
- Who PR picks to get samples can be very inconsistent. There are bloggers who are ignored by PR companies with well established blogs, while the opposite bloggers are given samples (more in next point). The process does not make sense.
- Bloggers who are brand new, have a small following, and low quality photos are sometimes given PR samples. This is the one time I'm critical about people swatches. If you are given a product to review you should show the product in the best possible light and in a professional manner. It is unrealistic to expect newer bloggers to show PR samples in a professional manner.
- PR has become a source of competition for bloggers. There are many new bloggers who see receiving PR samples as some sort of badge of honor, Miss Universe tiara, or a trophy. PR I do not feel makes you popular blogger. There is a lot of work involved outside of just receiving things for free and being "first" to have something that makes you a popular blogger. Plus, you can be popular without getting freebies!
- There are bloggers who just blog in hopes to receive PR stuff.Even worse there are people who feel entitled to receive stuff. Shady.
- PR can be inconsistent about sending things. You may be promised some collection and you may never get it.
- For me personally and my blog, if I were to receive a lot of PR stuff I feel it would detach me from my readers. I get emails that people like my blog because almost all of my stuff is self-bought and low cost. People can relate to it because they're on a budget. I feel if I received a lot of stuff from PR I would lose that connection with my readers. I like to be relatable. I go through the same shopping/financial struggles as everyone else!
- PR allows you to become more of a professional blogger. I said this in the pros, but it is also a con. I feel with PR you become tied to that company. You have a responsibility to swatch the polishes and blog about them in a timely manner. It's not just fun and games. It's a commitment.
- Press Release days. Hundreds of people posting the same press release over and over again.....
The perception from some people that PR stuff makes you special, better, popular, or etc is what really bitters the whole PR concept for me. There is some weird obsession with it in the blogging world from some people that is just annoying. If I could give you guys a dollar for every time I've heard someone mention how much they wanted PR samples or ask me how to get free stuff we all would be rich. The blogging experience should not be centered on the freebies you receive! It saddens me that this seems to be the main focus of so many people.
This is not the only reason I'm turned off to PR. I have other reasons I mentioned above. PR would seriously help me so much as far as saving money, but I'm not willing to compromise my time and my blogging persona for PR. I know a lot of that would have to change if I took that on.
This I know is a touchy subject. If I said anything offensive, I did not mean it to be, like I mentioned before these are my viewpoints based on my experience.
What are you thoughts on PR stuff?
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, November 28, 2011
China Glaze Holly-Day
Something must of came over me. I think I've had more green polishes on this blog in this past month than I've had on this blog's existence. What can I say? I'm liking some greens lately! I think it's because it's the holidays and they're producing more of those deep greens that tend to look better on my skin tone.
China Glaze Holly-Day
Holly-Day is a medium forest green creme.
I really love this green! Usually with greens for me they have to be dark and have some type of glitter or shimmer for me to like it. This does not, and I love it. I got this in a set with 2 other China Glaze polishes, and without even giving it a second glance I was going to throw it in the swap pile. I'm so glad I didn't. I'll be keeping this green!
Happy Monday!
China Glaze Holly-Day
Holly-Day is a medium forest green creme.
I really love this green! Usually with greens for me they have to be dark and have some type of glitter or shimmer for me to like it. This does not, and I love it. I got this in a set with 2 other China Glaze polishes, and without even giving it a second glance I was going to throw it in the swap pile. I'm so glad I didn't. I'll be keeping this green!
Happy Monday!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Share With You Sunday: 11/20/11-11/27/11
*My Facebook giveaway ends at midnight be sure to enter.
*My blog giveaway ends Thursday midnight be sure to enter that one too!
Be sure to submit links for these weekly posts!
Quiz of the Day:
What Fall Spice Are You?
My results:
You are soothing and calming. You provide a lot of comfort to those around you.
You are nurturing, but you also have a little bit of spice to you. You are a little wild!
You appreciate nature, and some of your best times are spent outdoors. You don't like being cooped up in an office for too long.
You are optimistic and cheerful. You show kindness to people, animals, and the earth. You believe in treading lightly.
Please post your results in the comments!
Frazzle and Aniploish shares with us the current nail polish displays she has seen.
MaD Manis shows us her Tacky Xmas Sweater manicure for the 31 Day Challenge.
Enamel Girl makes a franken of Deborah Lippmann Lady Gaga Edge of Glory.
~Polish Freshie~ shares with us her awesome haul.
Rachel Marie's Nails swatches some Diamond Cosmetics polishes.
Pinkginger's A Thing of Beauty swatches some BB Couture for Men polishes.
ommorphia beauty bar swatches OPI Nicki Minaj collection.
Blushing Noir swatches Chanel Dragon Rouge Allure lipstick.
What You're Loving:
Gotham Polish shares with us Essie Shine of the Times.
The Lacquered Lady swatches China Glaze Material Girl.
Pretty Digits shares with us her Fair Isle Nails.
Happy Sunday!
*My blog giveaway ends Thursday midnight be sure to enter that one too!
Be sure to submit links for these weekly posts!
Quiz of the Day:
What Fall Spice Are You?
My results:
prop. of Blogthings
You are Ginger.You are soothing and calming. You provide a lot of comfort to those around you.
You are nurturing, but you also have a little bit of spice to you. You are a little wild!
You appreciate nature, and some of your best times are spent outdoors. You don't like being cooped up in an office for too long.
You are optimistic and cheerful. You show kindness to people, animals, and the earth. You believe in treading lightly.
Please post your results in the comments!
Frazzle and Aniploish shares with us the current nail polish displays she has seen.
MaD Manis shows us her Tacky Xmas Sweater manicure for the 31 Day Challenge.
Enamel Girl makes a franken of Deborah Lippmann Lady Gaga Edge of Glory.
~Polish Freshie~ shares with us her awesome haul.
Rachel Marie's Nails swatches some Diamond Cosmetics polishes.
Pinkginger's A Thing of Beauty swatches some BB Couture for Men polishes.
ommorphia beauty bar swatches OPI Nicki Minaj collection.
Blushing Noir swatches Chanel Dragon Rouge Allure lipstick.
What You're Loving:
Gotham Polish shares with us Essie Shine of the Times.
The Lacquered Lady swatches China Glaze Material Girl.
Pretty Digits shares with us her Fair Isle Nails.
Happy Sunday!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Bottle Spam Saturday: Red Shimmers and Glitters
*Be sure to check out my Facebook page for a giveaway that ends tomorrow!
Red shimmers and glitters won this week's bottle spam. In hindsight I think this could of been two separate categories. I never realized how many of these I had. I'm definitely a red glitter fan. I think my collection of obvious red glitter dupes will attest to that.
Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam!
Zoya Elke, OPI You Rock-apulco Red!, Nina Ultra Pro Bloodi Mari, Milani Paint the Town Red, & Cutex Cherub Red
Wet n' Wild Candy Corn on the Cob, China Glaze Pin Prick, Revlon Get Reddy, Butter London Knees Up, & Finger Paints Candy Cane Shimmer
a-england Perceval, Milani Melt Down, & China Glaze Branding Iron
Zoya Nidhi, OPI Red Dazzle, Rimmel Hot Rock, Hard Candy Lava, & Wet n' Wild Prancer
Orly Glam, Nicole by OPI Sensational Scarlet, Wet n' Wild Rockin' Rubies, China Glaze Ring in the Red, & Milani Red Sparkle
Maybelline Red Comet, China Glaze Ruby Pumps, Milani Ruby Jewels, & Kleancolor Chunky Scarlet Holo
Milani Garnet Gems, LA Splash Crimson Tide, & NYX Dorothy
Happy Saturday!
Red shimmers and glitters won this week's bottle spam. In hindsight I think this could of been two separate categories. I never realized how many of these I had. I'm definitely a red glitter fan. I think my collection of obvious red glitter dupes will attest to that.
Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam!
Zoya Elke, OPI You Rock-apulco Red!, Nina Ultra Pro Bloodi Mari, Milani Paint the Town Red, & Cutex Cherub Red
Wet n' Wild Candy Corn on the Cob, China Glaze Pin Prick, Revlon Get Reddy, Butter London Knees Up, & Finger Paints Candy Cane Shimmer
a-england Perceval, Milani Melt Down, & China Glaze Branding Iron
Zoya Nidhi, OPI Red Dazzle, Rimmel Hot Rock, Hard Candy Lava, & Wet n' Wild Prancer
Orly Glam, Nicole by OPI Sensational Scarlet, Wet n' Wild Rockin' Rubies, China Glaze Ring in the Red, & Milani Red Sparkle
Maybelline Red Comet, China Glaze Ruby Pumps, Milani Ruby Jewels, & Kleancolor Chunky Scarlet Holo
Milani Garnet Gems, LA Splash Crimson Tide, & NYX Dorothy
Happy Saturday!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sinful Colors Suede Shoes
* Be sure to like my Facebook page. I'll be posting a small giveaway on there later!
I hope everyone who celebrated had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a laid back one. We ate, napped, watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow 2, and then drove around Best Buy, Target, Toys r' Us to laugh at all the silly people waiting in line. Overall it was a good Thanksgiving! :P
I have a pretty Sinful Colors glitter to show you today. I'm not much for layering glitters anymore, but this one is unique and well worth it. I'm not sure why it's called "Suede Shoes". Then again, Sinful Color names have always stumped me (i.e. Forget Now, Serena & Chloe,and What's Your Name). Their names never make sense to me.
Suede Shoes over Sinful Colors Unicorn
Suede Shoes is a golden iridescent glitter in a clear base.
I love all the colors this glitter flashes. It flashes gold,pink,blue,and purple. I'm sure there is more. This is gorgeous. I do not have any other glitters quite like this one. I think this would look great over many colors.
This one you can only find on Cherry Culture. They are currently having a 20% off sale until November 27th.
Happy Friday!
I hope everyone who celebrated had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a laid back one. We ate, napped, watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow 2, and then drove around Best Buy, Target, Toys r' Us to laugh at all the silly people waiting in line. Overall it was a good Thanksgiving! :P
I have a pretty Sinful Colors glitter to show you today. I'm not much for layering glitters anymore, but this one is unique and well worth it. I'm not sure why it's called "Suede Shoes". Then again, Sinful Color names have always stumped me (i.e. Forget Now, Serena & Chloe,and What's Your Name). Their names never make sense to me.
Suede Shoes over Sinful Colors Unicorn
Suede Shoes is a golden iridescent glitter in a clear base.
I love all the colors this glitter flashes. It flashes gold,pink,blue,and purple. I'm sure there is more. This is gorgeous. I do not have any other glitters quite like this one. I think this would look great over many colors.
This one you can only find on Cherry Culture. They are currently having a 20% off sale until November 27th.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Essence Underwater
**Today I have a guest post on The Nail Polish Enthusiast. Be sure to check it out. Thank you Amanda for letting me participate!
Today I have for an Essence polish called Underwater. Before I started this post I Googled it to see what other people thought of it. I was confused because many peoples pictures of Essence Underwater were an entirely different color than mine. It wasn't even remotely close to what I have. Thankfully, I found this post that explains there are two versions. I have the second version, and frankly I prefer it over the first.
Underwater 2.0 (I added the 2.0 for identification purposes)
Underwater 2.0 is a slate blue with blue teeny tiny sparse micro glitters.
I love this color. I think the glitter is a bit too subtle to see, but the color is beautiful. I love a great blue you all know that.
You know what the name of this makes me think of? Are any of you America's Next Top Model fans? Those of you who have been watching the All-Star season will recognize this. Whenever I see this color now this song pops in my head!
Happy Wednesday! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate tomorrow!
Today I have for an Essence polish called Underwater. Before I started this post I Googled it to see what other people thought of it. I was confused because many peoples pictures of Essence Underwater were an entirely different color than mine. It wasn't even remotely close to what I have. Thankfully, I found this post that explains there are two versions. I have the second version, and frankly I prefer it over the first.
Underwater 2.0 (I added the 2.0 for identification purposes)
Underwater 2.0 is a slate blue with blue teeny tiny sparse micro glitters.
I love this color. I think the glitter is a bit too subtle to see, but the color is beautiful. I love a great blue you all know that.
You know what the name of this makes me think of? Are any of you America's Next Top Model fans? Those of you who have been watching the All-Star season will recognize this. Whenever I see this color now this song pops in my head!
Happy Wednesday! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
China Glaze Glittering Garland
I pulled a 11 hour stretch yesterday to finish my school work so I could be free of homework until next Monday. I somehow survived! Now, I can play and swatch. I have a ton of swatching to do. I have Models Own Beetlejuice, Sally Hansen Nail Prisms, and more to swatch.
Anyways, I have a really pretty China Glaze holiday polish for you today. Guess what? It's green! You know what else? I love it!
Glittering Garland
Glittering Garland is a deep forest green with a lighter green and gold glass fleck glitter.
I don't just like this I l-o-v-e this. It is stunning. It is beautiful. It is definitely a must have. The formula was great. You need this polish. The end.
Happy Tuesday!
Anyways, I have a really pretty China Glaze holiday polish for you today. Guess what? It's green! You know what else? I love it!
Glittering Garland
Glittering Garland is a deep forest green with a lighter green and gold glass fleck glitter.
I don't just like this I l-o-v-e this. It is stunning. It is beautiful. It is definitely a must have. The formula was great. You need this polish. The end.
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, November 21, 2011
OPI Windy City Pretty
*I've finished replying to comments on my Talk It Out Tuesday post. Thanks for all your great responses!
I've been wearing so much glitter, shimmer, and dark colors lately that I've been craving something more simple. I found this OPI in a discount bin at Albertsons.This one is from the Chicago collection. Sure, it may not be a standout color, but I really like it. :)
Windy City Pretty
Windy City Pretty is a dusty rose-mauve with a subtle pink shimmer.
I've heard this referred to as a "granny" shade. I know it kind of looks like that, but I really think this one is pretty. When I'm looking for something clean and simple I usually reach for the sheer pinks, but those can be a pain in the behind to work with. I think this has a similar effect. It's neutral and subtle with that hint of color. Plus, it's easy to work with! It's a great go-to color that fits any season and occasion.
Happy Monday!
I've been wearing so much glitter, shimmer, and dark colors lately that I've been craving something more simple. I found this OPI in a discount bin at Albertsons.This one is from the Chicago collection. Sure, it may not be a standout color, but I really like it. :)
Windy City Pretty
Windy City Pretty is a dusty rose-mauve with a subtle pink shimmer.
I've heard this referred to as a "granny" shade. I know it kind of looks like that, but I really think this one is pretty. When I'm looking for something clean and simple I usually reach for the sheer pinks, but those can be a pain in the behind to work with. I think this has a similar effect. It's neutral and subtle with that hint of color. Plus, it's easy to work with! It's a great go-to color that fits any season and occasion.
Happy Monday!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Share With You Sunday: 11/13/11-11/20/11
I only have short post today. I've been bogged down with a lot of work lately, so I haven't had the opportunity to look through blogs as much as I would of liked.
Be sure to submit your links for this post.
Quiz of the Day:
What European City Do You Belong In?
My result:
Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town.
Be sure to share your result in the comments!
Let Them Have Polish shares with us her stamped manicure using Julep Selena.
Pixie Polish shows us her snowflake manicure.
Ali's Nail News shares with us her purple jelly and gold glitter manicure.
The Posh Polish shows us Milani Lavender Twinkle.
Yacking about Lacquer shares with us her franken creations.
Musings of a Muse reviews Lush's Lustre.
Makeup Zombie swatches Aromaleigh "Starry Night" collection.
Nouveau Cheap gives us the inside scoop on Black Friday deals (this post will be updated as she gets more info)
What You're Loving:
The Queen of Nail swatches the Deborah Lippmann Fashionista Nail Trio.
The Lacquered Lady is giving away the Wet n' Wild I Heart Matte eyeshadow palette.
Happy Sunday!
Be sure to submit your links for this post.
Quiz of the Day:
What European City Do You Belong In?
My result:
(property of Blogthings)
You belong in Dublin.Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town.
Be sure to share your result in the comments!
Let Them Have Polish shares with us her stamped manicure using Julep Selena.
Pixie Polish shows us her snowflake manicure.
Ali's Nail News shares with us her purple jelly and gold glitter manicure.
The Posh Polish shows us Milani Lavender Twinkle.
Yacking about Lacquer shares with us her franken creations.
Musings of a Muse reviews Lush's Lustre.
Makeup Zombie swatches Aromaleigh "Starry Night" collection.
Nouveau Cheap gives us the inside scoop on Black Friday deals (this post will be updated as she gets more info)
What You're Loving:
The Queen of Nail swatches the Deborah Lippmann Fashionista Nail Trio.
The Lacquered Lady is giving away the Wet n' Wild I Heart Matte eyeshadow palette.
Happy Sunday!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Bottle Spam Saturday: Glass Fleck Edition
I kind of figured this one would be a no brainer. Glass Fleck won this week!
Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam.
Zoya Ivanka, Gilda, Mimi, & Nidhi
Danielle, Milla, Revlon Royal Cloak, & Blue Lagoon
China Glaze Glittering Garland, Strawberry Fields, No Way Jose, & Ahoy
Sinful Colors Forget Now, Serena and Chloe, Glass Pink, & NYX Maui Sunrise
Milani Orange Burst, Pink Out Loud, OPI Catch me in your Net, & Essie Vanity Fairest
Essie Smooth Sailing, Orly Winter Wonderland, Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, & Maybelline Into the Sunset
Maybelline Firefly, Peach Glimmer, Sally Hansen Byte, LCD, & DVD
Happy Saturday!
Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam.
Zoya Ivanka, Gilda, Mimi, & Nidhi
Danielle, Milla, Revlon Royal Cloak, & Blue Lagoon
China Glaze Glittering Garland, Strawberry Fields, No Way Jose, & Ahoy
Sinful Colors Forget Now, Serena and Chloe, Glass Pink, & NYX Maui Sunrise
Milani Orange Burst, Pink Out Loud, OPI Catch me in your Net, & Essie Vanity Fairest
Essie Smooth Sailing, Orly Winter Wonderland, Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, & Maybelline Into the Sunset
Maybelline Firefly, Peach Glimmer, Sally Hansen Byte, LCD, & DVD
Happy Saturday!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
China Glaze Ring in the Red
I want thank everyone who commented on my Talk it Out Tuesday post. I've read all your comments, and I'll be replying to them soon. I just haven't had time to do that yet, but I will! Today, I have for you one of the China Glaze holiday polishes.
Ring in the Red over Revlon Raven Red
Ring in the Red is a mix of different sized red glitters in a red sheer base.
You could do this 3 coats on it's own, but it does not have vibrancy it would as it does when it is layered. It really is a bit sheer and the red base does not have great pigmentation. I took this advice from Jen at The PolishAholic. That all being said, I absolutely love this layered. I'm not much for layering anymore, but this is so worth it. If you're a red glitter fan you will not be disappointed. This is red blingy-tastic-ness. It glitters, it glows, it looks like Jessica Rabbit's dress. Can you tell I love red glitter?
Happy Thursday!
Ring in the Red over Revlon Raven Red
Ring in the Red is a mix of different sized red glitters in a red sheer base.
You could do this 3 coats on it's own, but it does not have vibrancy it would as it does when it is layered. It really is a bit sheer and the red base does not have great pigmentation. I took this advice from Jen at The PolishAholic. That all being said, I absolutely love this layered. I'm not much for layering anymore, but this is so worth it. If you're a red glitter fan you will not be disappointed. This is red blingy-tastic-ness. It glitters, it glows, it looks like Jessica Rabbit's dress. Can you tell I love red glitter?
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Talk It Out Tuesday: Blogger Confessions
"These are my confessions..." lala I can't help but think of that Usher song.
I think the title here is self explainatory. These are the things I do as a blogger that may not be what you expect. Let's do this as a list shall we....
I'm sure I can could come up with more, but these were things that popped in my head.
What are your blogger/nail polish confessions?
Happy Tuesday!
I think the title here is self explainatory. These are the things I do as a blogger that may not be what you expect. Let's do this as a list shall we....
- The way I swatch colors on my nails vs. how I actually do my nails is very different. I try to be very precise while swatching. When I just paint my nails I try to be careful, but not as careful. If I took a picture of my actual manicure vs. swatch it would probably disappoint you.
- I don't do clean up. Honestly, I just don't care. This is when I'm not swatching. My manicures I wear out, I rely on the shower to clean up any mistakes. It works! :P
- Swatching takes FOREVER. I spent 7 hours swatching one day.
- My camera is not great even in macro setting. It will take me 15-30 pictures of one swatch just to get a good picture. This is very frustrating!
- I use one of those acetone scrub tubs to remove polish. I'm sure this is blasphemy, but it's quick.
- I have about every glitter version of DL "Happy Birthday" ever made. I can't get enough of confetti rainbow glitter. The problem is I haven't worn any of them.
- Sometimes I feel insecure about my blog. I see people with amazing photos, who get lots of PR stuff, or who have massive expensive giveaways, and it makes me feel inadequate. It's not that I want to do and be all of those things, it just makes me worry that people expect certain things from me that I can't and do not want to offer.
- There are also times I can put the blinders on. I do not even compare myself with other bloggers. I'm different. I offer something unique, and I'm proud of that. I wish I could be like this all the time!
- I feel guilty if I do not blog for a day or two.
- I'm too shy to mention my blog in the real world.
- I have more people who are interested in me through the blog-o-sphere than in real life. Case in point, if I update my status on my personal facebook account I get ZERO response. If I update my status on my blog facebook I get a response. This makes me feel really bad sometimes.
- I actually really do like the color green. It just doesn't look great on my nails.
- I wish I was more patient to try nail art, but honestly I can't be bothered. :P
- I feel like an idiot for spending $35 on HTF China No Way Jose. I love the color, but $35 is a ridiculous amount of money for nail polish!
- I do all my swatching on my coffee table. I live in a 1 bedroom apartment. This is really the only place I can do my nails. I wish I had more space so I could have proper area to do my nails.
- The polish I have on my blog one day is very rarely the polish I'm wearing that day. I swatch weeks ahead of time and have a folder full of hundreds of swatches to choose from.
- I used to change my nails every 2-3 days, now I only have time to change them every 5-7 days. I miss being able to do my nails more often.
- Nail thinner is my best friend. I use that stuff all the time!
I'm sure I can could come up with more, but these were things that popped in my head.
What are your blogger/nail polish confessions?
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Happy Holidays Giveaway! *CLOSED*
It's time for a holiday giveaway! I know it may seem early for a holiday giveaway, but since my prizes are holiday themed I figured you'd want to enjoy them before and during the holidays.
Here we go! I have 2 prizes. That means 2 winners! This is for US residents only.
China Glaze Poinsettia
China Glaze Snow Globe
China Glaze Blue Year's Eve
E.L.F. Golden Goddess
Orly Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (mini)
Jasmine La Belle Cosmetics Toasted Vanilla Bath Fizz
Ulta Berry Soap
Ulta Berry Lip Balm
Slatkin & Co. Cranberry Pear Bellini mini candle
Wet n' Wild 24 Carats
Wet n' Wild Cost Is No Issue
Wet n' Wild Believe Me, It's Real
Wet n' Wild It's All In The Cut
Orly Winter Wonderland (mini)
Jasmine La Belle Cosmetics Toasted Vanilla Bath Fizz
Ulta Mint Soap
Ulta Mint Lip Balm
Slatkin & Co. Winter mini candle.
*All giveaway items were purchased by me
Here we go! I have 2 prizes. That means 2 winners! This is for US residents only.
China Glaze Prize Pack
China Glaze Poinsettia
China Glaze Snow Globe
China Glaze Blue Year's Eve
E.L.F. Golden Goddess
Orly Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (mini)
Jasmine La Belle Cosmetics Toasted Vanilla Bath Fizz
Ulta Berry Soap
Ulta Berry Lip Balm
Slatkin & Co. Cranberry Pear Bellini mini candle
Wet n' Wild Prize Pack
Wet n' Wild 24 Carats
Wet n' Wild Cost Is No Issue
Wet n' Wild Believe Me, It's Real
Wet n' Wild It's All In The Cut
Orly Winter Wonderland (mini)
Jasmine La Belle Cosmetics Toasted Vanilla Bath Fizz
Ulta Mint Soap
Ulta Mint Lip Balm
Slatkin & Co. Winter mini candle.
*All giveaway items were purchased by me
1. You must a resident of the USA.
2. Giveaway will end Thursday, December 1st @ 11:59PM EST
3. Winners will be chosen using random.org
4.Winners will be announced Friday, December 2nd and have 72 hours to respond or else another winner(s) will be chosen.
5. Please fill out the entry form below to enter the giveaway. Comment entries will not count.
*You must be a GFC follower and provide me with your email address (+1 entry)
*Blog about my giveaway (+1 entry)
*"Like" my Facebook page (+1 entry)
*Tweet about my giveaway (you can use the following "Check out @ImperfectPaint's Happy Holidays Giveaway! http://bit.ly/tTng3D (+1 entry)
You have 4 possible entries here. Please fill out the entry form below! If you have an questions feel free to email me.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Share With You Sunday: 11/6/11-11/13/11
Sorry this post is late!
Be sure to submit links for this weekly post. I probably won't be able to add any links tonight, so if you add them today they will be put on next week's post.
Quiz of the Day:
What does your toast say about you?
My results:
You are Intuitive.
You're incredibly kind, caring, and generous. You naturally put others first.
You believe that you know what's right deep down in your heart. You listen to your feelings.
You are a very emotional person. It's less about what you think and more about what you feel.
Your inner voice always speaks the truth, and you take the time to listen to it.
Let me know your results in the comments!
ommorphia beauty bar swatches Essie Luxe Effects.
Fashion Polish swatches the cremes and shimmers in the OPI Holland collection.
My Nail Polish Online shows us L.A. Girl Alkaline Blue.
necessary nails shares with us a beautiful franken in honor of her aunt.
Polish Vixen shows us her Orly Le Chateau with China Glaze Thataway manicure.
The Swatchaholic swatches Models Own Beetlejuice collection.
kittypolishnbags shows us a preview of the Bath & Body Works Live Love Celebrate collection.
Libby's Pink Vanity swatches Wet n' Wild baked eyeshadow collection.
Princess Paradise shares with us her Strawberry Lemonade with a Twist FOTD.
The Today Show shares with us a segment on the OPI polish naming process.
What You're Loving:
Red Lip Gloss swatches Quo by Orly's Celestial Star.
MandysSecrets shows us her Rainbow Nails for the 31 Day Challenge.
The Lacquered Lady shares with us Nicole by OPI Glitter in my Stocking.
Be sure to submit links for this weekly post. I probably won't be able to add any links tonight, so if you add them today they will be put on next week's post.
Quiz of the Day:
What does your toast say about you?
My results:
property of Blogthings
You are Intuitive.
You're incredibly kind, caring, and generous. You naturally put others first.
You believe that you know what's right deep down in your heart. You listen to your feelings.
You are a very emotional person. It's less about what you think and more about what you feel.
Your inner voice always speaks the truth, and you take the time to listen to it.
Let me know your results in the comments!
ommorphia beauty bar swatches Essie Luxe Effects.
Fashion Polish swatches the cremes and shimmers in the OPI Holland collection.
My Nail Polish Online shows us L.A. Girl Alkaline Blue.
necessary nails shares with us a beautiful franken in honor of her aunt.
Polish Vixen shows us her Orly Le Chateau with China Glaze Thataway manicure.
The Swatchaholic swatches Models Own Beetlejuice collection.
kittypolishnbags shows us a preview of the Bath & Body Works Live Love Celebrate collection.
Libby's Pink Vanity swatches Wet n' Wild baked eyeshadow collection.
Princess Paradise shares with us her Strawberry Lemonade with a Twist FOTD.
The Today Show shares with us a segment on the OPI polish naming process.
What You're Loving:
Red Lip Gloss swatches Quo by Orly's Celestial Star.
MandysSecrets shows us her Rainbow Nails for the 31 Day Challenge.
The Lacquered Lady shares with us Nicole by OPI Glitter in my Stocking.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Bottle Spam Saturday: Dark Blues Edition
Dark blues won this week! I had no idea I had so many. Dark blue polishes are clearly one of my favorites. It's also obvious that when it comes to dark blue polish, I'm willing to splurge a little too.
Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam.
RBL Under the Stars, RBL Piu Mosso, Butter London Big Smoke, & Deborah Lippmann Across the Universe
Finger Paints Easel-y Entertained, Ulta Blue For You, Confetti Smitten, & Orly La Play
Maybelline Zip Fly, Wet n' Wild Blue Moon, Heaven Black Pearl, & LA Girls Idol
China Glaze First Mate, Bermuda Breakaway, Little Drummer Boy, & Midnight Mission
Zoya Kotori, Color Club Naughty-cal Navy, Blue-topia, & Relvon Midnight Affair
a-england Tristam, CND Midnight Sapphire, Illamasqua Phallic, & OPI Glacier Bay Blues
Happy Saturday!
Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam.
RBL Under the Stars, RBL Piu Mosso, Butter London Big Smoke, & Deborah Lippmann Across the Universe
Finger Paints Easel-y Entertained, Ulta Blue For You, Confetti Smitten, & Orly La Play
Maybelline Zip Fly, Wet n' Wild Blue Moon, Heaven Black Pearl, & LA Girls Idol
China Glaze First Mate, Bermuda Breakaway, Little Drummer Boy, & Midnight Mission
Zoya Kotori, Color Club Naughty-cal Navy, Blue-topia, & Relvon Midnight Affair
a-england Tristam, CND Midnight Sapphire, Illamasqua Phallic, & OPI Glacier Bay Blues
Happy Saturday!