
Thursday, November 10, 2011

China Glaze Snow Globe

Snow Globe and I are not strangers. We have met before, just not under great circumstances. I purchased Snow Globe when it was first released in Fall 2009 with the other China Glaze specialty glitters. I instantly feel in love with Snow Globe. One day, after a few months of not using Snow Globe, I went to go use it to find it in a horrible state. Poor Snow Globe was completely hardened to the bottom of the bottle. It was not salvageable. No amount of thinner could restore this beauty. I got Snow Globe again with some of the other China Glaze holiday polishes, but I'm a bit hesitant that this one will meet the same fate.

Snow Globe over black
Snow Globe over white

Snow Globe is a mix of large and small white iridescent glitter.

I love the mix of colors you get in this glitter. It is very fairy, unicorn, Care Bear, My Little Pony, and Barbie-esque glitter. I'm sure do not not to further explain this. I hope you know what I mean. The formula in this is a goopysaurus. I instantly put a few drops of in thinner in this. One, to thin it out. Two, because I fear it will meet the same fate as my previous Snow Globe. Overall, this is definitely a pretty glitter. It just might need some extra care.

Happy Thursday!


  1. :] yay! i really love this one, i just picked it up with the holiday collection... i hope they don't dry out!:[

  2. I compared my old Snow Globe with the current one released and they look different to me. I tried it on my nails too. :/ The glitters looks different or at least the amount of it is. Such a pretty shade though.

  3. Snow Globe look so pretty over black:)

  4. Wow, I've never heard of that happening to ANY polish before. I was under the impression that any nail polish was salvageable with enough thinner and shaking. I really hope this one holds out better because I was planning on buying it very soon. Let us know how it goes! 

  5. I love how it looks when you wear it over black! I just bought this polish, but haven't had a chance to wear it yet.

  6. That is sooo pretty over black. Beautiful!

  7. Lovely polish to apply as  topcoat

  8. I have to agree with the commenters, it looks so gorgeous over the black! Hopefully the formula is better this time around.

  9. I hear the older version doesn't have the whiteish/silvery glitters in it.  Check these comparisions out.  I like the older one better.

  10. goopysaurus - my snowglobe too. I guess it is just thay way it is.

  11. This looks so beautiful and magical over the black polish!

  12. Snowglobe is gorgeous!! Too bad about the hardening :/ Also, is Snowglobe an actual glitter or round flakies?? Just curious...

  13. I've had some troubles with my other glitters in this collection too, I keep a close eye on them! They do have a tendency to ... reduce themselves. *sigh* I once tried to build this up on its own, but no luck haha! It's gorgeous layered like you've done here though.

  14. GOOPYSAURAUS! I love it :)

  15. It's actual glitter. :)

  16. Lol thanks! :P

  17. Glad I'm not the only one who had this issue. They're finicky little polishes!

  18. Yeah I've noticed the same consistency with the other China Glaze glitters like this. Oh well

  19. I hope you get to wear it soon!

  20. This was completely hardened to the bottom. It was solid and cracked. There was no coming back from that. This has only happened to really glittery polishes like that for me, and it's rare even then. It could be just a dud may have to do with temperature...I have no just happened!

  21. I know, that's what bugs me. I wish my one didn't completely dry up because I think it was better :(

  22. Thanks! me too!

  23. I hope you like it!

  24. Wow! That's so crazy that yours was hardened like that. I love the iridescent glitter over white!

  25. wow!! great swatch! totally on my wish list! :) 

  26. Ahhh, it's so pretty.  Over white, omg that is such a lovely look!  Thank you for the tip - I'm going to keep a close eye on my bottle of Snow Globe!


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