
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Talk it Out Tuesday: Do you buy into hype? Are you an impulsive shopper?

Do you buy into hype about nail polish? Are you an impulsive polish shopper?

This is a a simple question for me to asnwer. The answer is yes.

I think I'm more of an impulsive shopper versus someone who buys into hype. Every year it seems there is a lot hype surrounding Chanel polishes. I NEVER seem to get why they get hype. I was completely lost on the appeal of Paradoxal. The hype on that polish got to the point I was irritated with the talk about it and why it was so great. Plus, $25 for a polish? No way. Rant- I sometimes think it's the brand name that attracts some people to it. Please, it's a nail polish not some expensive bag or dress. You don't come off as affluent by having a $25 nail polish. :P-Rant over

I see similar hype surrounding Lynderella polishes, but the hype I believe is warranted. I have not purchased them though, even though there are some I like very much. I cannot seem to be swayed by the uproar some polishes get. If it doesn't seem like something I really need, then what is the point? This is where I give myself a pat on the back. I do not necessarily buy into all hype, but I buy into it in a different way....


I'm impulsive. My worst problem is when it comes to new collections that are not widely available at first. I get some thrill hunting and searching for new collections that a majority of people have not found yet. If I see some photos of a new display of polishes, I get some hunting instinct in my brain to go out and find it! 

This has happened with so many collections. The thought of being one of the first people to find something new and exciting is a thrill. This has happened with Milani One Coat Glitters, Wet n' Wild Ice Ice Baby, when Essie went retail, Orly Fowl Play, Essie Luxe Effects, and the list goes on. I feel some how validated when I find something before other people. The problem with this is that I buy it (not every polish in a collection maybe one or a few), not because I necessarily really like it. It's because I feel like I accomplished something by finding it first.  How terrible is that?!?! It's awful. There is another not-so-selfish reason. I do like finding things, so I can tell other people in my area where they can find it too. I like sharing the wealth! 

Isn't that weird though? What's worse is if I'm so interested in being one of the first people to find something  then why do I not post it on my blog immediately? I do not know. The thrill is gone once it's been found.  This makes me sound like some sort of addict, huh? 

I try to be less impulsive, but I have failed. A few weeks ago I spotted China Glaze Electropop, and that instinct popped in. I had to get some, even though they were more expensive at that place than they would be at Sally's where I'm sure I could find them a few weeks later....but no had to get them then. Epic fail. 


What are your thoughts? Do you fall into any of these categories or both? What are some polishes you think were over-hyped?

Happy Tuesday!


  1. ....stands up......My name if Tiffany & I'm an impulsive shopper!

    We need a support group :)

  2. My hunting instinct does kick in when I see that new collections are being released. The velocaraptor in me wants to run right out, grab everything I can of everything new, bring it home and devour it. However, I am pretty severely limited by my current budget. Thankfully, that hard limit forces me to stop, think and make more intelligent for me decisions. Rather than just blindly snapping up an entire collection, I ask myself what polishes I really do like and will actually wear, then purchase accordingly. I think that I am setting up good habits for when things ease up a bit.

    I hope. ;) hee hee

    I do buy on impulse. And not just polish. I went into CVS last week for cotton rounds. Nothing else. And came out with them and five new eye shadows and a couple of other things. So, yeah. I am not immune to the impulse bug! :D

  3. Oh I'm VERY impulsive!  I've gotten better, and don't buy things that I know are like something I already have, but every once in a

  4. Hmmm good question!  I will admit that I like having things that other people like and want, and I feel like I have accomplished something when I get one of those 'coveted' products that people have buzzed about on the blogosphere.  I get a surge of happiness when someone sees something that I have and wants it.  I think I have always worried too much about what other people think of me.  I think it all boils down to me not being happy with myself, and trying to find ways through retail therapy to get people to appreciate me in some way.  Definitely not healthy!

    I have a Deborah Lippman polish (that was way out of my budget) but while it is a very popular one, I got it because I really like it.  So while I have something that I know other people like, I appreciate it the most because of personal reasons.

    I think I have always been like this, trying new ways to get people to like me (through clothes, brands, etc..) when what is more important is me just being myself.  I hope that I can get over my superficiality and come to terms with who I am (preferably sooner rather than later!).

    Although I have always known this about myself, I appreciate you making me take another look and start coming to terms with my problems.  :)  That is one thing I love about blogging; the wonderful people who give support and make you grow.  ^-^

    At least I can get so much satisfaction by making nail art and frankens, which at least give me some reason to be proud because I was involved in the creation of it, not because it is 'popular'.

  5. I have a strong opposite reaction when polishes are hyped.  Sure, I'm interested, but then EVERYONE IS FREAKING OUT over them, it takes some of the appeal away for me somehow.  Lynnderellas for instance- they are amazing looking and there are TONS of them I'd be proud to own.  I refuse, however, to camp out on the computer and keep checking to see if they are available.  I'd rather wait til hype dies down a bit.  I'm not sure why, and I'm also not quite sure what that says about me :)  

    Hunting is another story- I LOVE the hunt.  And I am SO with you and the "why don't I post as soon as I get them" thing. It really is a sickness, huh?  ;)  My favorites to hunt are CND Colour/Effect sets and Wet N Wild 'Limited Editions' ( the On The Prowl collection had me OBSESSED!!). I refuse to buy anything I know I won't wear, and I'm pretty good at sticking to that part.  We are whacked! (in the most awesome way, of course!)

  6. I try not to let others influence my decisions with polish but I'm sure, deep down inside, they do:)  I don't think I would have ever purchased Butter London's "Wallis" if I didn't have all these influential people telling me how beautiful it was!  haha, I do actually like it now.  However, I will never get China Glaze "Trendsetter" ...that's going a bit too far with the "ugly is now pretty"  trend. 

    I am guilty of purchasing Chanel "Peridot".  I felt like I "needed" it in my collection (my first Chanel) partly because it was Chanel and partly because I couldn't find a perfect dupe out there and I thought it was beautiful.  I did lots of searching but nothing I saw had the same green/blue/gold duochrome. 

    Because my polish collection is more of a "collection" I find it necessary to collect many different brands.  It somehow makes me feel like my collection is complete and well rounded.  I plan on getting at least one Deborah Lippmann, Dior, MAC, other high end brand polishes just BECAUSE.  I am aware that a random passer-by has no clue that I am wearing the brand name polish, but I know, and I feel really, really cool when I look down at my nails!  LOL.  As long as it makes me happy, I will continue collecting:)

    One thing I have going for me is that I am getting more picky when new collections come out.  I am only buying colors that are truly unique and that I am really drawn to.  I don't think I'll ever buy another teal or pink...but who knows - never say never!  

    PS. I just ordered O.P.I. Warm & Fozzie on Ebay....:)  Can't wait until it arrives!

  7. I have to be completely honest, since it IS 'Talk It Out Tuesday' - one of the reasons I haven't been blogging as much, is because I'm an impulsive buyer.  One is a catalysis for the other, for ME.  There are other reasons why I have't blogged as much as I used to, but that's a MAJOR one.  It took me awhile to realize it.  I was the same way, I wanted to get polishes or collections that no one had found yet or were hard to find - when I'd find them, I buy the whole lot - whether I actually liked them or not.  I am so much more stingy now when it comes to polish, but I still have to be careful - removing the pressure of feeling like I have to have a new post containing a new polish has really helped & lightened my wallet.  

    *deep sigh of relief*  Ahhhh that feels better.  :)  

  8. I do buy both into the hype and impulsive. Into the hype, definitely with Chanel and Dior sometimes. They are expensive but it can also feel like a piece of really good chocolate buying such a polish to treat yourself. I do have to love them a lot though to be buying those polishes, since my wallet doesn't agree with me all the time.

    Impulsive buying is more on the Essence/Catrice/H&M level. Doesn't cost much, with the Trend Editions from Essence & Catrice there is no time to think it over and H&M.. well the quality is always good so I usually don't think twice about those.

    Sometimes I do feel like I should cut back on the impulsive shopping. I can easily spent around € 40,- a month like that which I could also use to buy stuff I'd love more on the end (OPI/China Glaze/Zoya etc.).

  9. I don't follow the hype, but I am def an impulse polish buyer! Or if I see a video on YouTube, I think I have to go out and buy that exact polish, even though I prob own a dup of it! It's crazy!! My husband tried to cut me off the polish, then said I can as long as it's green (his fav color). Little does he know (and I am glad he wont read nail or beauty blogs) that I still buy polish and sneak it into the house. He has no idea how much I have, so adding some here and there he will never notice!! I know, sickness!!! : ) I do have a limit to my sickness though. If it's over $6, I prob wont buy it unless I have a coupon, two/1, bogo free, or in the discount bin. No way I would ever pay $25 for nail polish!!

  10. I'm a mix of both lol. I def like to buy unique shades, but I'm also very picky about what colors I like. I just cannot get into the big glitter trend. I am obsessed with blue polishes, they are so pretty. I do try to make my collection well-rounded so I make the attempt to purchase the new trendy polishes, but if I think it is just absolutely hideous then I don't buy it, no matter how much hype it gets lol. Everyone has different tastes, so to each his (her!) own!!

  11. I don't give in to hype, but I will try a color I wouldn't normally wear if I like the swatches. That's how I started wearing greens and taupes and "ugly" colors. Peridot is my first and only Chanel because I thought it was such a beautiful unique color, but I didn't buy it just because of the brand name.
    Mostly I'll buy colors because I have a craving for them (last week it was creme navy blue) or because it is very unique (like China Glaze It's Alive or BL Wallis) or because I want to match a certain outfit.
    I read a lot of polish blogs, and sometimes I think colors are overhyped (like Cult Nails Unicorn Puke) so I'm not going to buy them just because they're popular or limited edition.

  12. I get caught up in hype but the times I've succumbed and bought something I've regretted it and ended up giving things away.  I'm a sensible shopper and I just need to get more so with makeup :-)

  13. Nope, I don't get caught up in the hype. The closest I've ever come is buying the Revlon near-dupes for some of the Chanel polishes. And I'm glad that's all I did because I've universally hated the colors. Fortunately, I found the Revlons for $1.00 each at Big Lots instead of dropping $25 on a bottle for the Chanels.

    I'm only semi-impulsive, and that's because I often have only the one chance at polishes. The distribution around here is terrible. That's why I study the swatches carefully, decide if it's worth taking a closer look at - and then when I see it in person, if it still looks good to me, I'm ready to buy. Maybe that's less impulse and more proper preparation for purchase?

    As for hype, the only polish I have that has ever lived up to the hype surrounding it is China Glaze Emerald Sparkle. It really is all that and a bag of chips. The rest? A lot of them are awfully nice, but honestly, not as nice as the outpouring of publicity they generated.

    (If we're also talking about makeup, Urban Decay Primer Potion has also lived up to its hype. But I can't think of anything else.)

  14. LMAO I am the exact same way with hunting's like a drug for me then I get the polishes and half the time they never show up on my blog!

    I'm also with you on your feelings about Chanel, I think people get all crazy over the brand but I don't think their polishes are special enough to warrant the price tag...especially considering someone like Revlon will come around and dupe it anyway and I can get those for like $4

  15. I absolutely fall into the hype! If I am at a store that sells nail polish...I will 100% buy at least one. I'm also really bad about looking at the same polish every time I go into a beauty store (beauty brands, ulta etc) and never buying it!! As far as the chanel hype and other $$ brands go, I only fall into it every once in a while. When I see swatches or reviews and honestly feel like I have nothing like it, I'll definitely grab it! 

  16. I'm more impulsive, I think. A lot of times I will be excited to find a polish but if it doesn't actually excite me in the store, I don't buy it.

  17. I wouldn't say that I buy into the hype exactly, but I do have issues with impulsive polish buying. I get really excited about polishes that I see on blogs, but it isn't because of the hype per se but instead because I think the polishes are cool. For example, I have acquired a fair number of Chanels, but not Black Pearl or it's Revlon cousin because no matter how many blogs I saw lauding the color it just didn't do anything for me. The other thing about hype for me is that I hate paying above retail for polish and I don't have the patience for large scale dusty hunting. So once a polish is gone, I consider my chance to own it gone. Thus when polish comes out that lots of people are excited about, if it interests me decently I'll buy it to stave off regret later. I buy a lot of my polish for one of these reasons but I don't feel like I make bad decisions too often. 

    The problem I have is that when I go out and I see a polish that is acceptable to me and is cheap and/or from a certain place (like H&M or Urban Outfitters) I get the buy buy buy impulse and I often end up with polish that is fine but not special and I don't have the money to buy more expensive polishes that I might get more enjoyment out of! And if the polish is cheap unless I hate it, which is really rare, I have a hard time getting rid of it because I think to myself that it only cost $1 and maybe I'll need(?!) it one day. There are a lot of polishes I would like to own that are only available online and the money I spend impulse shopping precludes me from doing so. I'm trying to get better at this but honestly I'm kind of addicted to buying polish--I'll feel like I haven't gotten anything new in forevverrrrrrr and it's really been a week! My collection isn't making me broke but it does make me feel guilty sometimes and for that reason I would like to do better on impulse spending. 

  18. I wouldn't say that I buy into the hype exactly, but I do have issues with impulsive polish buying. I get really excited about polishes that I see on blogs, but it isn't because of the hype per se but instead because I think the polishes are cool. For example, I have acquired a fair number of Chanels, but not Black Pearl or it's Revlon cousin because no matter how many blogs I saw lauding the color it just didn't do anything for me. The other thing about hype for me is that I hate paying above retail for polish and I don't have the patience for large scale dusty hunting. So once a polish is gone, I consider my chance to own it gone. Thus when polish comes out that lots of people are excited about, if it interests me decently I'll buy it to stave off regret later. I buy a lot of my polish this way but I don't feel like I make bad decisions too often. 

    The problem I have is that when I go out and I see a polish that is acceptable to me and is cheap and/or from a certain place (like H&M or Urban Outfitters) I get the buy buy buy impulse and I often end up with polish that is fine but not special and I don't have the money to buy more expensive polishes that I might get more enjoyment out of! And if the polish is cheap unless I hate it, which is really rare, I have a hard time getting rid of it because I think to myself that it only cost $1 and maybe I'll need(?!) it one day. There are a lot of polishes I would like to own that are only available online and the money I spend impulse shopping precludes me from doing so. I'm trying to get better at this but honestly I'm kind of addicted to buying polish--I'll feel like I haven't gotten anything new in forevverrrrrrr and it's really been a week! My collection isn't making me broke but it does make me feel guilty sometimes and for that reason I would like to do better on impulse spending. 

  19. I really, really, really don't see the appeal of Chanel, especially because Revlon has been duping them at, like, 1/5th of the price. Plus I've read a lot of folks say that they chip really quickly. 

    As far as impulse buys, hoooo boy. If something is on clearance for super cheaps, I will probably buy it. That's how I ended up with half of the China Glaze Let It Snow collection, which I wanted none of to begin with. Oops. At least I really like the ones I've worn and am actually glad I ended up with them!

  20. I'm a magpie. I don't always buy into the hype but probably more than not.

    I so know the joy you mentioned on being the first to get something. LOL! Then it is like show and tell on my blog. I'm still doing some of the same but without the buying part.

    After years of making myself broke thinking I had to have high-end stuff to be successful, I gave that up. I'm just as happy with my $10 walmart bag as I am with my little Coach shoulder purse. But if a source that I consider reliable said that a high-end makeup or product was Da Bomb, I'm more persuaded by that. Magazine ads don't have that pull.

  21. I do fall into the hype at times, other times not. Sort of depends what else is going on in my life and how my health/mobility is as well as pocket book. Of late, I have to deal with storage of my stash better before I can keep getting 12 or more bottles in a couple months or sometimes in a week! I wish I lived in an area that had a lot of old been there beauty shops that I could go dusty hunting in. Sadly I would say more than 80% of the shops in my area closed in the past 4 yrs due to the economy. Also in the past 10 yrs I have noticed those shops that do nails, don't get in many new polishes. They were starting to get stuck with them vs. selling like they used to. So, I run hot and cold...I can miss polishes for 5 yrs then get really excited about new lines for 4 yrs then take a break because I have too many I will convince myself. Good topic Steph.

  22. I try not to fall into the hype. For instance, I'm not into chunky glitters but I feel like I need a Lynderella because they're such a hot commodity. I keep going back to the site just hoping one will jump out at me, but it never does I even start to question my own tastes! lol! I'm impulsive when it comes to passing up sales. I typically like to research swatches before buying...but when its a sale I used to go crazy. I'm doing a lot better with that now though as my stash has gotten larger. I don't want to buy polish only for blog purposes either...I don't usually swatch a bunch at one time, so I want to actually like and wear the polishes I buy. Great topic...clearly, I could go on and on about this one. :)

  23. I don't end to fall for the hype. But I have the impulsive problem of having to buy and entire collection insted of just the ones I want.

  24. Okay, we are so much alike when it comes to this subject!  I was yelling Amen in my head at your rant, lmbo!!!  I too like to be one of the first to have something.  I think it's the competitiveness in me.  And then I don't post it right away.  Makes no sense.  I've had three Electropop polishes for over a week now and I haven't even swatched them.  They're in the helmer right now, smh.

  25. I totally agree!...I just spent $10 on a bottle of Cult Nails Polish "Living Water" and I only bought that over the internet because shipping was free for their Anniversary!...and that's my if someone else wants to spend $25 bucks on a bottle of nail polish for ME...then so be it!...I'll take it.....♥

  26. I'm definitely impulsive, but only buy into the hype once in a while.
    I always thought people were nuts paying almost $20 for a Lippmann polish and then when I was sent Across the Universe in a swap, I was converted since the formula was so nice.  I quickly went on eBay and found a few other of her glitter polishes.  Then, Christmas rolled around and I used my money to buy more, as well as the Ozotic holo multichromes, since I've been seeing a lot about those.  But, I still have tons of polishes in my untried drawer, some which include RBL, BB Couture and Essies that I just had to have right away.
    Next probable impulse buy: some of the Electropop collection!

  27. I'm not in any way in impulsive shopper and I don't "do" hype.  Actually, I HATE to shop and do most of it online after deciding exactly what I need and then researching it to death before finding my selection at the best possible price.  With polish, I tend to wait until swatches are online, at which point I check out a load of blogs and then make my picks (which I then order).  Occasionally, I get lucky:  I had made my pics from the China Glaze Electropop collection but hadn't ordered them yet.  Walked into Sally to pick up some acetone and they had them all sitting in a box (just opened) on the counter, so I got the ones I wanted.  My husband was amazed.  He wasn't amazed I bought more nail polish (His usual comment is, "Yeah, you needed those. You were getting low.  Must be down to about 500 bottles by now, right?"), he was amazed I bought it at a store, lol.

  28. Cristina ImpoverishedJanuary 21, 2012 at 3:42 PM

    I definitely feel like I don't buy into the hype, but I am an impulse buyer. I think in all other areas of my life, money is under rigid control but I let myself go a little crazy when it comes to polish.Therefore, if I see a great sale or new product that catches my attention, I usually buy rather than wait. However, I do restrain myself sometimes. I still haven't purchased Revlon Facets of Fuschia because I'm waiting to find it on sale, so sometimes I control my impulses. The way I consider myself to "buy into the hype" is if it's a new product of something I'm already really interested in. When I see a new flakie/glitter/jelly polish I really want on blogs, I will immediately set about figuring out how to get at the lowest price.


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