
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Revlon Raven Red

I already am skeptical about posting this.  My red polish posts tend to get passed over :(. I know reds are not favorites among nail bloggers and nail polish addicts. I get they can be predictable and not really unique. The thing is I love reds.  I think you really cannot go wrong with a great red. It's a classic, and I think everyone at least needs a few reds in their stash. This is one of my favorite red cremes.

Revlon Raven Red
Raven Red is a darker red creme.

This is not a blaring bright red. This is a great red creme for the fall/winter months. It would be a great red anytime of year really. It is slightly darker than other reds, but it's not vampy. This leans slightly to the blue-toned red side, but it's definitely reads more neutral on the nail. I think this would be a flattering red for many skin tones. Also this is a core line color, so it's not going anywhere.

Happy Thursday!


  1. This is a great red!  I always feel like reds look craptastic on me :(  Very pretty on you!!

  2. This is a really pretty shade of red! Like Maribeth though, I just don't much like red on my skin tone. Everyone else says they look good, but to me they look meh.

  3. I love all colors including this gorgeous red.

  4. I love this red and I think it looks great on you!

  5. I enjoy a nice red now and then. I think they are a great antidote to wearing a lot of blues and greens, and remind me that red can be flattering on my skin tone. This one is stunning on you!

  6. Always when I choose to wear red I do it because I want to be neutral but still with with colour (does it make sense?) anyway somthing not so flashy but still nog beige or naked (naked would destroy people's eyes my nails never are a healty colour xD)
    But when I wear it I fall in love all over again I feel sp classy and everything and doesn't make my white skin look red, just whiter (which I like)
    but I only wear red maybe.. 5 times a year?
    now I want to wear red again..

  7. I think reds are pretty but on other people. I am not drawn to red anything fashion related, but I can definitely appreciate a good red on others :-) And this is a great red for you :-)

  8. I like red! It's very sexy. I disagree with the guest below though... I think red is VERY flashy! haha

  9. I love reds too and this one is so vibrant!!

  10. I love reds! They are the sexiest color and there are so many versions of red <3. I like this one on you :).

  11. This is a gorgeous red! I don't wear red polish a lot, but this one would probably make an exception :P

  12. This looks smashing on you! I like reds and blue-reds or neutral tones look best on me. And I love to wear red clothing too.

  13. I might have to pick this up! I'm looking for my perfect, not too loud red:]

  14. Oh I love reds and this is a really nice one.

  15. LimitedAddictionNailsNovember 3, 2011 at 4:57 PM

    Such a pretty color! I love reds :) It looks gorgeous on you!

  16. I love reds! Red is my go-to whenever I am not sure what to wear. I smudged my thought-they-were-dry orange nails and I was like, "Screw this, I'm wearing Sinful Colors Sugar Sugar" and it looks awesome!

    This is a really gorgeous red! 

  17. wow! such a nice bright red! absolutely gorgeous! :) 

  18. hot... that red is sxxxxaaay

  19. I don't understand about so many bloggers not liking reds and pinks too often. I adore reds. Until about 10 yrs ago and I fell hard for fuchsias, reds were my absolute top favs. I have more reds than any other hue in my stash. This one is such a classic too. Red always works no matter what you have to rush off to do. Red is outstanding on toes. I would look forward every yr for the great holiday collections because always there were some interesting reds in them! Red gets a bad rap and I don't know why. Maybe when the blue and green thing tappers with so many bloggers, bloggers will 'get' with reds again - many it will be the first time in their life they are hooked on reds. I am a lot older than most of the bloggers so I have lived through red being a major IT shade a # of times - and know it to be a forever classic. Way easier to find great reds I can wear on nails and toes than the right red lipstick on me however.

  20. Keep posting reds Steph!

  21. This is really pretty! I don't wear them very often (no real reason) but whenever I do I can't stop looking at my nails. It's just really pretty and classic.

  22. your crazy woman! i think alot of us LOVE red! i feel sexy when i wear red.. is that weird? hahah i love this color on you! looks supper sekxy!

  23. To be honest, red is my favourite colour to wear followed closely by pink. I feel best while wearing it and it goes with most of my wardrobe. That being said, LOVE the colour on you! Very rich and deep.

  24. I'm not a nail blogger (yet?) and love doing unique, fun nails. However; I'm with you. I LOVE red and think everyone should own a few.

    I don't have many Revlon shades, thinking this is going to have to be added to my stash at some point. Pretty!

  25. Reds are my favorite.  have more of them than any other color. Cremes, shimmers, jellies, glitters, I love them all from the nearly black (but glowy in the center) ones, to the bright, beautiful reds that scream spring when the tulips start blooming. Pinky reds, berry reds, burgundies, even the orange leaning ones I can't wear. There is a red for every one and since red is almost a neutral these days, they are perfect for any occasion. Post all the reds you want Steph, even though it will torpedo my budget because I want them ALL!

  26. Yay, another red fan!

  27. I'm glad more people love red!

  28. I'm glad you like reds too!

  29. Sugar Sugar is a great red!

  30. This is a nice one. I think you'd like it!

  31. Yes! There are so many reds. There is a red for everyone.

  32. I think it depends on the red. There are some really flashy ones and some more subdued ones. That being said regardless, red is a color that gets noticed.

  33. That makes sense. Red really can go with anything.

  34. I think that's why I love red so much is I'm bias haha. When I wear red clothes or red on my nails everyone tells me red is my color. I can't help but love it :P

  35. Aww, I'm sure there is red out there for you!

  36. Raven Red has been one of my go-to reds for several years now. It's the best dark red I've found. The best overall red for me is still Chanel's Coromandel, which I found out is still available on the Chanel site, even though it has been discontinued.


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