
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bottle Spam Saturday: Orly Edition

Sorry this late. I wanted to finish my school work today, so I can do a whole lotta nothing tomorrow! :P

I think next week I will have coral spam. It keeps getting picked second, and I know many of you are wanting to see it. I'll resume voting after coral spam next week.

Here are the Orlys!

Winter Wonderland, Cotton Candy, Lemonade, and Glam

 Stone Cold, Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, Frisky, and Sapphire Silk

Royal Navy, Lunar Eclipse, La Playa, and Lollipop

Cashmere Cardigan, Frolic, Bubbly Bombshell, and Fantasea

Close Your Eyes, Oui, and Space Cadet

Wild Wisteria, Fowl Play, and Androgynie

What are your favorite Orly Polishes?

Happy Saturday!


  1. Stone Cold and Sea Gurl

    And yay...coral! :D

  2. This is a hard one! I'm a big fan of Star Spangled and Rockin' Rocket. I just picked up Frolic, Butterflies, and Cotton Candy so that might be changing.

  3. I am in love with "Sweet Peacock" from Orly. In Canada, however, Orly has teamed up with the Shoppers Drug Mart house brand, Quo, to create a line of nail polishes known as "Quo by Orly" and my favorite one from that line is "First Class." There is so much to love about Orly polishes. I don't think I own a single one that I don't like... <3

  4. i love all of the pastel colors! i've been really into them lately. :D


  5. wow!! i cant choose only one!!! loved the blue ones!!

  6. After this post I wanna go to Sally's right now and get some more Orlys! where are my keys?!? 

    haha! Great post :) Can't wait to see swatches!

  7. I don't actually have any Orly polishes, but I would of course love to!

  8. I'm still trying to hunt Frolic down.  I need that pretty in my life!

  9. Oh crap, you just gave me a whole new list of polishes to add to my wishlist:/

  10. Just picked up Frolic yesterday! I almost got Frisky too but I ended up getting Here Comes Trouble instead.

    I LOVE Royal Navy. 


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