
Monday, December 26, 2011

Cult Nails Time Traveler

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Today, I have for your one of the polishes in Cult Nail's Super Powers collection. This was the only color I got from the collection (don't worry I got my Unicorn Puke earlier on). This was a standout winner polish for me, so I had to get it, especially after seeing swatches of it on other blogs.

Time Traveler

Time Traveler is a deep royal blue jelly.

I know all of us Doctor Who fans are gleefully cheering this is TARDIS blue! It truly is. I love that this reads blue. I think a lot of blues the darker they get, the more and more they can start to read as black. This is clearly blue. It is vibrant, rich, and I love a good dark blue. This is different than any other dark blues I have. If you're a die hard blue fan, I'd think you want to add this to your collection. Everything about this color is great, but it has one flaw. This stains. I guess it's to be expected, you have to pay some price for a pigmented blue. It's a price worth paying in my book.

Happy Monday!


  1. i told you , you would love it!! it looks so beautiful on you! i love this color oh so much! 

  2. very nice, I loved nail
    Appears at home.

  3. This is reallly pretty on you! I love the finish on this, and how crisp and clean it looks.

  4. I love that you mentioned Dr. Who!!!

  5. This looks great on you! I don't wear blue often but agree- it is a top notch blue! :)
    I also loooove MIBD CONTROL from this collection! :)

  6. OMGZ TARDIS BLUE! Chris and I were watching the Dr. Who Christmas Specials on BBC America last night. This is amazing, looks gorgeous on you, and I must own it now... You're becoming bad for my wallet! Haha, but I still love you just the same. ♥

    PS -- David Tennant will *always* be my favorite Doctor. "WHAT?! WHAAAT?! WHAAAAAAAAAaaaAAATTTT?!?!?!" LOVE him. I bawled for like 3 days when Matt Smith took over after the 11th regeneration. *sigh*

  7. Such a gorgeous blue indeed!  Looks great on you ;0)

  8. Now you're making me wish I got this one! This was the one from the collection that I passed on.

  9. Great super hero reminds me of superman's tights ;)

  10. Droooool. I need this and it will be my next Cult Nails polish purchase, along with Clarivoyant. :D

  11. Oh Mandy, I hear you on DT!!! We're working our way in order through the new series (husband was in Taiwan and my son and I got hooked while he was gone). I painted my nails ChG First Mate which is also a good TARDIS blue (as is Essie's Mesmorized, a bit brighter but still works depending on which model TARDIS you go by). I was crying yet again when 10 wiped Donna's memories in "Journey's End." DT is my Doctor and Donna is my Companion *sob!* (I'm going to fire up my nail blog after the New Year with a DW-themed series. It's still in the planning stages)

    I will say there was something about Christopher Eccleston that fired my cylinders too. Kinda wished DT would've kept the leather jacket!

    Steph, darn you for tempting me with another TARDIS blue! But I hate the Cult Nails caps. They're so unwieldy and chunky. GAH!

  12. ooo love that! I wonder how it compares to Revlon Royal/Color Club Blu-topia?


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